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Off topic: 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing Thread poster: phdvet2001
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwan Local time: 05:16 English to Chinese + ... Joan's article answers my question in the previous post. | Apr 17, 2008 |
Just as some of the Latinos I've ever met in Americas say about their politicians: Yes, they are "Js de Ps", but they are OUR "Js de Ps"!
It is nice to become a U.S. citizen and advocate a good relation between both countries with a little ping-pong or other games. I am sure Germany will keep a good relation to China for the sake of economy, though our Angelika does not have the time to be there.
Joan's words are well balanced. At least, she doesn't lick. Now, another i... See more Just as some of the Latinos I've ever met in Americas say about their politicians: Yes, they are "Js de Ps", but they are OUR "Js de Ps"!
It is nice to become a U.S. citizen and advocate a good relation between both countries with a little ping-pong or other games. I am sure Germany will keep a good relation to China for the sake of economy, though our Angelika does not have the time to be there.
Joan's words are well balanced. At least, she doesn't lick. Now, another interesting story covered by Washington Post: --- Well, no politics, but peace, love, tolerance and harmony, of course.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 11:44] ▲ Collapse | | |
isahuang Local time: 17:16 English to Chinese + ... 陈冲没准看到了你在前面发的帖子。 | Apr 17, 2008 |
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
Joan's article answers my question in the previous post.
Just as some of the Latinos I've ever met in Americas say about their politicians: Yes, they are "Js de Ps", but they are OUR "Js de Ps"!
It is nice to become a U.S. citizen and advocate a good relation between both countries with a little ping-pong or other games. I am sure Germany will keep a good relation to China for the sake of economy, though our Angelika does not have the time to be there.
Joan's words are well balanced. At least, she doesn't lick. Now, another interesting story covered by Washington Post: --- Well, no politics, but peace, love, tolerance and harmony, of course.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 11:44] | | |
chance (X) French to Chinese + ...
根据我的经验,再愚蠢的法国政界人士也不会在媒体面前说这种话,即便我们这里的极右人士也不会在媒体面前说出这种话的。Delanoë 是前不久市政选举第一轮就胜出的连任巴黎市长,他很受巴黎人的欢迎,有水平,不太可能说出这种话来。退一步来说,假设他说过类似的话,那也会引起各界的强烈反... See more 我在网上查了,没有查到这方面的任何法文报导,我会继续注意。
根据我的经验,再愚蠢的法国政界人士也不会在媒体面前说这种话,即便我们这里的极右人士也不会在媒体面前说出这种话的。Delanoë 是前不久市政选举第一轮就胜出的连任巴黎市长,他很受巴黎人的欢迎,有水平,不太可能说出这种话来。退一步来说,假设他说过类似的话,那也会引起各界的强烈反应,我应该可以听到、看到或至少可以查到有关报导。
[Edited at 2008-04-17 16:37] ▲ Collapse | | |
Jason Ma China Local time: 05:16 English to Chinese + ...
isahuang wrote:
Wenjer Leuschel wrote:
Joan's article answers my question in the previous post.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 11:44]
[Edited at 2008-04-17 14:25] | |
wherestip United States Local time: 16:16 Chinese to English + ...
isahuang wrote:
Yeah, I'm sure people get their inspiration for expressing their viewpoints from visiting this forum  | | |
Jason Ma China Local time: 05:16 English to Chinese + ... 网络链接不通,大姐在法国媒上查查吧 | Apr 17, 2008 |
老百姓说的话,在哪登载都无所谓。市长级的人物的言论, 一般情况下我们见到白纸黑字的东西,才会确信无疑。会不会是hearsay? 如果真说了,作为政界人士他无疑是在引火上身。
chance wrote:
[Edited at 2008-04-17 14:27]
[Edited at 2008-04-17 15:14] | | |
Wenjer Leuschel (X) Taiwan Local time: 05:16 English to Chinese + ...
isahuang wrote:
Libin PhD wrote:
台湾的媒体绝对不敢大剌剌用“平述句”或“惊叹句”来做标题。Bertrand Delanoë向法新社记者说那样的话?那至少也该引出该记者在哪里报导那样的新闻吧?
传播心理学大师Prof. Dr. Paul Watzlawick在"How Real Is Real?"书里写道:“谣言越是荒诞不经,越是有人相信。”我想他说的大概正是这样的现象吧? | | |
isahuang Local time: 17:16 English to Chinese + ... 我也刚在查,也没查到,有可能他说过类似的话,被媒体夸大了 | Apr 17, 2008 |
chance wrote:
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wherestip United States Local time: 16:16 Chinese to English + ... Bertrand Delanoe | Apr 17, 2008 |
My opinion is you need to consider under what circumstances this guy made these racial slurs. Was he making a tremendously bad joke? Or did he happen to have one too many when he spoke? - speaking of drunks
Comments like that would be political suicide in the U.S.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 14:41] | | |
chance (X) French to Chinese + ...
[Edited at 2008-04-17 14:46] | | |
isahuang Local time: 17:16 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
My opinion is you need to consider under what circumstances this guy made these racial slurs. Was he making a tremendously bad joke? Or did he happen to have one too many when he spoke?
Comments like that would be political suicide in the U.S.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 14:40]
政客经常说一些话,可能是说者无心,听者有意。就好像 Obama 的 "bitter"一词,被媒体炒作,这些东西不能听得太仔细。如果巴黎市长真地说过类似的话,我是一定会看他当时所说的原话及时什么情况下说的。当然,不管是在如何的context下说的,如果他真说过,都是极其不妥。 | | |
chance (X) French to Chinese + ... 陈冲在美国写这样的文章不会受到什么威胁 | Apr 17, 2008 |
[Edited at 2008-04-17 15:21] | |
Jason Ma China Local time: 05:16 English to Chinese + ... Dajie, I beg to differ | Apr 17, 2008 |
"Courage". "Threat" is not mentioned in the above post. I believe there is slight difference there.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 15:59] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 16:16 Chinese to English + ...
isahuang wrote:
Well, even shock jocks could only push the envelope so far. Remember Don Imus and his on-the-air racial slur?
For a big city mayor to utter such derogatory racial remarks is totally unthinkable.
[Edited at 2008-04-17 15:26] | | |
chance (X) French to Chinese + ... 我加了一段,你再看看是否有联系? | Apr 17, 2008 |
Jason Ma wrote:
"courage", "threat" is not mentioned in the above post. I believe there is slight difference there.
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