Getting assignments on Translators Without Borders (FR>EN)
Thread poster: Emily Scott
Emily Scott
Emily Scott  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:58
Member (2018)
French to English
+ ...
May 13, 2018

Hi everyone

I'm currently in the process of setting up my translation career after gaining experience with a few charities over the last 4 years. Most of the charities that I've been working for are small, relatively unknown charities (except UNICEF), therefore, I was looking for some other more well known charities to volunteer for so that it would stand out on my CV.

I recently got accepted to work for
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Hi everyone

I'm currently in the process of setting up my translation career after gaining experience with a few charities over the last 4 years. Most of the charities that I've been working for are small, relatively unknown charities (except UNICEF), therefore, I was looking for some other more well known charities to volunteer for so that it would stand out on my CV.

I recently got accepted to work for Translators Without Borders to translate French into English, however, whenever I check there are never any assignments available. I understand that French to English is a popular combination but I thought I would have managed to get something by now!

Does anyone have any recommendations of when to check the website for assignments? Are there any times of the day that they put more translations on? Or any times when less translators will be checking?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Serena Basili
Serena Basili  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:58
English to Italian
+ ...
Working with TWB May 15, 2018

Dear Emily,
the projects on TWB are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. I get a notification email anytime a project in my language pair is available. Once you receive such an email, you follow the link in it and you assign the translation to yourself (if the project is still available, of course). Usually, translators assign themselves the projects within MINUTES, so be fast and check periodically your inbox.
You can do it...
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Dear Emily,
the projects on TWB are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. I get a notification email anytime a project in my language pair is available. Once you receive such an email, you follow the link in it and you assign the translation to yourself (if the project is still available, of course). Usually, translators assign themselves the projects within MINUTES, so be fast and check periodically your inbox.
You can do it

Have a nice day,

Valérie Ourset
Valérie Ourset
Local time: 14:58
English to French
+ ...
Agree with Serena May 15, 2018

Serena describes perfectly well what needs to be done. If you do not receive the e-mails, let them know. They are extremely friendly and will do anything to help. I had one small issue when I started with them and it got solved in minutes. I am now very happily collaborating with them on a regular basis.

Emily Scott
Emily Scott  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:58
Member (2018)
French to English
+ ...
Thank you! May 15, 2018

Thank you both for your help! I had no idea you could get email notifications! I have sent them an email and will hopefully be able to assign myself some work soon

English to French
+ ...
Congratulations Jun 15, 2018

Congratulations on getting approved to translate for them. I applied and even though they're a volunteer agency I have yet to hear back from them.

Emily Scott
Emily Scott  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:58
Member (2018)
French to English
+ ...
Chasing Jun 18, 2018

Hi Pamela - have you tried chasing them? I applied two years ago, did the test etc. and I never heard back from them. It was only recently after becoming busy with other things that I realised that I still had had a reply from them. I sent them an email and a lovely girl named Ambra helped me get my account set up, turns out it was approved years ago! Her email is - give her an email and h... See more
Hi Pamela - have you tried chasing them? I applied two years ago, did the test etc. and I never heard back from them. It was only recently after becoming busy with other things that I realised that I still had had a reply from them. I sent them an email and a lovely girl named Ambra helped me get my account set up, turns out it was approved years ago! Her email is - give her an email and hopefully she can help you tooCollapse


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Getting assignments on Translators Without Borders (FR>EN)

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