Translation glossary: LadyofArcadia

Showing entries 101-121 of 121
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the lover's loving blacknesssi el amante amara la negrura 
English to Spanish
Things Work Out (Poem)todo se arregla/tiene solución 
English to Spanish
think biggerpensar en grande/a lo grande/más en lo grande 
English to Spanish
think biggerpensar en grande/a lo grande/más en lo grande 
English to Spanish
three-dimensional human beingsseres humanos tridimensionales 
English to Spanish
Tough times never last, tough people doLos tiempos difíciles no perduran, pero las personas fuertes/duras, sí 
English to Spanish
transparent meansmétodo/procedimiento transparente 
English to Spanish
Trash to Treasurede tirado a admirado 
English to Spanish
UM PROCESSO DE CONSTRUÇÃO PARTICIPATIVAun proceso de construcción participativa 
Portuguese to Spanish
unbleached muslinmuselina cruda 
English to Spanish
verificação de rendimentoachievement/performance verification 
Portuguese to English
vested upon fundingadquiere derechos / derechos adquiridos al 100% en el momento en que realice la provisión de fondos 
English to Spanish
Walking Programprograma para caminar 
English to Spanish
watery wonderlandsDestinos acuáticos de ensueño 
English to Spanish
we are only as good as our last game!sólo somos tan buenos como nuestro último partido 
English to Spanish
Website Dos and Don'tsqué hacer y no hacer respecto al uso de Internet / a un sitio Web (de la Red) 
English to Spanish
weekend warrioratleta de fin de semana 
English to Spanish
were foreshadowed byfueron prefigurados por 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
winter bluesmelancolía invernal 
English to Spanish
[Peanut Butter] Power TreatsBarritas energéticas de manteca de cacahuete 
English to Spanish
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