This powwow has already been held!

[View Powwow Report] powwow: Meet fellow language professionals!

March 19, 2011, 2:00 pm
United KingdomBirminghamIn personEnglish
A gathering like this creates great opportunities. You will meet fellow colleagues, language professionals and even make new friends. Ideas and experiences are going to be exchanged.

The venue will be the Urban Coffe Company

Share your passion for language and communication! Come and join us on the 19th of March 2011 in Birmingham.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (17) / Confirmed: 9
Name NoteWill Attend
XIna Brachmann (X)  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" ...  y
Svanhild Aldal   ...  y
Jose Barata   ...  
Carole Paquis   Yes!  y
Liz Potter   sorry, can't come after all due to family visit. will come to the next one!  n
Ian Bradburn   ...  
Zofia Romanis   ...  
swiis   ...  y
Mette Melchior   I would have liked to join you but unfortunately I won't be able to come this time either... Bad luck with the dates! Hope to see you next time or maybe this Saturday in Nottingham if someone else is planning to go.  n
Silvia Fernandez Castilla   I can't make it this time either, guys. Visiting my family until that very day, when I'll be landing later in the day. See you next time.  n
David Willett   Cheers Ina. Will most probably be there. I'll confirm nearer the time, as usual.  y
Anna Em   ...  y
XFlorence Zir (X)   Sorry I cannot make it this time. Hope I can attend the next one.  n
Milen Bossev   ...  y
Emma Rowe   ...  y
suew   Sorry, can't attend (another tennis match). Hope you have a good session!  n
Sara Piccioni   Looking forward to my first powwow!  y

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