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Off topic: 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing Thread poster: phdvet2001
wherestip United States Local time: 06:53 Chinese to English + ... Liberace on steroids | Aug 2, 2008 |
pkchan wrote:
男扮女裝 or 女扮男裝
也许头一个代表"文", 二一个代表"武" 吧? 奇怪, 以前没见过如此 feminine-looking 的文人古装啊. 即便是养尊处优、拈花弄草 贾宝玉式的故事假想人物, 也不是这么成群结队的. 但我还是相信他们的设计多半儿是以某一远古朝代 士大夫或朝廷富贵的服装为依据进行的. 否则也未免太不尊重中国历史和民族传统了.
再过一个礼拜就明白是怎么回事了. 不过在美国看实况, 只能听听 nbc 电台播音员是怎么个解说法儿(if they even notice and get around to it). 这年头, 国内的"东东"还要等外国人给解释, 真是无奇不有
[Edited at 2008-08-02 15:06] | |
Kevin Yang Local time: 04:53 Member (2003) English to Chinese + ... Your pics are not displaying | Aug 3, 2008 |
Your pics are not displaying in your last seven posts. Please fix them soon, or I will have to hide them.
Kevin | | |
This is a typical clean and clear street in Tianjin just a few days before the Olympics. Can you see the little flags on a car and a truck? Look at the buildings on the far side, you can see newly installed air conditioner holders.
by Jianjun
All those fireworks.
Really quite difficult to capture those moments when the fireworks showing up in the sky. Anyway, the good thing is that I saw it there and got excited for the amazing scenes.
by Regin@ | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 07:53 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
這次應無問題吧!... See more [img][/img]
[Edited at 2008-08-03 03:05] ▲ Collapse | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 07:53 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
[img][/img] | |
Kevin Yang Local time: 04:53 Member (2003) English to Chinese + ... Thank you for sharing the new photos. | Aug 3, 2008 |
Hi, Jianjun and PK
Thank you for sharing the new photos. Like everyone I know, we all are anxiously looking forward to seeing this great event unfold. I learned that the grand opening will introduce Terracotta soldiers, the four great inventions, Peking Opera. Can anyone guess what else that the Director Zhang Yimou would include into the grand opening ceremony? The only worry I have is the air quality. I read China has done so much about improving the air quality in Beijing, and it... See more Hi, Jianjun and PK
Thank you for sharing the new photos. Like everyone I know, we all are anxiously looking forward to seeing this great event unfold. I learned that the grand opening will introduce Terracotta soldiers, the four great inventions, Peking Opera. Can anyone guess what else that the Director Zhang Yimou would include into the grand opening ceremony? The only worry I have is the air quality. I read China has done so much about improving the air quality in Beijing, and it has improved quite a bit.
[修改时间: 2008-08-03 05:47] ▲ Collapse | | |
The air quality proves to be improving... | Aug 3, 2008 |
I got this link from a friend in another community site:
Beijing air quality is improving after all these days of drastic efforts!!
Kevin Yang wrote:
Hi, Jianjun and PK
Thank you for sharing the new photos. Like everyone I know, we all are anxiously looking forward to seeing this great event unfold. I learned that the grand opening will introduce Terracotta soldiers, the four great inventions, Peking Opera. Can anyone guess what else that the Director Zhang Yimou would include into the grand opening ceremony? The only worry I have is the air quality. I read China has done so much about improving the air quality in Beijing, and it has improved quite a bit.
[修改时间: 2008-08-03 05:47] | | |
pkchan United States Local time: 07:53 Member (2006) English to Chinese + ...
[img] See more [img][/img]
[img][/img] ▲ Collapse | | |
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