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Portuguese to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour English to Portuguese - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour French to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour Italian to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour
French to Portuguese - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour Italian to Portuguese - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour Spanish to Portuguese - Rates: 0.08 - 0.16 USD per word / 32 - 39 USD per hour
Portuguese to English: ''Olho Espia de Londres'' '' The London Eye'' PT_Br to EN Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - Portuguese Deixe-se levar pelo clima de Londres
Há 150 anos, o Big Ben marca não só as horas de Londres, mas pulsa no ritmo de uma capital eletrizante, que mesmo enraizada no passado transborda em modernidade. Isso é um dos motivos que faz de Londres irresistível. Ela é intensa, versátil e parece um caldeirão multirracial e cultural que absorve tudo, sem perder sua essência.
No ranking Top 10 de coisas imperdíveis para se fazer na cidade, principalmente para os visitantes de primeira viagem, há alguns itens que não podem ficar de fora. Um deles é conferir a troca da guarda real em frente ao Palácio de Buckingham. A cerimônia dura cerca de 30 minutos e para conseguir ver alguma coisa é bom chegar uma hora antes e buscar um lugar ao sol. Em busca dos outros tópicos da lista logo se chega ao Museu Madame Tussauds e suas estátuas de cera.
Para a próxima parada, o Museu Britânico é uma boa opção. Uma vez chegados no belo Victoria and Albert, considerado um dos acervos mais importantes dedicados a arte e ao desenho do mundo, poder-se a apreciar a colecção de arte que soma mais de 3 mil anos de história. Vale a pena ir até a Galeria Nacional para ter um encontro com a arte de diferentes movimentos e ver obras de Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci dispostas em um das construções mais belas do país.
No centro financeiro se encontra a catedral Saint Paul, inesquecível por ser o local do casamento de Lady Diana com o príncipe Charles. A Abadia de Westminster também é cheia de simbologia. Em seu altar aconteceram coroações e funerais memoráveis e onde estão enterrados boa parte dos monarcas britânicos.
O próprio parlamento é uma atração em si. Durante a semana é possível acompanhar os debates políticos no prédio em estilo vitoriano que também possui o ícone máximo da capital, o Big Ben. O sino de 14 toneladas, instalado em 1858, tem suas badaladas transmitidas todos os dias pela rádio BBC.
Para fechar a lista de pontos mais do que obrigatórios para se conhecer, dois não podem ficar de fora. A Torre de Londres, localizada às margens do rio Tâmisa, foi construída pelos conquistadores normandos e já serviu como prisão. Hoje ela guarda as joias da Coroa Britânica. Já para se ter a melhor visão da capital londrina é preciso subir na mais alta roda gigante do mundo, que ainda tem a cabine em formato de olho. A cada trinta minutos, a London Eye faz seus voos, como são chamados os passeios, e do ponto mais íngreme oferece uma visão que atinge até 42 quilômetros.
Translation - English Let yourself be carried away by the London atmosphere
For the last 150 years the Big Ben not only has been telling the London time, it also takes pride of place in an electrifying capital. Even though its roots are anchored in the past modern ways can be seen everywhere. - One of the main reasons that makes London the place not to be missed. This city is full-on, versatile, a multi-racial and cultural cauldron that absorbs everything, without losing its pride of place.
A Culture rich in History
Among the top 10 ranking things not to miss on in the city, in particular for these visiting the city for their first time, there are certain things that can’t be overlooked. One of these, is the ceremony of the changing of the guard in front of Buckingham Place. This ceremony lasts for about 30 minutes and to be able to see it is best that one arrives an hour earlier and find a sunny spot. Looking for other things, in the to-do list, next is the Madame Tussauds Museum with its wax statues come next.
For the next stop, the British Museum is a good option. On arrival at the Victoria and Albert Museums, that are considered as one of the more important places dedicated to the world’s arts and paintings, a collection of art more than 3000 years old in history can be seen. It is worthwhile visiting the National Gallery to discover the different art movements and see the works by Monet, Rembrandt, Picasso and Leonardo da Vinci, that displayed in one of the most beautiful places in the country.
In the Financial Centre, the Saint Paul’s Cathedral can be found, an unforgettable place because it was here that the marriage between Lady Diana and Principe Charles took place. Westminster Abbey is also very symbolic. Many memorable coronations and funerals took place in this church where quite a number of kings are also buried.
Even the Parliament is an attraction by itself. During the week one is allowed to watch the political debates in the Victorian styled buildings which also houses the capital’s major iconic symbol – the Big Ben. Its bell, weighing 14 tons and installed in 1858, has its ringing bells broadcasted daily by the BBC.
To put an end to a list of areas not to be missed we can’t ignore two other places. The London Tower located on the edge of the river Thames, built by the victorious Normans and that has served in the past as a prison. These days it is the safekeeping place for the jewels of British crown.
To have the best view of the capital, London, one only need to go up the world highest gigantic wheel, whose shape is that of an eye. Every half an hour, the ‘’London Eye’’ flies high, as its turns are referred to, and from the highest point it offers a view as far as 42 Kilometres away.
Spanish to English: Energy Savings:Documento Básico HE (ES_EN Translation) Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Spanish
Documento Básico HE
Ahorro de energía
Este Documento Básico (DB) tiene por objeto establecer reglas y procedimientos que permiten cumplir las exigencias básicas de ahorro de energía.
Las secciones de este DB se corresponden con las exigencias básicas HE 1 a HE 5. La correcta aplicación de cada sección supone el cumplimiento de la exigencia básica correspondiente. La correcta aplicación del conjunto del DB supone que se satisface el requisito básico "Ahorro de energía".
Tanto el objetivo del requisito básico "Ahorro de energía", como las exigencias básicas se establecen el artículo 15 de la Parte I de este CTE y son los siguientes:
Artículo 15. Exigencias básicas de ahorro de energía (HE)
1. El objetivo del requisito básico “Ahorro de energía” consiste en conseguir un uso racional de la energía necesaria para la utilización de los edificios, reduciendo a límites sostenibles su consumo y conseguir asimismo que una parte de este consumo proceda de fuentes de energía renovable, como consecuencia de las características de su proyecto, construcción, uso y mantenimiento.
2. Para satisfacer este objetivo, los edificios se proyectarán, construirán, utilizarán y mantendrán de forma que se cumplan las exigencias básicas que se establecen en los apartados siguientes.
3. El Documento Básico “DB HE Ahorro de energía” especifica parámetros objetivos y procedimientos cuyo cumplimiento asegura la satisfacción de las exigencias básicas y la superación de los niveles mínimos de calidad propios del requisito básico de ahorro de energía.
15.1 Exigencia básica HE 1: Limitación de demanda energética
Los edificios dispondrán de una envolvente de características tales que limite adecuadamente la demanda energética necesaria para alcanzar el bienestar térmico en función del clima de la localidad, del uso del edificio y del régimen de verano y de invierno, así como por sus características de aislamiento e inercia, permeabilidad al aire y exposición a la radiación solar, reduciendo el riesgo de aparición de humedades de condensación superficiales e intersticiales que puedan perjudicar sus características y tratando adecuadamente los puentes térmicos para limitar las pérdidas o ganancias de calor y evitar problemas higrotérmicos en los mismos.
15.2 Exigencia básica HE 2: Rendimiento de las instalaciones térmicas
Los edificios dispondrán de instalaciones térmicas apropiadas destinadas a proporcionar el bienestar térmico de sus ocupantes. Esta exigencia se desarrolla actualmente en el vigente Reglamento de Instalaciones Térmicas en los Edificios, RITE, y su aplicación quedará definida en el proyecto del edificio.
15.3 Exigencia básica HE 3: Eficiencia energética de las instalaciones de iluminación
Los edificios dispondrán de instalaciones de iluminación adecuadas a las necesidades de sus usuarios y a la vez eficaces energéticamente disponiendo de un sistema de control que permita ajustar el encendido a la ocupación real de la zona, así como de un sistema de regulación que optimice el aprovechamiento de la luz natural, en las zonas que reúnan unas determinadas condiciones.
15.4 Exigencia básica HE 4: Contribución solar mínima de agua caliente sanitaria
En los edificios, con previsión de demanda de agua caliente sanitaria o de climatización de piscina cubierta, en los que así se establezca en este CTE, una parte de las necesidades energéticas térmicas derivadas de esa demanda se cubrirá mediante la incorporación en los mismos de sistemas de captación, almacenamiento y utilización de energía solar de baja temperatura, adecuada a la radiación solar global de su emplazamiento y a la demanda de agua caliente del edificio o de la piscina.
Los valores derivados de esta exigencia básica tendrán la consideración de mínimos, sin perjuicio de valores que puedan ser establecidos por las administraciones competentes y que contribuyan a la sostenibilidad, atendiendo a las características propias de su localización y ámbito territorial.
15.5. Exigencia básica HE 5: Contribución fotovoltaica mínima de energía eléctrica
En los edificios que así se establezca en este CTE se incorporarán sistemas de captación y transformación de energía solar en energía eléctrica por procedimientos fotovoltaicos para uso propio o suministro a la red. Los valores derivados de esta exigencia básica tendrán la consideración de mínimos, sin perjuicio de valores más estrictos que puedan ser establecidos por las administraciones competentes y que contribuyan a la sostenibilidad, atendiendo a las características propias de su
localización y ámbito territorial.
Translation - English
Standard Document ES
Energy Savings
This Standard Document (SD) is designed to establish rules and regulations that will comply with basic energy savings requirements.
The paragraphs in this SD (Standard Document) refer to the standard requirements ES 1 to ES 5 for energy saving..
The appropriate application in each section assumes compliance with these standardised corresponding requirements.
The appropriate application of the whole BD assumes that the standardised requirements for, "Energy Savings", are met.
Both, standard requirements for ''Energy Savings'' and the standard needs are stated in this CTS, clause15, part 1, and are as the following:
Article 15.Standard Requirements for Energy Savings. (ES)
1. The aim of this standard requirement, ''Energy Savings'' consists in optmising the energy usage according to the building's requirements and needs, by reducing its consumption to sustainable limits. And at the same time making sure that some of this energy consumption is derived from sources of renewable energy, as a result of the project design, its construction and tenancy and maintenance procedures.
2. To achieve this objective, buildings are to be designed, built, occupied and maintained in accordance with the basic requirements as stated in the following paragraphs:
3. The Standard Document SD-ES ''Energy Savings'' specifies parameters, the scope and procedures whose compliance ensures that the standard requirement levels are greater than the appropriated minimum quality levels of energy savings as required by these standards.
15.1 Standard Requirement ES 1. Energy Demand Capacity
Buildings will conform to a series of specifications which will adequately limit energy demands necessary to provide optimal temperature comfort, taking into consideration the climate conditions in the areas, the building’s type of occupancy, during summer and winter, including its thermal insulation and inertia movement, that may lead to risk of internal and external exposure to humidity, condensation and solar radiation exposure, which in turn can impact on the style of the building, making sure that thermal insulation components are in place to limit both heat losses and gains, thus avoiding hydro-thermal problems occurring in place.
15 2 Standard Requirements.ES 2 Thermal Facilities Capacity
Buildings will have in place appropriate thermal facilities to provide optimal comfort to its occupants. This requirement is currently enforced by the Thermal Installations Building Regulations of TIRB, and its application will be defined in the building's design.
15.3 Basic Requirement ES 3: Light Installations Energy Efficiency
Buildings will be required to be equipped with adequate light installations designed to cope with the needs of its occupants. These must also be energy efficient with a control system that will allow for light adjustments in relation to its total occupied serviced areas including disposing of a controlled system that will serve to optimize the natural light conditions in certain and determined areas with specific specifications.
15.4 Basic Requirement ES 4: Treated Hot Water Minimum Solar Contribution
In buildings, where there is a demand for treated hot water or a covered swimming pool requires to be air conditioned, as may be established in this CTE, part of these thermal energy requirements derived from these demands, must be addressed by incorporating in these same elements, capturing and storage systems and the use of low temperature solar energy, adequate for the general local solar radiation and the building’s demands for hot water or for swimming pools.
Results derived from this standard requirement are to be considered minimal, and also dependent on decisions taken by responsible authorities that may contribute to this sustainability in accordance with the appropriated needs of its location and territorial situations.
15.5 Basic Requirements SE 5: Photovoltaic Minimum Energy Contribution
In buildings where this CTE is enforced, solar systems for capturing and transforming solar energy into power energy by photovoltaic methods are to be installed for the building’s own use or for supplying back to the grid.
Results derived from this standard requirement are to be considered to be minimal, and are dependent on more strict decisions taken by responsible authorities that can contribute to this sustainability in accordance with the appropriated needs of its location and territory.
Spanish to English: Para poner fin a 60 años de hegemonia 'colorada' General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish Para poner fin a 60 años de hegemonía 'colorada'
El ex obispo Fernando Lugo, líder de la izquierda, encabeza las encuestas por delante de la oficialista Blanca Ovelar
AGENCIAS - Asunción
Tres millones de paraguayos están llamados hoy a las urnas a elegir al nuevo presidente que sucederá a Nicanor Duarte en los quintos comicios generales de esta joven democracia, que cumple 20 años.
El ex obispo Fernando Lugo es el mejor colocado para acabar con 61 años de hegemonía del Partido Colorado, representado esta vez por una mujer, Blanca Ovelar, la primera candidata a la presidencia en la historia del país.
El ex general golpista Lino Oviedo completa la terna de candidatos.
"El domingo es el día de la Resurrección y Paraguay va a resucitar en las urnas".
Las últimas palabras en campaña del obispo Fernando Lugo, líder de la izquierdista Alianza Patriótica por el Cambio (APC), reflejan el clima de expectación con el que los paraguayos acuden hoy a las urnas en una votación que, de acuerdo con las encuestas, puede poner fin a 61 años de hegemonía del Partido Colorado.
Translation - English To put an end to the 60 years of “colorada's dominance“
The ex-bishop, Fernando Lugo, the leader of the Left Wing Party, is ahead in the polls against Blanca Ovelar.
Agencias – Assuncion
Three million Paraguayans, will be called to vote today to elect the new President that will be replacing Nicanor Duarte in the 5th general ballot of this young democracy of 20 years.
The ex-bishop- Fernando Lugo, is the one best placed as a candidate to end 61 years of dominance of the “Colorado Party” on this occasion represented by a woman - Blanca Ovelar, the first female candidate to the Presidency in the Country’s history.
The ex-general, coup leader, Lino Oviedo, completes the group of the three candidates.
“Sunday is awakening day, and Paraguay is going to be resurrected in the elections”.
The last words in the campaign of bishop Fernando Lugo - leader of the left wing of the Patriotic Alliance for change (APC), reflect the climate and the expectations by the Paraguayans, voting in such a way that, according to the polls could end the 61 years of dominance by the ‘’Colorado Party’’.
Italian to English: Progressivo abbassamento della leva finanziaria General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Italian progressivo abbassamento della leva finanziaria»
ROMA - Mario Draghi prevede che gli aggiustamenti economici dei prossimi anni «non saranno indolori» e «assicurare che essi avvengano in maniera ordinata porrà importanti sfide ai policy makers: supporto alla crescita e una continua iniezione di liquidità... in tempi di forte pressione inflazionistica e di stretta creditizia». Il governatore della Banca d'Italia e presidente del Financial Stability Forum, lo ha detto nel suo intervento al consueto appuntamento annuale organizzato dalla Fed di Kansas City a Jackson Hole. Secondo Draghi, «i prossimi anni saranno probabilmente caratterizzati da una bassa propensione al rischio a da un progressivo abbassamento della leva finanziaria».
POLITICA MONETARIA - «La politica monetaria non può essere il solo strumento, e neanche lo strumento principale per stimolare l'economia e il sistema finanziario. Dobbiamo creare invece un ambiente nel quale le banche possano e vogliano ricorrere alle loro riserve e concedere prestiti ed i mercati finanziari possano e vogliano rischiare» ha aggiunto Draghi, spiegando che che «ciò richiede capitali adeguati al rischio, sia nei bilanci delle banche che nelle mani di appropriati operatori non bancari. Ma può anche significare un contesto in cui le incertezze - sulle esposizioni di rischio e sulle valutazioni dei profitti, sugli sviluppi nell'economia reale, sulla forza dei bilanci finanziari, societari e familiari - sono state gestite in modo adeguato». Secondo il governatore, «ciò implica assegnare un ruolo centrale all'aumento della trasparenza così come l'iniziativa da parte del settore privato per risanare i bilanci e rafforzare il funzionamento dei mercati».
Translation - English “Finance Leverage Progressive fall ”
Roma – Mario Draghi projects that any economical adjustment in the years to come “are not going to be painless”; and, “ making sure that these occur in an ordered manner, will present important challenges to the policy makers: supporting growth and continuing to inject a time of inflationary pressures and credit squeeze". Anounced the governor of the Bank of Italy, also the President of the Financial Stability Forum, in his speech at the usual annual meeting, organised by the Fed of Kansas City in Jackson Hole.
According to Draghi, “The years to come will probably be characterized by a low propensity to risk and by a progressive fall of the finance’s leverage”.
MONETARY POLICY- ‘’Monetary Policy cannot be the single tool, neither the principal tool to stimulate the economy and the financial system. Instead we must create an environment where banks can and want to have recourse to their reserves and allow borrowings where financial markets can and are willing to risk" Added Draghi, explaining that, “ this requires adequate capital risk, both in the Banks balance and in the hands of suitable non- bank operators". It can also mean a challenge in which uncertainty – to risk exposure and profits evaluation, on the real economy over the strength of the financial, corporate and family budgets – are managed in an appropriated manner”. According to the Governor, “this means to assign a central role to increase transparency as well having the initiative from the private sector to restore the budget and strengthen the market’s operation”.
English to Portuguese: Rescuers suspend hunt for eight missing after French avalanche General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English Rescuers suspend hunt for eight missing after French avalanche
Source: ABC
Rescuers have suspended their hunt for three Swiss and five Austrian climbers missing after a wall of snow buried them in the French Alps, because of fears of fresh avalanches, officials said.
Helicopters and rescue teams had scanned the Alpine snow all day for signs of life after the eight went missing after the giant avalanche near France's highest peak, Mont Blanc.
One survivor, Italian Marco Delfini, told LCI news channel he saw "a wall of ice coming towards us and then we were carried 200 metres".
France's Interior Minister was on her way to the mountains to visit eight survivors - three Italians and five French - who were pulled from the snow and for a briefing on the search for other victims, her office said.
Police initially said 10 people were missing but later brought the number down to eight after two Italians turned up safe.
The climbers were on the 4,250-metre high Mont Blanc du Tacul when they were hit by a massive wall of snow around 3:00am (local time).
A mountain guide raised the alarm around 3:15 am.
Climbers of high mountains such as Mont-Blanc du Tacul, a site popular with hikers in the Mont Blanc range spanning France's border with Italy, often begin their ascent hours before dawn.
The avalanche, 200 metres long and 50 metres wide, struck at an altitude of 3,600 metres during what police described as "excellent" weather conditions around Mont Blanc.
It appeared to have been caused by a block of glacier ice that broke free and rolled down the mountain, a regular event in both winter and summer in the mountains, according to locals.
"It's probable, according to statements made to us, that groups of climbers roped together were on the path up the mountain as well as in the place where the block of ice tumbled down," the mayor of nearby Chamonix, Eric Fournier, said.
Swiss and Austrian authorities confirmed earlier reports that three and five of their nationals respectively were among the missing.
Some of the eight rescued - who were aged between 26 and 37 - had to be dug out of deep snow, while others had managed to free themselves.
All eight were slightly injured.
The rescue team sent in to search for survivors included 14 mountain guides, firefighters, and mountain police officers.
An Italian rescue helicopter was also sent in to back up the two French choppers involved in the hunt.
Around 30 people have died in this year's summer season in accidents in the French Alps, most of them in the Mont Blanc range, and a further 60 have perished in the Italian and Swiss Alps.
Translation - Portuguese Salvadores de vidas suspendem o resgate das oito pessoas perdidas na avalanche francesa
Fonte de informação: ABC
Receando novas avalanches, os salvadores de vidas suspenderam a busca dos três alpinistas Suíços e cinco Austríacos desaparecidos; uma grande quantidade de neve os soterrava nos Alpes franceses, informam-nos as autoridades.
Tentando encontrar sinal de vida, os helicópteros e as equipes de socorro, fizeram durante o dia, uma pesquisa das zonas de neve alpinas, assim que as oito pessoas desapareceram, devido a uma avalanche próximo do pico mais alto da França - Mont Blanc.
Marco Delfini, um sobrevivente Italiano declarou no noticiário do canal LCI declarou que viu:
” uma grande quantidade de gelo a deslizar contra nós que em seguida nos arrastou uns 200 metros”.
A Ministro do Interior francês, informam-nos os seus funcionários públicos, encontrava-se a caminho das montanhas para se encontrar com os oito sobreviventes - três Italianos e cinco Franceses que tinham sido resgatados da neve e, ao mesmo tempo angariar mais informações sobre a busca das outras vítimas.
Ao início, a polícia confirmou que contavam com 10 pessoas perdidas mas depois baixaram este número para oito; dois Italianos chegaram mais tarde, fora de perigo.
Os alpinistas encontravam-se no cimo de Mont Blanc do Tacul, uma montanha a 4,250 metros de altitude quando, por volta das 3:00h (três horas da manhã), (hora local), quando uma camada de neve enorme lhes caiu em cima.
Um dos guias das montanhas fez soar o alarme por volta das 3:15h (três horas e um quarto) da manhã.
Os alpinistas que sobem altas montanhas tal como o Mont Blanc de Tacul, Uma zona popular com alpinistas nas áreas de Mont Blanc, e que se estende entre as fronteiras da França e da Itália, bastas vezes começam estas subidas antes do amanhecer.
Esta avalanche, de 200 m (duzentos metros) de comprimento por 50 m (cinquenta metros) de largura, ocorreu a uma altitude de 3,600 metros numa ocasião em que a polícia descreveu as condições meteorológicas na áreas de Mont Blanc "optimas"
Tudo leva a crer que isso tenha sido causado por uma grande massa de gelo que se desprendeu e rolou pela montanha abaixo - um acontecimento regular nas montanhas, durante o Inverno e o Verão, segundo diceram os habitantes da localidade.
Segundo aquilo que nos disse o Prefeito de uma vila próxima de Chamonix - o Sr. Eric Founier: "é possível que tenha acontecido, que grupos de alpinistas todos ligados por uma uma corda se encontravam a caminho do cimo da montanha assim como na área onde a massa de gelo veio a rebolar".
As autoridades Suecas e Austríacas confirmaram as notícias anteriores dizendo que, respetivamente, entre três e cinco dos seus cidadãos se encontravam entre os desaparecidos.
Alguns dos oito socorridos – entre as idades de 26 e 37 anos – tiveram que ser resgatados da neve profunda, enquanto que outros conseguiram livrar-se por eles mesmo.
Os oito ficaram um pouco feridos.
O grupo de Socorros foi enviado para resgatar os sobreviventes que incluía 14 guias montanheses, os bombeiros, e oficiais da polícia montanhesa.
Um helicóptero italiano de resgate foi também enviado para ajudar os dois helicópteros franceses envolvidos nas buscas.
Neste verão, cerca de trinta pessoas morreram em acidentes nos Alpes Franceses, com na maioria nas áreas de Mont Blanc, e outros sessenta desapareceram nos Alpes Italianos e nos Alpes Suiços.
Portuguese to English: O Sétimo Selo de: J.R. dos Santos/gradiva 6.a Ed. Pages 147/148 General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Portuguese Imaginou sua mãe fechada em casa, sozinha, durante a noite, o seu estado a degradar-se... E se tivesse escorregado e batido com a cabeça em algum sítio, tenha deixado o gás ligado ou se tenha esquecido do ferro de passar ligado sobre a roupa, fosse à rua e se perdesse novamente... Não, definitivamente não. Ela não se encontrava em estado de permanecer sozinha; De maneira nenhuma ela poderia cuidar de si mesmo. A verdade, uma terrivel realidade, é que aquele era um caminho sem retorno e cabia-lhe a ele assumir as suas responsabilidades e decidir aquilo que nunca imaginara de ter que decidir.
Não poderia retroceder mais.
"Eu quero ir para a minha casa casa."
Tomás olhou para a mãe e ficou sem saber que lhe dizer. Talvez fosse melhor nem dizer nada. É isso, concluiu; não dizer nada, desistir da conversa. Que, jamais a iria a convencer, tornava-se já bastante evidente.
Translation - English He imagined his mother stuck at home, lonely during the night, in a state of decadence. She could have slipped and fell over, hit her head against something, leave the gas on, or the iron on the clothess forgotten , go out in the street and once again get lost. No,definitively not. She was in no state of mind to remain on her own; no way could she look after herself. The reality, the terrible reality was, that there was no way back and it was up to him to face up to his responsibilities, having to decide on a matter he thought he would never have to.
There was no going back.
'I want to go home.'
Tomás looked at his mother, not knowing what to say. Maybe it would be better if he didn't say anything.That's it, he thought; don't say a thing, drop the conversation. That he would never be able to convince her, was quite obvious.
Portuguese to English: Não me interpretem mal. General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Portuguese Não me interpretem mal. Eu até gosto de ir ao ski. Mas sou obrigada a reconhecer que não nasci para os desportos. Nem de Verão, nem de Inverno. Quando era miúda e me vi subitamente privada de fazer ginástica graças a uma febre reumática que me interditou todo os movimentos mais bruscos do que ler, desenhar, escrever e ouvir música, dei graças a Deus por não ser obrigada a fazer aqueles exercícios todos duas vezes por semana, alguns com aparelhos, tipo cavalo de Arção, nos quais eu era mais do que desajeitada.
Não é portanto de admirar a catástrofe em que redundou a minha primeira ida ao ski. Ainda não tinha vinte anos, o que para aprender a jogar Scrabble não é tarde, mas para começar a fazer ski já se revela problemático.
E como os amigos iam todos, lá fui eu, convencida que aquilo devia ser tão fácil como saltar à corda. O resultado foi desastroso: ao fim de três dias de choros, fitas, pânico de entrar nas cadeirinhas em movimento, infindáveis sucessões de quedas à entrada e saída dos teleskis, consegui muito a medo descer a minha primeira pista verde. Com a diferença que, enquanto toda a gente desceu em dois minutos, eu demorei cerca de quarenta. E só quando cheguei lá abaixo e me admirei com o frio que sentia nos pés, verifiquei que me tinha esquecido de apertar as botas. Não é fantástico?
A moral desta triste história, é que passei rapidamente a ser grande fanática do... après-ski. Aquelas botifarras confortáveis faziam-me sentir qual Neil Armstrong ao pisar, peregrino, o solo lunar. Com elas dei grandes passeatas, sempre com um livrinho e um caderninho para escrevinhar, enquanto bebia um chocolate quente na esplanada para matar o tempo.(...)
Quando voltei a casa, declarei publicamente que nunca mais ninguém me voltaria a ver com skis nos pés. Mas com o passar dos anos, as saudades da montanha e da neve começaram a moer-me a existência e acabei por voltar, outra, e outra vez, até me habituar.
Hoje, sou uma péssima esquiadora, mas pelo menos divirto-me. E depois, tudo o que é verdadeiramente difícil, dá outro sabor à vida.
Translation - English Do not get me wrong.
I really love to go skiing. But I have to agree that I wasn’t born to be a sports person. Either in summer or winter.
All of a sudden, as a child, I realised that was deprived of being able to do any physical exercise, thanks to having caught rheumatic fever that stopped me doing any faster movements other than to read, to draw and listen to music. I was thankful for not being obliged to do all these exercises, twice a week; some of these included jumping odd apparatus, horse type, in which I felt a sense of awkwardness.
Therefore, one should not be amazed how catastrophic it was for me, to go skiing for the first time. I wasn't even in my twenties, which is not too late to learn to play Scrabble, but learning to ski, that was something else.
And because all my friends went, so did I, convinced that it was as easier as rope skipping. I was a disaster. At the end of three days of crying, putting on a show, panicking while boarding the moving chairs, a never ending number of falls entering and exiting the chairlifts, gingerly I manage to descend my first green trail. The only difference was that while everyone went down in two minutes, I took about forty. Only when I got down there I became alarmed of how cold my feet felt; I realized that I had forgotten to tie up my boots. Isn’t this odd?
The moral of this sad story is that, I quickly became a great lover of the... après-skiing. These very large comfortable boots made me feel like Neil Armstrong when, for the first time, set foot on the moon. With these, I took many walks, always carrying with me a novel and a note book to scribble things done, while I drank hot chocolate on the esplanade to kill time. (...)
When I got back home I told everybody that no one would ever see me again with skis in my feet. As the years went by, the longing for the mountain and the snow grew in intensity. I ended up going back time and time again until I got used to it.
Today I am a rough skier but at least I enjoy having fun. In reality anything that proves to be a real challenge is worth trying.
English to Portuguese: Dreams from my father General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English 'Dreams from My Father' offers hope for mothers
May 05, 2009, 06:10 AM y Beth J. Harpaz
President Obama's memoir is called "Dreams from My Father." But there's an overlooked theme in the book that could merit a different title: "Hope for All Mothers."
And what better gift is there for Mother's Day than hope? I'm not talking about the politics of hope. I'm talking about hope for mothers of slackers.
Consider this passage in "Dreams from My Father" when Obama's in high school and his mother starts nagging him: "...One of your friends was just arrested for drug possession. Your grades are slipping. You haven't even started on your college applications."
He gets defensive in response. It's not like he's flunking out, he says, and he's got a plan: Instead of going away to college, he'll stay in Hawaii, work and take classes.
But his mum's having none of that. She tells him he can't just sit around like some "good-time Charlie. A loafer."
Let's pause here for a moment to savor the fact that the late mother of the future POTUS once called him a loafer.
Not that young Barack really was a loafer. There "isn't much evidence he was a slacker, no matter what he says in his memoir," said Rick Shenkman, a presidential historian at George Mason University in Virginia and editor of the online History News Network.
Shenkman added that "every boy should have a mother as dedicated as Obama's. She was maniacal about education. She'd make her kid get up at 5 a.m. to study."
That was when they lived in Indonesia, when she taught him for three hours each morning from an American correspondence course before sending him off to school. Obama writes that he resisted the routine, feigning stomach aches and falling back to sleep.
It's reassuring to think that Obama's mama had the same doubts about her son that so many of us have about our own kids. You can almost imagine her muttering to herself: "Will I ever get through to this kid? Why won't he listen to me?"
In some ways, it's harder these days to have the kind of conversation with your kid that Obama's mother had with him, the one where she called him a loafer. Kids are plugged into so many electronic devices now that it's all but impossible to get their attention. They've got an iPod bud in one ear, a cell phone bud in the other ear, and they're uploading scary party photos to Facebook while playing Halo on XBox Live with someone whose screen name is Satan.
But if you're up on the technology yourself, you could always start by texting your parental concerns. "Y R U failing math :(" might be a good opening line.
It could even lead to a real conversation, with eye contact, and spoken words, in which you follow up the bit about the math grade with a more optimistic statement, something like: "Just because you got a C in bio and broke curfew Friday night doesn't mean you can't aspire to the White House!"
You could say you know this for a fact, because in President Obama's memoir, he writes about drinking and using drugs - which he later characterized as "bad decisions" that "wasted a lot of time." But he managed to do OK despite those mistakes.
Of course, your child's response to all of this is likely to be something like, "I have no idea what you're talking about."
But don't give up so fast. What parents say to kids has a big impact, even when kids pretend otherwise. Obama's not the first president to describe his mother's role in shaping him. Ronald Reagan wrote that his mother taught him "how to have dreams and believe I could make them come true." And Abe Lincoln famously said, "All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother."
But my favorite quote when it comes to presidents and their mums is something Obama's mama said to him. In fact, I think of it as the perfect way to start a conversation with any slacker kid: "Don't you think you're being a little casual with your future?"
Obama's future turned out to be his country's future. Good thing his mum was on top of it.
Translation - Portuguese 'Sonhos do Meu Pai' para dar esperança às mães
5 de maio de 2009: 6,10h por Beth J Harpaz
''Sonhos do meu Pai"- o nome dado à autobiografia do Presidente Obama. Contudo, existe neste livro um tema, que poderia merecer um título diferente - '' As Esperanças de Todas as Mães.''
E que de melhor pode existir para o dia da mãe, que a esperança? Não me refiro aos preconceitos da esperança. Refiro-me a todas as mães de mandriões.
Em ''Sonhos do meu Pai", lembremo-nos da passagem, onde Obama que frequenta agora o colégio, e a mãe lhe diz: '' Um dos teus amigos acaba de ser preso, por posse de droga. As tuas notas estão a baixar! Quando vais a preencher os documentos dos teus pedidos aos colégios?''
A sua reação coloca-o na defensiva. “Não quer dizer que esteja por aí a chumbar” afirma ele, e que tem planos bem traçados: Que em vez de sair dali, para ir a estudar fora num colégio, permanecerá no Havai a trabalhar e a estudar.
Mas a mãe dele não se convence, e diz-lhe de que não vai consentir que ele fique para aí como um bardino. Um vadio!''
Imaginemos com regozijo, por um instante, que a falecida mãe do futuro PDEUA, uma vez o chamou um vadio!
A verdade é que, como jovem, Barack não era um vadio. Não podemos dizer, com certeza, que ele era preguiçoso só a julgar só pelo que nos diz no seu livro - Afirma, Rick Shenkman, um historiador presidencial da Universidade George Mason em Virgínia, e editor de on-line History News Network.
Shenkman acrescentando que, '' seria bom, se todos os jovens tivessem uma mãe, tão dedicada como essa de Obama. Uma doida quando se trata de dar educação. Forçava o filho, a levantar-se às cinco da manhã, para estudar.
Isto na altura, quando residiam na Indonésia, onde todas as manhãs, antes de o deixar partir para a escola, o ensinava por três horas, através de um curso de correspondência Americano. Obama diz-nos, que se opunha a este regime, pretendendo de ter dores no estômago, e de se adormecer.
Não haja duvida, que a mãe de Obama, tinha as mesmas dúvidas do filho, como tantos de nós temos, dos nossos. Podemos quase imaginar a ela, a proferir entre os dentes: '' Será que um dia ele entenderá o que lhe digo? Porque não me escuta?"
A verdade é que, hoje em dia, é mais difícil de ter uma conversa com um filho, tal como a mãe de Obama teve, ou seja aquela conversação, onde o chamou um vadio. Estes dias, é quase impossível de obter a atenção dos filhos, ligados a escutar tantos dos aparelhos eletrónicos.
Com um botão do iPod num ouvido, o botão do telefone portátil no outro, descarregando para o Facebook, fotografias horríveis de celebrações, jogando ao mesmo tempo na XBox Live, com alguém chamado Satanás!
Mas, se é que você sabe utilizar esta tecnologia, poderá sempre enviar mensagens relativas aos problemas dos pais. "P.E.T. a falhar matematicas''.seria um bom começo.
Poderia dar origem, a uma conversação séria, de cara a cara, e com palavras proprias, continuando depois a conversa das notas das matemáticas, com uma afirmação mais optimística, tal como: '' Só porque te deram um ''C'' em bio, e violaste as regras de sexta-feira à noite, não quer dizer, que não possas aspirar à Casa Branca!''
Pode-se dizer, que isto é a verdade, porque no seu livro, o Presidente Obama, fala de ter bebido e de ter usado droga, que ele mais tarde considera como, ''decisões mal feitas'', que ''lhe roubaram tempo precioso.'' Mas, com todas essas asneiras cometidas, conseguiu singrar.
Concerteza que a reação dos vossos filhos para tudo isso será: ''não tenho a minima ideia do que me está a dizer.''
Mas não desanimem. Aquilo que os pais dizem aos filhos, tem uma grande influência neles, embora os filhos pretendam que não tem. Obama, não foi o primeiro presidente, a descrever o facto de que a mãe o ajudou, a ser aquilo que é. Ronald Reagan, diz-nos que a mãe o ensinou a, '' como sonhar e ter fé, para tornar esses sonhos numa realidade''. E Abe Lincoln, é famoso por ter dito: Tudo aquilo que sou, ou posso vir a ser, devo-o à minha querida mãe.''
Mas, em relação aos presidentes e as mães deles, a minha expressão favorita, é aquela em que a mãe do Obama lhe diz, ou melhor ainda, que penso ser um modo ideal, para se iniciar uma conversa com um filho mandrião: - ''Não achas que tens que te preocupar mais com o teu futuro?''
O futuro de Obama, acabou por ser o futuro do seu País. Ainda bem, que a mãe dele actuou desse modo.
French to English: Le retour du président José Horta- Ramos Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - French Timor-oriental : le retour du président José Ramos-Horta
Le président du Timor-oriental Jose Ramos-Horta est arrivé aujourd’hui à Dili, la capitale du pays, deux mois après avoir survécu à une tentative d'assassinat. Le prix Nobel de la Paix 1996 a été accueilli en héros dès sa descente d'avion, acclamé par des milliers d'Est-Timorais. Grièvement blessé le 11 février dernier lors d'une tentative de coup d'Etat menée par d'anciens militaires, Jose Ramos-Horta avit été hospitalisé en Australie dans un hôpital prestigieux de Sydney. Plongé dans le coma pendant près de deux semaines, le président du Timor-oriental a subi plusieurs interventions chirurgicales afin de réparer les dégâts causés par les nombreux impacts de balles dont il a été la cible. José Ramos-Horta a été élu président en mai 2007. Libéré de la tutelle de l'Indonésie depuis 1999, le Timor-oriental a connu ces dernières années de longues périodes d'instabilité politique. Les autorités du pays doivent faire face à des violences pandémiques.
Translation - English East Timor : President José Ramos-Horta returns
President José Ramos-Horta arrived in Dili, today, the Country’s capital , two months after having survived an assassination attempt.
The Noble Prize Laureate of 1996 was welcome as an hero by thousands of East Timorese, as soon as he alighted from the plane.
He was seriously injured on the 11th February, following a military coup by the old military regime. José Ramos-Horta was hospitalized in Australia in a prestigious hospital in Sydney. He remained in a coma for almost two weeks. The East Timor President was submitted to several operation interventions to repair the wounds he received, caused by the impact of the numerous shots of which he was the target.
José Ramos Horta was elected in May 2007.
East-Timor managed to break free from Indonesia after 1999.
During the last years, East Timor has experienced long periods of political instability. The authorities in the country are faced with prevalent attacks.
English to Portuguese: The Incas General field: Marketing Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English The Incas started building it around AD 1430 but was abandoned as an official site for the Inca rulers a hundred years later at the time of the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire. Although known locally, it was largely unknown to the outside world before being brought to international attention in 1911 by Hiram Bingham, an American historian. Since then, Machu Picchu has become an important tourist attraction.
Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. Since it was not plundered by the Spanish when they conquered the Incas, it is especially important as a cultural site and is considered a sacred place.
Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style, with polished dry-stone walls. Its primary buildings are the Intihuatana, the Temple of the Sun, and the Room of the Three Windows. These are located in what is known by archaeologists as the Sacred District of Machu Picchu. In September 2007, Peru and Yale University reached an agreement regarding the return of artifacts which Hiram Bingham had removed from Machu Picchu in the early twentieth century
Translation - Portuguese Os Incas
Os Incas começaram a construi-lo por volta de AD 1430 mas foi abandonado como local oficial do governo dos Incas, cem anos anos depois. a seguir à Conquista Espanhola do Imperio dos Incas. Embora fosse conhecido do povo, no mundo externo, foi sempre um enigma, até ser mencionado em 1911, a um nivel internacional, pelo historiador americano Hiram Bingham
Desde ai, Machu Picchu, tornou-se uma área de atracão turística importante.
Machu Picchu, foi declarado um Santuário Histórico Peruviano em 1981 e, pela UNESCO como Patrimonio Mundial em 1983.
Pelo facto de que não foi saqueado pelos Espanhóis, quando conquistaram os Incas, tornou-se um sitio bastante importante, como local de cultura, vindo a ser considerado um lugar sagrado.
Machu Picchu, foi construído ao estilo clássico dos Incas, composto de paredes de pedra simples.
Os seus edifícios principais são o Intihuatana, o templo do Sol, e a sala das Três Janelas. Estes encontram-se situados numa área nomeada por arqueologistas, como o Distrito Sagrado de Machu Picchu.
Em Setembro de 2007, Peru e a Universidade de Yale, chegaram a um acordo, com fins de devolver os artigos de arte antiga, que Hiram Bingham tinha removido de Machu Picchu, nos começos do vigésimo século.
English to Portuguese (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified) Portuguese to English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified) English (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified) English to Portuguese (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters, verified)
• Building and Construction/Engineering
• Mining and Exploration (Construction side only)
• Tourism and Travel
• Literature
• Education
Main Areas covered
• Technical Translation - Construction, Mining exploration, related works of Engineering, Technical Manuals, Building Construction and Health Safety, Work Specifications, Reports, General Tender Documentation
• Translation Services EN<=>PT<=>EN (naati accredited since 1983)
• Other Language Services – French, Italian, Spanish to English (UK) and Portuguese (EU)
• Document Translation and Revision of all types of generic files, including DTP files through trados)
• Trados - SDL trados 2007<=> Studio 2011; Client's TM’s DB’s available on request.
• Website Localization (All types of websites, including CMS)
• Website Translation/ Revision - All types of websites, including Design and Creation
• Linguistics - Specialization in five languages; (EN, FR, IT, PT, ES) All other world languages by associated peers)
• Proofreading - All kinds of literature; all kinds of literature(s) pertaining to text.
Quality Assured Translated/Revised Documents
• Multilingual/polyglot with solid knowledge/ grammar bases of these languages. Personally can attend to all client's verbal and in writing requests in five languages.
• French Advanced knowledge
• Italian Advanced knowledge
• English Advanced native knowledge (Educated in Australia)
• Portuguese Advanced native knowledge (Educated in Portugal)
• Spanish Advanced knowledge
• Teaching Romance languages
• Personal Website more info (Please Note: this website is on hold until Jan 2013)
• Personal Website more info (Please Note: this website is on hold until Jan 2013)
Twitter: yes;
Skype: yes;
Facebook; no;
LinkedIn; yes
Being a polyglot leaves me with very little time for doing anything else other than deal with what I call - ''I do what I do well!'' By offering solutions, not problems. Not perfection but just right. Not when I am ready but when clients need the work. not just any translation but a well revised one. Simply! If something doesn't make sense I am not translating it!
Major in French and Italian from UNE University of New England, NSW - Australia.
Technical Specialization:
Building and Construction: translator specialist in the languages of:
• English to Portuguese -
• Portuguese to English -
• French to English
• French to Portuguese
My other fields of work and specialization are:
• Tourism and Travel
• Advertising & Public relations
• Literature – Fiction and non fiction
Translators/ Interpreters Groups and Associations:
• (NAATI) National Accreditation Authority for Interpreters and Translators
• Authors, Writers, Publishers, Editors, & Writing Professionals
• Francophonie
• English Spanish Translator Org
• Freelance Translators - Interpreters network
• International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI)
• Portuguese Translators
• Italian to English Translators Group
More information can be obtained by contacting Manuel @ by telephoning: 61-08-83836827 mob. 610418383936 or by visiting my website at: http://www (Please Note: these two websites are on hold until Jan 2013)
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: Accredited (NAATI) freelance English <-> Portuguese // Portuguese <-> English// Translator.
Translation Main specialization: Technical field.
Building and Construction, Engineering, Mining <=> from Spanish and Portuguese into English.
• English to Portuguese
• Portuguese to English
• French to English
• French to Portuguese
My other fields of work/specialization are:
• Tourism and Travel
• Advertising & Public relations
• Literature – Fiction and non fiction
Freelance accredited Translator--(NAATI) National Australian Accreditation for Translators and Interpreters - Both ways - English to Portuguese & Portuguese to English since 1983.
Bachelor of Arts, Major in French and Italian from (UNE) University of New England, NSW - Australia.
Other skills:
• Website translation, language localization, from: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish into English, and from French. See more.Accredited (NAATI) freelance English <-> Portuguese // Portuguese <-> English// Translator.
Translation Main specialization: Technical field.
Building and Construction, Engineering, Mining <=> from Spanish and Portuguese into English.
• English to Portuguese
• Portuguese to English
• French to English
• French to Portuguese
My other fields of work/specialization are:
• Tourism and Travel
• Advertising & Public relations
• Literature – Fiction and non fiction
Freelance accredited Translator--(NAATI) National Australian Accreditation for Translators and Interpreters - Both ways - English to Portuguese & Portuguese to English since 1983.
Bachelor of Arts, Major in French and Italian from (UNE) University of New England, NSW - Australia.
Other skills:
• Website translation, language localization, from: French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish into English, and from French, Italian, English and Spanish into Portuguese.
• Well versed, knowledgeable, well-traveled, recognized businessman.
• Licensed/Owner of a reputed construction business - (A1 Marble & Granite S. Pty. Ltd._ Sydney).
Has the Know-how and understands, in theory and in practice, Business Practices, Contracts and statutory terminological documentation - (Building STDs, Quality Assurance, all Building Trades Specifications, Safety, Work-cover at work, trade Unions etc);
Translation Tools/Software:
• Translation tools used : SDL Trados 2007; Studio 2009/2011 SDLStudio2014
• Other tools: Microsoft Suite: MS Word; powerPoint; excel.
All my clients benefit from accurate technical translations/revisions that continuously match the requests and needs of individuals and corporate firms that we serve.
Also on offer, through Trados is:
• Terminology Management (the creation of client TM's Databases) and Desktop publishing of translated/revised documents
Extra knowledge and linguistic experience:
At present private teacher/tutor in the English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish languages. (''parked'' for reasons of trying to diminish my present work load) my apologies.
Translating/perusing on voluntary bases manly for IAI, AIH, (International Alliance of Inhabitants), from English, French, Italian, Spanish, to Portuguese, for the last (6) six years. (Publications, Manuel Seixo IAI).
In short:
My love of Languages goes with the culture and education I received in Portugal, France, etc and that continued for the last 36 years in Australia. Now, retired from my company business, semi-retired from teaching/translating, I try to pass this advanced level of linguistic knowledge, as a true linguist/polyglot, to others.
Projects that I am involved in at the present time include: teaching of foreign languages, (as previously stated) and, translating my own text books, in (5) five languages at a professional level to meet the - ESL/TESOL and the CEFRL assessment requirements.
Besides helping with translations/revisions for good humanitarian causes I also get involved/meet with other colleagues T&I through proz powwows and including helping editing and correcting translation contexts - translation contests i.e."Contemporary society" En_Pt; Fr_Pt; ES_En; Es_Pt.
for more information visit: translation contests » 11th translation contest: "Contemporary society" and view by language: En_Pt; Fr_Pt; ES_En; Es_Pt./axies
More information can be obtained through my email a/b:
or by Telephoning Manuel on: 61-08-83836827
or mobile: 0418-383936 or my websites at:
www & (''parked'' for reasons of trying to diminish my present work load) my apologies.
All requests and queries will be answered promptly and courteously.. See less.