Translation glossary: French Englich

Showing entries 1-50 of 74
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agence/organisme représentatif/brancheinstrumentality 
French to English
aire d'effetarea of effect (AoE) 
French to English
aligner (s') [sur le prix]match (to) [the price] 
French to English
amortissementcapital allowance (UK) 
French to English
amortissementwrite off, amortization (USA) 
French to English
French to English
apport en naturecontribution in kind 
French to English
apport en numérairecash contribution 
French to English
French to English
augmentésupplemented (text) 
French to English
auteur (d'un droit)predecessor in title/interest 
French to English
besoin de/en fonds de roulementworking capital 
French to English
catégorie de permis de conduiredriving licence class/category 
French to English
cession de garantiesecurity assignment 
French to English
chaîne de valeurvalue stream 
French to English
clientclient, customer 
French to English
commissaire aux comptesstatutory auditor 
French to English
compte de régularisationadjustment account 
French to English
concorder, s'accorder (attentes)aligned, to be (expectations) 
French to English
condition suspensivecondition precedent 
French to English
conseil supérieur de la magistraturejudicial council 
French to English
déclarations et ganrantiesrepresentations and warranties 
French to English
dépôts à vuecall deposits 
French to English
French to English
déroger àdepart from, to 
French to English
French to English
demande reconventionnellecounterclaim 
French to English
Disponibilité hors heures de travail en cas d\\\'urgencecall on emergency 
French to English
endos, endossementendorsement 
French to English
Etat de résidence (pers) ou Etat [de la] source (div)State / country of source 
French to English
French to English
facturation directehard charging 
French to English
French to English
Gestion d'actifsAsset management 
French to English
impôt sur le revenu (des personnes physiques)income tax 
French to English
impôt sur les sociétéscorporate income tax (US), corporation tax (UK) 
French to English
imposableliable to tax 
French to English
interprétation de liaisonconsecutive translation 
French to English
interprétation de liaisonconsecutive translation 
French to English
le temps qu\'il faut/néc à: sous 2 jours ouvrablesturnaround: 2 business days turnaround 
French to English
loi applicablegoverning law 
French to English
méthode de valeur de rendementDividend-Discount-Model 
French to English
French to English
French to English
note de bas de pagefootnote 
French to English
obligations convertiblesconvertible bonds 
French to English
OPCVM (organisme de placement collectif en valeurs mobilières)UCITS (undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities) 
French to English
paiement fractionnés/échelonnésspread out payments 
French to English
French to English
propriété immobilièreproperty 
French to English
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