Translation glossary: Meubles de bureau

Showing entries 901-941 of 941
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Italian to French
Vaschetta porta oggettibac porte-objets 
Italian to French
Vaschetta porta penneBac porte-plumes 
Italian to French
Vaschette porta corrispondenzabacs porte-courrier 
Italian to French
verniciato a liquidovernie à liquide 
Italian to French
verniciato a polveri epossipoliesterevernie à poudres époxy-polyestere 
Italian to French
Verniciato con sistema a raggi UV (ultravioletti)verni avec un système à rayon UV (ultraviolets) 
Italian to French
verniciatura a manovernissage manuel 
Italian to French
verniciatura a mano a \"straccio\"vernissage manuel est réalisé “au chiffon” 
Italian to French
verniciatura trasparentevernie transparente 
Italian to French
Italian to French
vertebra passacavivertebre passe-câbles 
Italian to French
vetro acidatoverre mordancé 
Italian to French
vetro fumévitre fumé 
Italian to French
Vetro satinatoVitre satinée 
Italian to French
vetro semitrasparenteverre diaphane 
Italian to French
Vetro serigrafatoVitre sérigraphié 
Italian to French
Vetro temperatoVitre trempée 
Italian to French
Vetro temperato serigrafatoVitre trempée et sérigraphié 
Italian to French
Italian to French
VetroresinaVitre rèsiné 
Italian to French
viaggio incentivevoyage de stimulation 
Italian to French
Italian to French
viti a legnovis à bois 
Italian to French
viti autofilettantiVis autofiletantes 
Italian to French
viti conichevis coniques 
Italian to French
viti di bloccaggiovis de blocage 
Italian to French
viti di fissaggioVis de fixage 
Italian to French
viti di giunzionevis d\'assemblages 
Italian to French
viti di registrazioneVis de réglage 
Italian to French
Italian to French
Italian to French
Zoccolo di ispezionePlinthe d’inspection 
Italian to French
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