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[View Powwow Report] powwow: 4° powwow estival gironí

August 29, 2012, 11:00 pm
SpainCerca PeratalladaIn personSpanish
(Texto en castellano debajo)

Hola a tothom!
Aquest any tornem a organitzar un powwow estiuenc. Serà el quart.
Les dades són:
DATA: Dimecres 29 d'agost 2012
HORA: 21:00 h.
LLOC: Restaurant "Can Dolç"
La Font, 9
17256 St. Feliu de Boada (Girona)

Atenció: A la pàgina web posa que els dimecres està tancat. NO és així a l'agost i ja he fet la reserva.

St Feliu de Boada està anant cap a Peratallada. Si teniu problemes per anar-hi, poseu-vos en contacte amb mí i mirarem de trobar una solució.

¡Apunteu-vos! ¡Ens ho passarem d'allò més bé i podrem parlar de la nostra professió amb companys!
Fins aviat,
Hola a todos,

este año volvemos a organizar un powwow veraniego. Va a ser el cuarto, ya.
Los datos son:
FECHA: Miércoles 29 de agosto 2012
HORA: 21:00 h.
LUGAR: Restaurant "Can Dolç"
La Font, 9
17256 St. Feliu de Boada (Girona)


Atención: En la página web pone que los miércoles está cerrado. NO es así en agosto y ya he hecho la reserva.

St Feliu de Boada está yendo a Peratallada. Si teneis problemas para ir, poneros en contacto conmigo e intentaremos encontrar una solución.

¡Apuntaros! ¡Nos lo pasaremos muy bien y poderemos hablar de nuestra profesión con compañeros!
Hasta pronto,

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (8) / Confirmed: 4
Name NoteWill Attend
Helena Diaz del Real  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Veronica Lambert Hall  \"Photographer\" ...  y
Anette Hilgendag  \"Photographer\" \"Host\" ...  y
Pablo Bouvier   ...  y
Adele Marie   ...  
Sheila Hardie  \"Photographer\" ...  
José Sáez   ...  
XCarlota Gurt Daví (X)   ...  

Postings about this event

Powwow: Cerca Peratallada - Spain
John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:33
Spanish to English
+ ...
Sorry, too short notice Aug 28, 2012

Sorry, I won't be able to make it. It would have been nice to have received the notification more than just 24 hours before the event. Those of us with families and responsibilities need a little more time to plan things. Oh well, have a great time.

Helena Diaz del Real
Helena Diaz del Real  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:33
German to Spanish
+ ...
Hi John Aug 28, 2012

I am very sorry to read this. We were indeed late to publish this powwow. And I have problems with the notifications from proz (i.e. I did not receive one single kudoz-question in my pair during the whole month! And my settings say I should get them all!) I also have family, duties and responsabilities, but couldn't you manage to go out for a dinner??? I mean you have to eat something anyway, don't you???
I hope you can manage to come and meet us!
All the best with a lot of hope,
... See more
I am very sorry to read this. We were indeed late to publish this powwow. And I have problems with the notifications from proz (i.e. I did not receive one single kudoz-question in my pair during the whole month! And my settings say I should get them all!) I also have family, duties and responsabilities, but couldn't you manage to go out for a dinner??? I mean you have to eat something anyway, don't you???
I hope you can manage to come and meet us!
All the best with a lot of hope,

Veronica Lambert Hall
Veronica Lambert Hall  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:33
Catalan to English
+ ...
Hello John Aug 28, 2012

Sorry you can't make it John. It's not really Helena's fault as she told me she had posted it several days ago (which is true as I looked for the event on the ProZ page and signed up) but for some reason the notification was only sent out today. What a pity. Hopefully next time!!!

Local time: 05:33
Spanish to German
+ ...
Sorry, cannot make it Aug 29, 2012

Dear Helena,
for me it is also too short notice as well - I am living in Alicante and have family (and family coming from Germany). However, I will try to go to one of those powwows, they seem to be very interesting!
All the best,


Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:33
Catalan to English
+ ...
We can't make it either Aug 29, 2012

Sorry - in the end we can't make it either. I've got an urgent translation to finish for tomorrow. I hope you have a lovely time - the restaurant looks really lovely. Hopefully we can organise another powwow soon and give everyone plenty of notice too.

Have fun!



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