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Automotive MPTE
A brochure about bike accessories translated
Again translation of strings for car user manuals completed
(edited) A user manual for pumps translated
An article for retailer's website translated
1 user
Pumps… what an attractive word for a technical translator! Another batch of pump tech docs translated
Translation and MPTE of strings for electro car user manuals
Just a little bit of user interface translation. Done.
Marketing brochure for pumps
A big bunch of user manuals for electrocars translated and reviewed
Just finished translating a magazine for employees
(edited) Translation and MPTE of automotive portal UIs
A manual for special-purpose vehicle series finished
A batch of articles for retailer's website translated
A lot of translation and review of strings for electrocar user manuals this week
(edited) Accessories for bikers – just a little bit of dreaming. Translated. Checked.
Warranty terms, privacy policies, and usage terms for digital services partly translated, partly reviewed
Just finished translating a manual for Double Clip Automats
Texts for hybrid-car manuals are translated
(edited) Translating a host-computer interface manual
Hardware update protocols for an injection-molding machine translated
Just translated instructions for electro car drivers
A user manual for a preventive contact system translated
Strings for a car manufacturer software translated
A batch of instructions for car users finished
A letter for motor oil dealers translated
Just finished translating user manuals for electrocars
(edited) Back to work! The first day after a vacation and a solid volume is edited. Trucks and electrocars
(edited) Translated another batch of strings for an automotive service app
(edited) Translated service program strings for an automotive producer
Just translated strings for a car app
(edited) Just finished translating a flyer about a POS display
Translated an article about Hightech-Trolley for retailer's website
Just translated an article about entrance control systems for retailer's werbsite
Just translated a flayer about polylingual education for a Swiss canton
Another batch for translation and review finished: instructions for electrocar users
(edited) Just finished editing manuals for electrocar users
Finished translation of docs for blasting devices and explosives
Just finished translation of Data Protection Guidelines for a website
1 user
Just translated a magazine for corporate workers
Translated guidelines for motor-cyclists
Just translated and edited user docs for wireless charge of mobile phones in cars
Just finished translation of another techdocs batch for cars with a hybrid drive
Just finished translation of a techdocs batch for cars with a hybrid drive
Just translated and reviewed another batch of electrocar techdocs
Just translated and reviewed techdocs for electrocars
(edited) Just finished translating an article for retailer's website
Just finished translating techdocs for woodworking machines
Just finished translating UI for injection moulding machines
Just translated an article for retailer's website