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Search results: (35 matches)
Subtitling Time codes correction rates Client relations For me this depends on the specific client. If it
is a direct client and I have a long-term business
relationship which I want to continue, then these
little 'adjustment' jobs are the ones
Craig Meulen Dec 31, 2024
Software applications Help convert SVG to PNG or JPG ImageMagick As their website says: ImageMagick® is a free,
open-source software suite, used for editing and
manipulating digital images. It can be used to
create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap im
Craig Meulen Apr 10, 2024
In memoriam RIP - Chris Irwin Sad news indeed I, too, remember him as an extremely helpful
KudoZ-colleague and as a human with a great heart.
May he enjoy many a glass of wine with St.
Craig Meulen Jun 9, 2015
Translation Theory and Practice Indexing - Translating an Index Type of Index, Automatisation Hello all, Thanks for the answers so
far. The project is to translate a book which
we have as an OCR-scanned Word file, which means
the original indexes are not embedded. So we
Craig Meulen Nov 20, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Indexing - Translating an Index Translating an Index [quote]Jenny Forbes wrote: I'd advise contacting
the client and clarifying what he/she considers to
be your task in this case. [/quote] Thanks
Jenny. Actually I'd try never to be
Craig Meulen Nov 19, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Indexing - Translating an Index Hello Colleagues I've tried to search the
forums but using index as a keyword I end up with
all sorts of hits that refer to desktop search
software and other things, but no answers to m
Craig Meulen Nov 19, 2011
In memoriam RIP Hans G. Liepert RIP Can only echo the comments posted already. A sad
loss for our little translator world. Craig
Craig Meulen Jun 6, 2011
CAT Tools Technical Help Is it possible to translate Wikipedia pages using a CAT tool? any news? [quote]Cagou wrote: Hi, Has anybody tried to
translate Wikipedia pages using a CAT Tool? If
you follow the recommended translation process
described on the Wikipedia website, it s
Craig Meulen Feb 11, 2011
General technical issues Any software can localize US English into UK English? Style Guides [quote]us2uk wrote: However my line of work (some
of it, anyway) involves working to particular
house style guides - mainly the UN & EU guides -
so there are a number of things which I'm
Craig Meulen May 17, 2010
General technical issues Agency Wants Jobs Done in Browser - How do I Copy and Paste? Have you asked them? I don't know of a clipboard tool that does what
you want. I would be surprised if you really
need that 'workaround' solution. Most of these
online systems are themselves designed for us
Craig Meulen May 2, 2010
Office applications Problems working on Word Document converted from PDF More details needed of your problem [quote]Jonathan Fedler wrote: On numerous
occasions I have been asked to do a translation
(German/Hebrew-English) on a Word copy of a PDF
document. Almost every time this leads to layout
Craig Meulen Mar 18, 2010
Subtitling Subtitles for wonderful TED videos - subtitlers needed Dear fellow ProZians A great opportunity to
practice your subtitling - volunteer translators
are being sought to help translate wonderfully
informative talks about all sorts of
Craig Meulen May 15, 2009
KudoZ Glossary-building KudoZ (GBK): a new kind of KudoZ question Flaw in the system [quote]The primary purpose of this new question
type is to enable the community to
together find the best translation of a given term
into a given language,[/quote] I'm surpris
Craig Meulen Nov 29, 2008
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Pendrive for a translator E-Mail Software for USB Sticks There's a very nice little e-mail software package
called "AK-Mail" which runs from a normal USB
stick with no extra tweaking necessary. All the files the
Craig Meulen May 1, 2008
Office applications Converter between Microsoft Office to OpenOffice format Another option for ODF, ODT conversion Here's another possibility: Sun's ODF Plugin
for Microsoft Office allows users of Microsoft's
product to also open and save ODF (.odt, .ods, and
.odp) files in the corresponding Microso
Craig Meulen Apr 8, 2008
Lighter side of trans/interp Palindromes in Different Languages German
Just found this page with dozens of German
examples, including: Knabe, nie neben eine
Bank! (Boy, never next to a bank / a
Craig Meulen Feb 25, 2008
Artificial languages Localization of into Esperanto Size of commitment? Doesn't look like there are many here who can help
:-( What sort of commitment are we talking
about? How many hours' work, or how much text is
there to localise? Can it be split into st
Craig Meulen Jan 17, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a plan for your career development? Coaching [quote]Would you tell us more about your business
coach, what does this person advise you to do.
[/quote] He advises me to do what I want to do
;-) And then he tells me when he thinks I g
Craig Meulen Oct 6, 2007
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a plan for your career development? Practical Ideas of what is meant by CPD Your reference to the IoL got me curious, so I
googled and found this page - very
p?r=3JEMQGXJAK&3pid=LNR5BQ68222 [quote]Some
Craig Meulen Oct 2, 2007
Literature / Poetry Character speaks target language in original! Option 6 - original with translation :-) too quick ... you realized your
misunderstanding more quickly than I could explain
it to you ... :-) ***********now redundant
reply******************* Hello
Ivette Unfortunate
Craig Meulen Oct 1, 2007
Literature / Poetry Character speaks target language in original! Option 5) ... ...would be Jabberwock's suggestion: [quote]In my
opinion, it depends mostly on how important is not
knowing what is being said to the character A,
i.e. how much would it "spoil" the stor
Craig Meulen Oct 1, 2007
Literature / Poetry Character speaks target language in original! Hello friends What's the best way to deal with
this situation, please? Background: In the
original English story, character B is heard
speaking a foreign language. Character A doesn
Craig Meulen Sep 30, 2007
Internet for translators Google is driving me mad... Try the Clusty search engine [quote]Charlotte Blank wrote: ... sorry for
writing "ac" "dc" which of course was completely
wrong (it was quite late last night...) and should
have been "ac dc". @Narcis: "The prob
Craig Meulen Jul 8, 2007
KudoZ misuse of "Ask asker" function Good point: [quote]Heike Behl, Ph.D. wrote: ... And IMO,
any kind of answer should be submitted in the
proper answer box, even if it has been first
suggested following a discussion in the "Ask
Craig Meulen Jun 19, 2007
KudoZ misuse of "Ask asker" function Place for discussion? One of the reasons why the "ask askers" section
gets 'mis'used is the following: If I want to
comment on or further develop a point made by an
answerer (who entered a 'real' answer), I
Craig Meulen Jun 19, 2007
Money matters Agency keeps cutting rates - what should I do? Find your own way out, but find a way out! [quote]Viktoria Gimbe wrote: I would play their
game. I would tell them "Funny how you asked me to
lower my rate just when I was about to raise it.
Tell you what, since you're such a go
Craig Meulen May 17, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Berlin - Germany Freitag Abend Liste schon freigeschaltet Die von Steffen angekündigte Seite für
Freitag-Abend ist schon
Craig Meulen May 5, 2007
Powwows Powwow: Berlin - Germany The Ideal Powwow Transport Die Firma mit den Fahhrad-Rikschas bietet auch den
geeigneten Powwow-Bike
Craig Meulen May 5, 2007
Linguistics client wants to remove the article "the" re-opening the thread ... Hi, I just thought I'd post here because I posted
a KudoZ question relating to exactly the same
problem. Future visitors here may find the
cross-linking useful, since there were some u
Craig Meulen Mar 8, 2007
General technical issues Software: automatic glossary application Clarification ApSIC Xbench seems to be a tool to *manage*
glossaries (and other terminology collections).
Could be useful, but it's not what I'm looking
for. I haven't tried it, but Wordfisher
Craig Meulen Mar 5, 2007
General technical issues Software: automatic glossary application Imperfect solution: Wordfast with paragraph segments Hi Tim, You've asked a question which I'd like
an answer to as well, so I'm looking forward to
any more answers. What I do in this situation
is to use Wordfast, since I'm familiar wi
Craig Meulen Feb 25, 2007
Literature / Poetry Pippi Longstocking quote needed A great big pig-tailed Thank You !! [quote] 'Grown-ups never have any fun. All they
have is a lot of dull work and stupid clothes and
corns and nincum tax.' 'It's called income tax,'
said Annika. [Edited at 2006-08-13 13
Craig Meulen Aug 13, 2006
Literature / Poetry Pippi Longstocking quote needed not German original [quote]Brie Vernier wrote: I'm afraid I can't
help you with the proper word, but even though
there is no English->Pippi-speak forum, you might
get more attention if you post the questio
Craig Meulen Aug 13, 2006
Literature / Poetry Pippi Longstocking quote needed Pippi Longstocking quote needed There isn't a forum English->Pippi-speak, but I
need someone who knows the Pippi-speak word for
*local taxes* in the quote below. I'm
translating a speech that a client is giving to an<
Craig Meulen Aug 11, 2006
German Kalbfleisch - suche nach ein EU-Definition! Kalbfleisch - suche nach ein EU-Definition! Nach den neulichen Kudoz Diskussionen wegen
"german mystery meat" (Fleischkäs usw.)müsste
ich Euch diese URL mitteilen - die EU sucht nach
eine Definition von Kalbfleisch!!! Schau
Craig Meulen Mar 13, 2005

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