Freelance translators » Croatian to English » Tech/Engineering » Page 3

Below is a list of Croatian to English freelance translators specializing in translations in the Tech/Engineering field. You may choose a more specific field to the right.

112 results (paying members)

Freelance translator native in

Specializes in

Sonja Klarić
Sonja Klarić
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, english, swedish, danish, localization, software, IT, MTPE, technology, electronics, ...
Native in Bosnian Native in Bosnian, Croatian Native in Croatian
medicine, Diabetes, health, cancer, telecom, Haematology, education, business reports, IT, software, ...
Fedja Imamovic
Fedja Imamovic
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian, Croatian Native in Croatian
linguistics, translation, media translation, contrastive grammar, translation studies, legal translation, prevodilac, prevodioc, prevoditelj, Fedja Imamovic, ...
Vladimir Galabovski
Vladimir Galabovski
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian
Macedonian, technology, manuals, industry, devices, machinery
Natasha Jankovic
Natasha Jankovic
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian
medical, DR systems, radiology, X-ray protection, medical software, pharmacy, psychology, legal, contracts, science, ...
Ivan Dimoski
Ivan Dimoski
Native in Macedonian Native in Macedonian, Serbian Native in Serbian
English-Macedonian translator, Macedonian-English translator, Medical translations, Legal translations, Software localization, English to Macedonian translator, Macedonian translator Macedonian freelance translator, Macedonian freelance interpreter, Macedonian translation, Macedonian translations, ...
Kate Perak
Kate Perak
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, english, italian, translation, subtitling, proofreading, transcreation, native, certified, experience, ...
Slobodan Kozarčić
Slobodan Kozarčić
Native in Serbian (Variant: Montenegrin ) Native in Serbian, Bosnian Native in Bosnian
Еnglish-Serbian translation and subtitling, English, Serbian, Movie subtitling, Movie translation, Филмски преводилац енглески-српски, Преводи с енглеског на српски, Преводи са српског на енглески, Књижевни преводилац енглески-српски, Уметност, ...
Olga Dabanovic
Olga Dabanovic
Native in Serbian (Variants: serbian, Montenegrin ) Native in Serbian
english, italian, serbian, montenegrin, croatian, bosnian, software, localization, media, IT, ...
Sandra Grgić
Sandra Grgić
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, english, spanish, translation, subtitling, proofreading, copywriting, localization, literature, humanities, ...
Davor Sišul
Davor Sišul
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
English, Croatian, sworn, court, certified, interpreter, legal, technical, mechanical, engineering, ...
Korana Lasić
Korana Lasić
Native in English (Variant: British) Native in English, Serbo-Croat Native in Serbo-Croat, Serbian Native in Serbian, Bosnian Native in Bosnian, Croatian Native in Croatian
english, bosnian, serbian, croatian, montenegrin translations, native english speaker, serbian to english, bosnian to english, croatian to english, montenegrin to english, ...
Sara Maiyen
Sara Maiyen
Native in Greek Native in Greek
ArrayAerospace / Aviation / Space
Native in Croatian (Variants: standard, Bosnian) Native in Croatian, Serbian (Variants: Bosnia, serbian, Montenegrin ) Native in Serbian, Bosnian (Variant: Cyrillic) Native in Bosnian, German (Variants: Austrian, Germany, Swiss) Native in German, Montenegrin Native in Montenegrin
English, German, Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Montenegrin, sworn translator, translation, post-editing, editing, ...
Native in English Native in English, Spanish (Variants: Standard-Spain, Colombian, Peruvian, Chilean, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Latin American) Native in Spanish
marketing, mercadeo, business, negocios, insurance, seguros, fashion, moda, transport, transporte, ...
Gordana Podvezanec
Gordana Podvezanec
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian, Slovenian Native in Slovenian
IT, Law, Business, Chemistry, General, Industry, Machines, Civil engineering, Building, Architecture, ...
Native in Turkish Native in Turkish
teknik tercüme, tercüme izmir, tercume bürosu izmir, İngilizce çeviri, ceviri, cevirisi, noter tasdikli, turkce, turkceden, turkceye, ...
Cedomir Pusica
Cedomir Pusica
Native in Serbian Native in Serbian
belgrade translations, interpreter, english serbian interpreter, serbian english interpreter, serbian english translator, english serbian translator, serbian translation, spanish to serbian translators, traductor español serbio, traducción español serbio, ...
Ana Sarjanovic
Ana Sarjanovic
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
english, italian, croatian, translation, engineering, technology, science, sports, law, business, ...
Snjezana Blagsic
Snjezana Blagsic
Native in Croatian Native in Croatian
croatian, croatia, freelancer, technical documents, translation, technical translation, fast, accurate, IT, computers, ...

Translators, like interpreters, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. Translators work with written text, as opposed to spoken word.

Translating involves much more than simple word-for-word conversion from one language to another. Translators must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any text they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

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