Translation glossary: Film terms

Showing entries 351-374 of 374
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Tripod HeadThe part of the tripod with the pan and tilt mechanism to which the camera is attached. 
TungstenThe color temperature of artificial light which is 3,200K on the color temperature scale. Quartz Lights use a tungsten filament, which burns at 3,200 
TurretA rotating lens mount allowing for the mounting of three or sometimes four lenses on a camera, allowing for the quick change from one lens to another 
UltraSonic Cleaner A sophisticated cleaning machine found at labs to clean negatives prior to printing or transfer to video. It uses sound waves to shake 
UltraSonic Splicer An expensive and sophisticated splicing machine used for splicing Polyester Base stock. 
UndercrankTo run the camera slower, producing fast motion. The term has survived from the time when you would crank a camera. 
UnderexposureFilming a scene with less light than the emulsion of the film needs for a correct exposure. The image will be too dark. If compensated for in printin 
Upright Moviola or UprightAn editing machine with arms in back to hold the take up and supply reels. The film moves up and around to a screen on the front. Foot petals control 
Vari SpeedA motor or the control for a motor which will run a camera or an editing machine at speed faster or slower than sound speed. 
Vault BoxA white, flat, square cardboard box designed to hold 1,000 feet of 35mm or two 1,000 foot rolls of 16mm. 
Wet GateA contact printing method, made on a specially equipped printing machine, where the film is in a liquid that temporarily fills in any scratches on th 
Wide LensA lens with a focal length smaller than 25mm in 16mm, or 50mm in 35mm, which, like looking into the wrong end of a pair of binoculars, provides an ex 
WildNot sync. A wild motor is one that runs close to 24 frames per second, but not close enough for sync sound. Also applies in a few other cases, such a 
Wild SoundNonsync sound, recorded without the camera running, usually recorded to supplement the sync takes. 
WorkprintA positive copy of the original negative that is cut during the editing process. At the end of editing the original negative is then cut by the negat 
XenonA very bright, daylight balanced projection lamp, or a projector with a xenon lamp. A xenon lamp is not interchangeable with a tungsten lamp or arch 
Zero CutA method of negative cutting specifically for blow up, where every shot is given Frame Handles so that the registration pin of the printer is never e 
Zoom LensA variable focal length lens. A zoom lens will have a third ring, besides ones controlling focus and iris, that will allow you to change the focal le 
“Cheat”When the camera is set up for a second shot at a different angle it is possible to move things around a little to improve the new composition, the di 
“Mark it!”What to say to the person with the slate to get them to clap the sticks together. 
“Safety”An additional take, done after a successful one, as a backup. 
“Second Sticks!”If the clapper on the slate was not visible when the shot was being marked the camera person might call out “second sticks!” to tell the person with 
“Speed!”This is what the cameraperson or sound recordist will call out to acknowledge that they are rolling. It comes from the days when it took a few second 
“Unprofessional”An insult hurled at someone during a crisis when they have broken some unwritten rule of professional conduct. Commonly the term is used with the mos 
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