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August 2, 2003, 12:00 am
United KingdomCambridgeIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (39) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Russell Jones  \"Organizer\" \"Host\" I'll be there if it happens.  
Jesús Marín Mateos   So will I.  
XGillian Hargreaves (X)   I'll be there (Fr-En, Sp-En, It-En)  
Xabborre   interested and will be there if it happens  
Tatiana Lawson   Thank you for doing all the work Russell. I will be there. I'd be interested in ID verification. I can bring a digital camera and then download the pics to CD or e-mail if people would be interested. Regards, Tanya  
vmackay   hi, sounds interesting, i'd like to come.  
XUser (X)   I'd love to be there if I'm free  
Daniela Innocente   I've never been to one, and would love to go. Seems I'm free that day, but where can i have more info, like timetables or plans? To work out my trains from farnham!! Thanks!  
Mijo Schyllert   I'll try to be free and would be happy to help with anything that needs done. No experience either with powwows but happy to learn!  
Anette Herbert   I'll be happy to come and to help.  
Xnacer   i ll be intersted, if someone tell more about this meeting..thanks  
Sheila Hardie  \"Photographer\" I would love to attend if I'm in the UK at the time - I have a friend who lives in Ely, 15 miles north of Cambridge.  
Jack Doughty   I would like to attend if I am free at the time.  
Alison Webb   I'm away that day but would like to track what happens - for next time!  
Xlafresita (X)   I'd love to be there with all of you, but am away that day....  
stephen mewes   Yes what the heck!  
Cheekita  \"Host\" Could you please send me more info about it?I'd like to take part! thanks  
Xerudite (X)   interested but I think we need more people..  
Andre de Vries   Will come if I'm free. Where is it?  
Catherine Dyer   I do know Cambridge - I went to university there. I would also like to come if I can. There are several very big pubs with tables, etc. outside. What about Midsummer Common and the Fort st George?  
ASA   I live in the West Country and wonder whether there might be a powwow in the area in the near future? Otherwise, I will do my best to make it to Cambridge (En/Ara/Fr).  
XLisa Frideborg Eddy (X)   I would like to come.  
diana bb   I'm very interested and would love to come  
XRobert Symonds  \"Photographer\" I am looking forward to it!  
XHyunmi Shin   I would like to come. Can I come?  
Alison Schwitzgebel   Okay! I just booked the flights - count me in!!!  
Arianna Tremayne  \"Host\" ...  
Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà   Hope I'm still on time to join in?  
Xmunca   ...  
Mary Lalevee   Will definitely be there.(F/E tax and legal)  
X1605  \"Reporter\" ...  
XNicolas Chadwick (X)   Have just registered with Proz and would like to see how it works in practice. May I join you at this late stage?  
Alina Matei   Won't be able to make it (moving on the 2nd), but since I live in Cambridge, maybe I could make some suggestions or help you in any other way, guys. Let me know.  
Elaine Gao  \"Photographer\" I would really like to join but unavailable this time. Pls pls let me know if you have future events. I am willing to take photos for you all.  
Deborah Shannon   Sorry for being so late to sign up - can I still join in at this late stage?  
Xmserrano (X)  \"Reporter\" Count me in: as I live in Cambridge whatever venue is decided upon would be fine with me. Anyone interested in talking literary and medical translation fields, I look forward to meeting you .. and to my 1st powwow!  
XMagiccat (X)  \"Reporter\" ...  
Fiver  \"Photographer\" too late?  
XNana Mee  \"Photographer\" I am coming too  

Postings about this event

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Powwow: Cambridge - United Kingdom
Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
German to English
+ ...
Apologies Apr 14, 2003

Sorry, folks, I'm not going to be able to make this one! I seem to be getting married on that date ....

Hope it happens anyway and that you all have a good time!



Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
Italian to English
Organisation May 2, 2003

Hi folks. The numbers have suddenly jumped so it looks a possibility.
With Mary otherwise occupied (!), my name appears at the top of the list but I've never been to a Powwow and I'm not an experienced translator.
Nevertheless I am in a position to contribute some time to this if I know what I'm doing.
Has anyone been to powwow and can they give advice on what's required?


Paul VALET (X)
Paul VALET (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:18
An agenda? May 3, 2003

I am not a Cherokee, too.

I think that if everyone tells the others what he/she wants or expects, it should make the beginning of an agenda, no?

Jesús Marín Mateos
Jesús Marín Mateos  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:18
English to Spanish
+ ...
Platinum Member??? May 3, 2003

Dear colleagues,
I'm not sure whether I'll be attending or not but I was wondering whether it is necessary that a platinum member attends??? Do you know anything about this requirement or am I losing my mind? Regards, Jesus.

Local time: 15:18
Norwegian to English
+ ...
Cherokee? May 3, 2003

I am Cherokee (Native American)and would be happy to attend the pow-wow. I think a bit of brainstorming for a list of topics for discussion on the day would be a good starting point. Can we see what other groups have done and use their agendas as a model? Do we have a place booked for the meeting?

Daniela Innocente
Daniela Innocente
Local time: 14:18
English to Spanish
+ ...
other pow wows May 3, 2003

i think checking up on what they do at other pow wos is not a bad idea... has anyone attended one before??
Place-wise... i don't know Cambridge very well, and I live in Surrey, so I guess that doesn't help! Sorry!! But I suppouse that can be booked later on...

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
Italian to English
Cambridge Powwow May 3, 2003

Mary Richards has kindly agreed to consult other moderators on formats, guidelines etc. but feels it is really up to the people attending to say what they want or expect(as Paul has suggested).
When we have heard from her, perhaps I can circulate a short questionnaire on preferred times, duration, type / location of venue, formal or informal format and (if formal) suggested agenda items.
I can provide maps, directions, accommodation advice etc. if anyone needs them.
Does anyone a
... See more
Mary Richards has kindly agreed to consult other moderators on formats, guidelines etc. but feels it is really up to the people attending to say what they want or expect(as Paul has suggested).
When we have heard from her, perhaps I can circulate a short questionnaire on preferred times, duration, type / location of venue, formal or informal format and (if formal) suggested agenda items.
I can provide maps, directions, accommodation advice etc. if anyone needs them.
Does anyone actually live / work in Cambridge I wonder? (I'm only half an hour away).

Gillian Searl
Gillian Searl  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
German to English
I've been to several May 4, 2003

The key thing is to nail down time and place. Up til now they've all been in cafes/bars - places where you can order food if you want to. That really needs someone who knows a great place in/near Cambridge. Remember some people will be using public transport. Of course we could always break the mould and do it at someone's house - have a barbecue etc. The last one in London was after the moderators' meeting and each person brought food from their country - that was excellent. Someone needs to ta... See more
The key thing is to nail down time and place. Up til now they've all been in cafes/bars - places where you can order food if you want to. That really needs someone who knows a great place in/near Cambridge. Remember some people will be using public transport. Of course we could always break the mould and do it at someone's house - have a barbecue etc. The last one in London was after the moderators' meeting and each person brought food from their country - that was excellent. Someone needs to take on the role of organiser. As for the format, again up til now they've been very informal with people just getting to know others and asking those questions they always wanted to ask - which often means the experienced ones offering advice to those with less experience. I don't think the organiser has to be platinum - they do have to fill in the attendance list and someone does a report for If people have particular interests/questions this is the place to air them so just go aheadCollapse

Gillian Hargreaves (X)
Gillian Hargreaves (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:18
French to English
+ ...
Cambridge will be full of tourists... May 6, 2003

so it's probably a good idea to book something. On the other hand, weather permitting, how about a picnic by the river. I don't know Cambridge that well, but I know people who do, so I'll try to pick their brains.

Local time: 15:18
Norwegian to English
+ ...
Meeting times, location May 11, 2003

Hi all, how are the plans coming? I wouldn't chance the weather. This is England and we all know how unstable it can be. If I can be of assistance with planning just let me know.

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
Italian to English
Questionnaire May 13, 2003

Mary Richards has consulted fellow moderators but no guidelines have been offered beyond those on the Powwow FAQ page.
So, in the hope of establishing some consensus amongst those who have expressed an interest so far, I am circulating a brief questionnaire to everyone individually, so as not to clutter up the Powwow page.

Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:18
Catalan to English
+ ...
The Orchard - Grantchester May 15, 2003

I was just thinking - the Orchard Tea Rooms in Grantchester would be a lovely place to meet, especially if it were a nice day. You can sit outside on deck chairs, under the apple trees. The only thing is it may be a wee bit difficult for people without cars to get to. In any case, it's just an idea. For those who don't know the area, there is info ... See more
I was just thinking - the Orchard Tea Rooms in Grantchester would be a lovely place to meet, especially if it were a nice day. You can sit outside on deck chairs, under the apple trees. The only thing is it may be a wee bit difficult for people without cars to get to. In any case, it's just an idea. For those who don't know the area, there is info and photos on this website:

Anyway, as I say, it may not be suitable, but it is a lovely place to meet.:-)


Sheila Hardie
Sheila Hardie  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:18
Catalan to English
+ ...
The Orchard website May 15, 2003

Sorry, I forgot to include this website:


Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
Italian to English
Questionnaire results May 19, 2003

Thanks to everyone who responded to my questionnaire – 8 in total plus 4 miscellaneous acknowledgements. The majority preferences are:
1. LOCATION. City centre,
because some would be reliant on public transport. However two members preferred an out of town location and this was a critical issue for them.
I should have explained in my preamble (and Jack has reminded me), that Cambridge has a very efficient Park and Ride service with car parks on five main approaches to the
... See more
Thanks to everyone who responded to my questionnaire – 8 in total plus 4 miscellaneous acknowledgements. The majority preferences are:
1. LOCATION. City centre,
because some would be reliant on public transport. However two members preferred an out of town location and this was a critical issue for them.
I should have explained in my preamble (and Jack has reminded me), that Cambridge has a very efficient Park and Ride service with car parks on five main approaches to the city and a £1-40 return bus fare. Details on with a map on
2. VENUE. A pub with use of a private room.
There was a minority preference for a café but, in all honesty, I doubt whether there is one that would entertain a three hour group discussion on an August Saturday afternoon. Most pubs will cater for coffee addicts.
I shall investigate some options. Suggestions are very welcome.
3. TIME. 12 noon unanimously preferred.
4. DURATION. 3½ hours, as an average of all suggestions.
5. FORMAT. A combination of formal and informal,
i.e. an opportunity to raise specific issues in a round table discussion as well as time to chat with colleagues. There were different views on whether an agenda should be agreed in advance or not but, if anyone wants to register particular topics to give everyone advance notice, I am happy to maintain a list.
Is anyone willing to volunteer to chair the discussion, perhaps an experienced translator? I do have reasonable experience of chairing meetings but can’t pretend to be an expert.

lafresita (X)
lafresita (X)
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:18
Polish to English
+ ...
date change May 26, 2003

How about any Satarday midday/afternoon after the 9th of August - when I come back from holiday?

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