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Psychology, Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts), Music, Poetry & Literature, ...
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Linguistics, Folklore, Psychology
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Conference interpreter since 1979, international conferences, negotiations.
Konferenzdolmetscher seit 1979, auf internationalen Konferenzen und Verhandlungen.
Intérprete de conferências desde 1979, em conferências internacionais e negociações.
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Psychology, Medical: Cardiology, Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Music, ...
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Psychology, Nutrition, Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Names (personal, company), ...
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translation, german, english, portuguese, spanish, translate
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Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts), Nutrition, Psychology, Medical (general), ...
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contract, technical, business, finance, comercio, conference, equipment, simultaneous, consecutive, deposition, ...
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Human Resources, policies, training, presentations, Environment, Health, Safety, material safety data sheets, norms and regulations, Medicine, ...
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translation, guiding small groups, interpreting business meetings, tourism, psychology workshops
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Administration, Accountancy, Finance, Marketing, TourismaManagerial Areas translations, Medical, Pschychology and Pharmaceutical areas translations, airport interpreter, managerial meetings interpreter (managerial and medical sciences), experienced in Engineenring and Archtecture translations, ...
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Psychology, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Slang, Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, ...
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Poetry & Literature, Psychology
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Poetry & Literature, Psychology
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Medical (general), Psychology, Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Architecture, ...
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Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts), Psychology, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Poetry & Literature, ...