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English to Arabic - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per word / 25 - 30 USD per hour / 1.00 - 1.50 USD per audio/video minute Arabic to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.10 USD per word / 26 - 31 USD per hour / 1.00 - 1.50 USD per audio/video minute
English to Arabic: History Lesson درس تاريخي General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - English Owners of the Old Sweet Shop in the Kent village of Chipstead knew that their house might be one of the oldest in the village. When Donna and Oliver Madden bought the cottage a few years ago, it had no name. But Donna heard people referring to it as the Old Sweet Shop and decided to make a change.
Translation - Arabic عرف مُلاك متجر الحلوى القديم في قرية كِنتْ بنواحي جيبستد أن منزلهم يمكن أن يكون من بين الأقدم في القرية. عندما اشترت دونا وأُوليفر مادن الكوخ قبل سنوات قليلة، لم يكن يحمل اسماً. ولكن دونا سمعت الناس يشيرون إليه باسم متجر الحلوى القديم، لذا قررت القيام بتغيير.
English to Arabic: Sir James Dewar سير جيمس ديوار General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: History
Source text - English Sir James Dewar, (1842-1923) was a chemist and physicist, best known for his work with low-temperature phenomena. Dewar was born in Kincardine, Scotland, and educated at the University of Edinburgh. He was professor of experimental natural philosophy at the University of Cambridge, England, in 1875 and professor of chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in 1877, where he was appointed director of the Davy-Faraday Research Laboratory.
Translation - Arabic السير جيمس ديوار 1842-1932، كيمائي وفيزيائي عُرف بأعماله في مجال أبحاث الظواهر عند درجات الحرارة المنخفضة. ولد ديوار في كنكردين الاسكتلندية وتلقى تعليمه في جامعة إدنبرة. عمل أستاذا للفلسفة الطبيعية التجريبية في جامعة كمبردج بانجلترا سنة 1875م، ثم أستاذا للكيمياء بالمعهد الملكي البريطاني سنة 1877م، حيث عين لاحقا مديرا لمعمل ديفي فراداي للأبحاث.
English to Arabic: Summer Storm عاصفة صيف General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English We stood on the rented patio
While the party went on inside.
You knew the groom from college.
I was a friend of the bride.
We hugged the brownstone wall behind us
To keep our dress clothes dry
And watched the sudden summer storm
Floodlit against the sky.
The rain was like a waterfall
Of brilliant beaded light,
Cool and silent as the stars
The storm hid from the night.
Translation - Arabic وقفنا في الساحة المستأجرة،
بينما دار الحفل في الداخل،
أنت تعرف العريس منذ زمن المدرسة،
بينما كنتَ صديق العروس..
عانقنا الجدار الحجري خلفنا،
كيما نحفظ أرديتنا من البلل،
شاهدنا عاصفة الصيف الهوجاء
وهي تغمر وجه السماء..
كان المطر مثل شلال مطرز بألق الضياء،
وكما النجوم الواجمة الهادئة،
توارت العاصفة عن المساء…
English to Arabic: Litany إبتهال General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English
This is a litany of lost things,
a canon of possessions dispossessed,
a photograph, an old address, a key.
It is a list of words to memorize
or to forget–of amo, amas, amat,
the conjugations of a dead tongue
in which the final sentence has been spoken.
This is the liturgy of rain,
falling on mountain, field, and ocean–
indifferent, anonymous, complete–
of water infinitesimally slow,
sifting through rock, pooling in darkness,
gathering in springs, then rising without our agency,
only to dissolve in mist or cloud or dew.
Translation - Arabic هذا دعاء الأشياء المفتقدة،
سِفرُ الأملاك المنتهبة،
صورةٌ وعنوان قديم ..
مفتاح، لائحة كلماتٍ كي نستظهرها أو ننساها،
من نوع أُحبُ وتُحبُ وهي تُحبُ،
تصاريفَ لغة ميتة ،قد نُطقت جملتها الأخيرة…
هذا طقس المطر..
يسقط على الجبل والحقل والخضم،
بارد ومجهول وعميم،
من ماء عظيم التمهل،
يتسرب عبر الصخر متجمعا في الدجنة،
يحتشد في ينابيع ليرتفع وحده
ثم يذوب مجددا في الضباب والسحاب والندى…
Arabic to English: dangerous animals of Coral Reef الحيوانات الخطرة في الشعاب المرجانية General field: Science Detailed field: Science (general)
Source text - Arabic أكدت دراسة علمية مصرية حديثة حول أسلوب الدفاع والهجوم لدى الحيوانات الخطرة في الشعاب المرجانية، أن هناك حيوانات تملك أسلحة هجوم خارجية لخداع الفريسة. هذه الأسلحة والتي غالبا ما تكون كيميائية، توجد في الشعاب المرجانية، وشقائق النعمان، ودبابير البحر والقناديل التي تملك خلايا محملة بالسموم تسمى الخلايا اللاسعة مع وجود إبرة شوكيه حادة في نهاية هذه اللوامس.
Translation - English An Egyptian new scientific study about attack and defense mechanism among dangerous animals of Coral Reef, has confirmed that some of these animals have external attack weapons to trick the prey. These weapons which are often chemical, found in Corals, Anemones, Sea-wasp and Jellyfish which possess nematocysts called Stinging Cells with sharp spine at the end of their tentacles.
Arabic to English: Graduation certificate شهادة تخرج General field: Other Detailed field: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Source text - Arabic المملكة العربية السعودية
وزارة التعليم العالي
عمادة القبول والتسجيل
جامعة القصيم
تنويه: كلية اللغة العربية والدراسات الاجتماعية كانت تابعة لجامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية فرع القصيم ثم أصبحت تابعة لجامعة القصيم بالأمر السامي الكريم رقم 22042 وتاريخ 10/5/1424هـ
وثيقة تخرج
تشهد جامعة القصيم أن الطالب (....................)
الرقم الجامعي (............) الجنسية (سعودي) تخرج من كلية (اللغة العربية والدراسات الاجتماعية ) وحصل على درجة البكالوريوس في (العلوم العربية والاجتماعية) في تخصص ( علوم اجتماعية – شعبة إدارة الأعمال) بتقدير عام (جيد) ومعدل تراكمي (3.26) (ثلاثة وستة وعشرون من مائة من اصل (5.00) في نهاية الفصل الثاني من العام الجامعي 1423/1424 انتظاما
عميد القبول والتسجيل
د. ..............
التاريخ: 2/4/1427هـ
كل كشط أو تغير في هذه الشهادة يلغيها
Translation - English Graduation certificate
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
Alqassim University
Deanship of Admission and Registration
Note: The College of Arabic Language and Social Studies was one of the Islamic University of Imam Muhammad Bin Saud, Alqassim branch colleges, according to High Degree No. 22042, dated 10/07/2003
AlQassim University hereby certifies that the student (…………………..) ID No. (……………..), nationality (Saudi) has graduated from the College of (Arabic Language & Social Studies), and has been awarded a Bachelor Degree of (Arabic & Social Sciences) in the field of (Social Sciences – Business Administration)
With a G.P.A of (3.26/5.00) /Three point Twenty-Six out of Five/, Grade: (Good), in the 2nd semester 2002/2003
Dean of Admission & Registration
Seal of the Students’ Deanship Affairs ………
Any addition, alteration or correction will render this document invalid
Arabic to English: Biography General field: Other Detailed field: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Source text - Arabic
- عضو مجلس إدارة الجمعية السعودية للتصوير الضوئي
- رئيسة اللجنة النسائية بـ"جماعة التصوير الضوئي" بالأحساء.
- مشاركة في العديد من المعارض الداخلية و الخارجية.
Translation - English •member of the Saudi Photography Society
•Head of women Photography Group at AlAhsa
•Participated in many internal & external exhibitions
Arabic to English (Sultan Qaboos University, verified) English to Arabic (Sultan Qaboos University, verified) English (Cambridge University (ESOL Examinations), verified) English (University of Nile Valley, verified) English (University of Gezira, verified)
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Hello…My name is Abdallah Saeed. I
am Arabic native speaker and I master it very well. I have B.Ed. in ELT and MA
in Applied Linguistics in addition to Cambridge CELTA (Certificate of Teaching
English Language to Speakers of Other Languages), thus my main working language
pairs are "English and Arabic". I have been working in the field of ELT
for the last 20 years, from which 15 years as a freelance translator. I have
worked for a large number of agencies and direct clients in the following
translation fields:
Education, Commercial, Travel and
Tourism, Journalism and Media, History and Geography, Literature (Short Stories
and Poetry), Banking and Finance, Resumes, Law and many more…
Examples of projects translated:
1. King Fahad International Airport
New Database Operation System (10.000 words),
2.Preparation for Negotiation at
Female Administrative Leaders in Public Sector (2500 words),
3. Saudi Photography Book (2000
4. Talal Abu Ghazaleh- Arab Omani
Training Institute’s Business Brochures and leaflets (4000 words),
5. Arab Training Forum Business
Booklet (3000 words)
6. Saudi Ministry of Water &
Irrigation Business Plan (11.000 words)
Moreover, I translated
hundreds of academic certificates for King Abdullah Scholarship Program, in
addition to birth certificates and wrote hundreds of letters of academic
purpose and prepared resumes for students interested to study abroad along with
securing the necessary letters of acceptances. Over three years, I managed to
send more than a thousand students to study undergraduate or PG programs around
the globe.
Published Articles and Translation
Works (Arabic):
1. Two poems by the American poet Dana
Gioia (Litnay, Summer Storm) for Al Qafilah Magazine
2. Assisted translation of the
Rhadopis of Nubia, a novel by Najib Mahfouz translated by Anthony Calderbank (2003)
Part of my job as a Senior Writing
Specialist for Qatar Foundation included writing and preparing the following documents:
1. Writing Centre Manual
2. Writing Tutor Manual
3. Writing Club Manual
4. Writing Centre Handouts
5. Writing promotional materials and monthly
news letter
In addition to that, I have
conducted many internal and public workshops in different English Language writing
skills to help my colleagues, students and the general community of Qatar.
So, if you are looking for a
professional translator from English to Arabic or vice versa, or looking for support
to improve your writing skills or proofread a document or academic research,
please feel free to contact me directly.