Translation glossary: Spanish > English

Showing entries 101-150 of 175
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la charnela craneo-raquideacraniospinal junction 
Spanish to English
La no evidenciaunobtrusiveness 
Spanish to English
ladrillos aparentesexposed brick 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
los achaques del trabajowork-related ailments 
Spanish to English
los paños norte y sur estan divididos en cuatrothe north and south walls are divided into 4 sections 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Maiz criollonative criollo corn 
Spanish to English
Marcador Clínico / CSclinical score (CS) 
Spanish to English
martillo de superficiesurface hammer 
Spanish to English
material didacticoteaching materials 
Spanish to English
material particulado respirableInhalable particulate material/matter (PM ) 
Spanish to English
material particulado respirableinhalable particulate matter (PM ) 
Spanish to English
matorral y pastosscrubland and pastures 
Spanish to English
mayestáticogrand (statements) 
Spanish to English
menisco (wine)meniscus 
Spanish to English
minerales metaliferosores/ore minerals/ metalliferous minerals 
Spanish to English
molderíapattern making 
Spanish to English
mortero de arlitaarlite mortar 
Spanish to English
mototamborbelt drive 
Spanish to English
nos ha forjado (como un solo ser)has forged a bond that has brought us together/united us as one (being) 
Spanish to English
Nos informan que no es recomendable la solicitud de adopcíón de menores de 0 a 24 meses.We have been informed that adoption applications for children under the age of 24 months is not recommended. 
Spanish to English
oligoelementstrace elements 
Spanish to English
oligometálicas y crenoterápicasoligometallic and crenotherapic 
Spanish to English
oligometálicas ycrenoterápicasoligometallic and crenotherapic 
Spanish to English
ombroclimaprecipitation zone 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
ovino caprinosheep and goats/ovine and caprine 
Spanish to English
paleocauce or paleo caucepaleobasin 
Spanish to English
papel de celulosacellulose paper towels 
Spanish to English
parrillas caídasbuckled struts? 
Spanish to English
pedagogía laboralEducation in the Workplace 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
polietileno sin funcionalizarnon-functionalized polyethylene 
Spanish to English
polinizador y regadorpollination and irrigation technician 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
por montona wealth of 
Spanish to English
portafolio de animales acuáticosarray of aquatic animals 
Spanish to English
Prevención al entornoSafety in the (welding) environment 
Spanish to English
procesos de beneficio por flotaciónflotation beneficiation process 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
profesionales del sectorprofessionals in the field/sector 
Spanish to English
profundización de la democraciaentrenchment of democracy 
Spanish to English
promoción por parcialespassed with final exam exemption 
Spanish to English
puertas correderas apoyadas(floor) supported sliding doors 
Spanish to English
que los productos sean capaces de responder...that products be able to meet end-users' expectations 
Spanish to English
recibo de las aguas pluvialesrainwater catchment 
Spanish to English
recuperar la poética de lo popularbring back/put back the poetry in traditional/popular culture 
Spanish to English
REJA DE DESBASTE AUTOMATICOautomatic bar screen 
Spanish to English
rendir másget more for the money 
Spanish to English
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