Mar 17, 2010 14:11
14 yrs ago
10 viewers *
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
XXXX bietet für diesen Bereich mit seinen Desinfektions- und Vollwaschmitteln zwei gemäß RKI-(A/B) gelistete Produkte an.

It is mainly about hand disinfectants..
Thanks in advance....
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Bernd Runge Mar 18, 2010:
Vollwaschmittel gibt es für Hände nicht. (Zumindest kenne ich keine)
itla Mar 18, 2010:
Does the Vollwaschmittel also apply only to hands or also to laundry?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

(general) laundry detergent

A "Vollwaschmittel" is used for all temperatures up to 90°C (as opposed to the sensitive/colour/wool/enzyme etc. types). German housewives used to love their "Kochwäsche" (90°C) and still wash underwear, shirts, towels, etc. at 60°C, whereas my mum and co. wash everything at 40°C. British manufacturers don't make this distinction, a washing powder/laundry detergent is for general use unless stated otherwise.


Vollwaschmittel (Kochwaschmittel) sind meist pulverförmige Waschmittel für Textilien. Sie sind für alle Temperaturbereiche (20 °C bis 95 °C), die meisten Textilien und Waschverfahren geeignet. Vollwaschmittel verlieren jedoch an Bedeutung zugunsten von Buntwaschmitteln.

Note added at 2 hrs (2010-03-17 16:26:11 GMT)

aka general purpose laundry detergents, universal laundry detergents
Peer comment(s):

agree Michele Johnson : All-purpose; I have to agree about the heavy-duty thing.
15 hrs
agree Bernd Runge : For the sake of a good translation I have to overcome my obstinacy and agree ;-)
15 hrs
agree Nicole Y. Adams, M.A.
16 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a ton!!!!"
7 mins

heavy duty (laundry) detergent

sagt auch Langenscheidt.
Peer comment(s):

agree Inge Meinzer
1 min
Danke Inge - die Hausfrauen unter sich? ;-)
agree Subbanna : subbanna
12 mins
Thank you, Subbanna.
agree Nicole Büchel : als altes Waschweib stimme ich auch zu ;-)
21 mins
Danke, Nicole. Na, das ist doch mal ein Bekenntnis!
disagree Gillian Scheibelein : heavy-duty laundry agents are specialised products containing enzymes etc. The "Voll" refers to the temperature range. Which Langenscheidt has Vollwashmittel?//OK, found it when I spelt it right! Muret-Sanders has all-purpose washing powder BTW!
2 hrs
Vollwaschmittel n heavy-duty detergent [Technik und angewandte Wissenschaften]
neutral Michele Johnson : I'm going to have to agree with Gillian here, despite what your dictionary says. For practical purposes it's *not* heavy-duty, because it's designed to work for so many fabrics/temp ranges.
17 hrs
Hi Michele, having had a good night's sleep I think that Gillian's proposal might work better than mine.
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