Translation glossary: Rachel Mackay

Showing entries 1-43 of 43
a Real Estate Associate within an investment bankun associé expert en immobilier 
English to French
AbaABA Routing Number 
Spanish to English
Achat Règlement ComptantCash purchase settlement 
French to English
Avis d’exécution BourseStock Exchange execution advice 
French to English
Ce fascicule sera remis à chacun comme nous avons l'habitude de le faireThis part/section will be sent to everyone as usual 
French to English
Certificado de Participación OrdinarioOrdinary Participation Certificate 
Spanish to English
chimiothequecombinatorial library 
French to English
French to English
Credit informationrenseignements sur le crédit 
English to French
DAVdépôts à vue 
French to English
DCPDdicyclopentadiene (DCPD) 
French to English
DEJEPDiplôme d'Etudes Juridiques et Politiques 
French to English
derecho inmobiliarioreal estate law/property law 
Spanish to English
Desenchanteedisenchanted, disappointed 
French to English
enseignement techniquetechnical education 
French to English
ertificados Bursátiles Preferentes vs Certificados Bursátiles SubordinadosPreferential share certicates vs subordinate share certificates 
Spanish to English
faire état d’un mouvementdepend on a movement of ... 
French to English
feriado cambiarioinvalid settlement date 
Spanish to English
financement du GWGoodwill financing 
French to English
frais de port et d'emballagepostage and package 
French to English
horario de bibliotecalibrary opening times 
Spanish to English
importateurs netsnet importers 
French to English
ingresos a tipo de cambio constanteearnings at constant exchange rates 
Spanish to English
investment grade rated counterpartiesles contreparties de premier ordre 
English to French
ispettorato compartimentale tasseDistrict Tax Inspectorate 
Italian to English
Je ne suis pas à mon poste actuellement.I'm not at my desk right now 
French to English
la concentración de más de un producto de créditothe concentration of more than one credit product 
Spanish to English
Libellé Valeurstock denomination 
French to English
lieu d'apprentissagelearning establishments 
French to English
Los saldos relativos a las cuentas corrientes en divisa han sido liquidados.The balances relating to the currency current accounts... 
Spanish to English
MEACE regionrégion de MEACE (Moyen-Orient, Afrique, Europe Centrale) 
English to French
English to French
MESmatières en suspension 
French to English
MOmatières oxydables 
French to English
MOFMultiOption Facility 
French to English
French to English
production de sensmeaningful production 
French to English
English to French
ragioneria provinciale dello statoLocal Government Accounts Department 
Italian to English
régler une successionto settle an estate 
French to English
S/T variationShort Term fluctuations 
French to English
temps instrumentaliséinstrumentalised time 
French to English
valeur de remboursement / remboursement par anticipationredemption value/prepaid redemption 
French to English
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