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January 21, 2012, 1:00 pm
FranceBordeauxIn personEnglish
Long time no powwow around Bordeaux, so let me invite you to my home in Bègles on Saturday around noon. Participants will be asked to bring a starters/entrées/dessert; for that purpose, let's put together a list. I guess we'll finish them Saturday late in the evening, or perhaps Sunday, when we can go and climb the Dune du Pyla or walk in Bordeaux with those who come from a bit farther.

Address: 26 rue de la République, 33130 Bègles. There is a fairly big parking lot about 300 meters away, on the Place du Bicentenaire.

My phone number is 06 84 59 60 45

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (18) / Confirmed: 8 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Attila Piróth  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" ...  y
Delphine Hope   Looking forward to my first powwow!  y
Marianne Germain   So sorry, cannot make it this time.  n
CynthiaPiaud  \"Photographer\" ...  
Vera Wilson   Sorry, I can't make it either, I have guests arriving tonight.   n
Leslie Marcus  \"Host\" I have a spare room and live very close to Attila if anyone needs a place to stay  y
James Emery   I would love to come but it's the same day as my housewarming!   n
Noelia Buitrago   ...  n
XFrançois Chrétien  \"Host\" I can bring a "tarte au roquefort et noix" as a starter / I can host up to two people in Bordeaux (downtown)  y
Phoebe Green   Taking 8:29 train from Paris Saturday, arrving 11:47! Any chance of a ride to Attila's house? I will bring a fruitcake/poundcake sort of thing that could be either dessert or Sunday breakfast.  y
Marion Boclet   looking forward to it! i'll bring a potato salad. i can host someone (in central bordeaux)! is there anyone who could give me a lift tomorrow?  y
assistdirsol   Taking the same train of Phoebe... can we meet in front of the station?   y
Erkki Ahlstrom   Hi, I try to make it on Sat. I live rather nearby. Cheers, all.   
Celine Reau   Too bad I can't be there this time. I keep a great memory of your last Powwow.  n
Kaori Myatt   Finally, I can not come....Next time!   n
francis lecroisey   My wife (japanese, also interpreter) will try also to join but not sure. Bring some food like maki.  y
Mark Nathan   Not sure about work - also would need to bring my 10 year old son - any other kids coming?  m
William A McNab   ...  

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Powwow: Bordeaux - France
Leslie Marcus
Leslie Marcus  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
Member (2010)
French to English
Train station pick-up Jan 17, 2012

I can do a train station pick-up or even easier is if you walk out the front of the train station, take the tram "Direction Terres Neuves" and get off at Terres Neuves (it's the terminus and just 3 stops from the train station) and I'll pick you up there. Attila lives about 1Km from that tram stop, and so do I. Just let me know who and where.

Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Auberge espanol Jan 18, 2012

So far we have the following delicious dishes:
- tarte au roquefort et noix (François)
- fruitcake/poundcake (Phoebe)

It would be great if everyone could bring something, and any ideas are welcome. Here are some:
- charcuterie
- sushi
- quiche / pizza
- cheese
- salad
- more desserts
- any far-away specialties
- drinks

Please let us know here what you plan to bring so that others can make their choice accordingly.
... See more
So far we have the following delicious dishes:
- tarte au roquefort et noix (François)
- fruitcake/poundcake (Phoebe)

It would be great if everyone could bring something, and any ideas are welcome. Here are some:
- charcuterie
- sushi
- quiche / pizza
- cheese
- salad
- more desserts
- any far-away specialties
- drinks

Please let us know here what you plan to bring so that others can make their choice accordingly.

Thank you very much for your help, Leslie, with picking up the long-distance travelers!


francis lecroisey
francis lecroisey  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
Japanese to French
+ ...
Food Jan 19, 2012

I will bring some maki or sushi.
Let me know your phone no. Mine is 0676404129.

Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Phone number Jan 19, 2012

Thank you for the reminder, Francis,
I added my cell phone number to the powwow description.
May I ask everyone who plans to bring his/her partner and/or kids to indicate how many of you are coming?

Katy Plokarz
Katy Plokarz
Local time: 13:24
German to French
+ ...
Too bad Jan 19, 2012

Hi Attila,
I can't make it this saturday. It's been quite a long time, I would have been happy to join you!

CynthiaPiaud  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
English to French
wine & cheese Jan 19, 2012

Hello Attila and everyone,

I'll be joining you on Saturday, probably around 1ish though if it's alright.
Is it fine to bring wine and cheese? (not very exotic I know, but always nice on the palate)
Here's my mobile phone number, in case: 06 05 36 07 13.

See you soon!


Leslie Marcus
Leslie Marcus  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
Member (2010)
French to English
Something tex-mex (most likely) and wine Jan 19, 2012

I'll try to make something Tex-Mex, depending on the avocados I find (or not)...otherwise a quiche.
Attila thanked me for offering to pick up, but no one has actually taken me up on the offer. So please confirm, if you want me to pick you up at the train station or tram station and the approx. time...My cellphone is: 06 72 78 50 46

Italian stuff Jan 20, 2012

I'll try to make a lasagna with pesto de genes, but I'm not sure I'll have the time, well, anyway, I'll bring some Italian stuff

Mark Nathan
Mark Nathan  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
Member (2002)
French to English
+ ...
Kids Jan 20, 2012

Hi everyone,

I would like to come, but would have to bring my 10 year old son with me - is anyone else planning to bring any kids?


Noelia Buitrago
Noelia Buitrago  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
French to Spanish
+ ...
Dessert & tortilla de patata! Jan 20, 2012


I'll be there tomorrow.
I can bring something sweet as a dessert and maybe a tortilla de patataicon_smile.gif

See you tomorrow!


[Edited at 2012-01-20 12:53 GMT]

Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
English to Hungarian
+ ...
Kids Jan 20, 2012

Hi Mark,
Our three kids will be here. They are younger (8, 6, 2), but they are used to playing with others who are not exactly the same age.
Hope to see you tomorrow!

Delphine Hope
Delphine Hope
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:24
French to English
+ ...
Apple tart and cider Jan 20, 2012

Hello, I will be attending tomorrow with my partner. We'll probably be there around 1pm if that's ok.

We'll bring along an apple tart and a bottle of cidericon_smile.gif See y'all there!


Noelia Buitrago
Noelia Buitrago  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
French to Spanish
+ ...
:( Jan 20, 2012

I'm so sorry, but finally I can't come tomorrow...


François Chrétien
François Chrétien
Local time: 13:24
English to French
I'll take my car Jan 20, 2012

Sorry for such a short notice, I made up my mind about it a bit late. If anyone needs me to pick them up at the train station, give me a call. 0033 628 184 507. Please, do it before 11. Otherwise I might just take the tram.

CynthiaPiaud  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:24
English to French
Thanks! Jan 22, 2012

Thanks Attila for organizing yesterday's event. I had a very good time and was glad to meet all of you who were attending.
See you again soon perhaps!


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