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Italian to Bosnian French to Croatian Italian to Croatian English to Serbian French to Serbian Italian to Serbian Croatian to French Croatian to English Serbian to French Serbian to English Bosnian to French Bosnian to English English to Serbo-Croat French to Serbo-Croat Italian to Serbo-Croat Serbo-Croat to English Serbo-Croat to French Montenegrin to English Montenegrin to French English to Montenegrin French to Montenegrin Italian to Montenegrin
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Wire transfer, Skrill, PayPal, Check, Moneygram, western union
Sample translations submitted: 2
French to Bosnian: Agriculture
Source text - French Les commandes faites auprès de sous traitants doivent obligatoirement décrire les travaux à réaliser en quantité et en qualité. Ces commandes ont valeur de contrat avec le sous traitant.
Si on a déjà passé un contrat avec un sous traitant, alors ce dernier a valeur de commande.
Les commandes de locations de matériel ont valeur de contrat.
Les commandes de mise à disposition de personnel intérimaire doivent obligatoirement décrire le profil et les aptitudes du candidat recherché. Ces commandes ont valeur de contrat.
Translation - Bosnian Porudžbine kada imate poddobavljača obavezno moraju opisati radove koje treba realizirati kada je u pitanju kvantiteta i kvaliteta. Uz poddobavljača, porudžbine imaju vrijednost ugovora.
Porudžbine lokacija materijala imaju vrijednost ugovora.
Pozivnice za privremeno osoblje moraju obavezno opisivati profil i sposobnosti traženog kandidata. Te pozivnice imaju vrijednost ugovora.
English to Bosnian: Accounting
Source text - English Accounting Test (250 words)
Introduction to Accrual Accounting This topic introduces three of the principal financial statements: the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of retained earnings.
The Asset Conversion Cycle The core of all business activity is the asset conversion cycle—the process of converting assets to cash. This topic involves how to identify the asset conversion cycle for basic business organisational forms as a foundation for determining the true borrowing cause and assessing the borrower's ability to repay.
Accounting for the Operating Cycle This topic covers the variety of accounting principles that can be used to present financial information. It includes how to analyse financial statement information on revenue, accounts receivable and inventory. It also covers the connections between the balance sheet and income statement and examines several revenue-recognition methods that represent operating cycle activity on the income statement.
Accounting for the Capital Investment Cycle and Other Assets This topic covers the accounting principles that can be used to present information about fixed assets in financial statements. It also covers the principles used to present information on marketable securities and intangible assets such as goodwill, copyrights and assets.
Accounting for Liabilities and Equity This topic assesses how long- and short-term liabilities, owners' equity issues and taxation affect a company's revenue, expenses and profitability.
Financial Reporting and Full Disclosure This topic covers the financial reporting environment, including the rules accountants follow, the scope of accounting activities and the assurances accountants give in various "opinions" of the reliability of financial statements.
Translation - Bosnian Uvod u prirast fniansijskog obračuna Ova tema predstavlja uvod u tri osnovna finansijska stanja : zaključni račun, stanje prihoda, i stanje o sačuvane zarade.
Prednost konverzije Skor svih poslovnih aktivnosti jeste prednost konverzije proces promjene donosi gotovinu. Ova nas tema uči kako identifikovati doprinos konverzionog ciklusa za osnovne poslovne organizacione modele, kao što je fondacija za određivanje pravog uzroka posuđivanja i procjenjivanje posuđivačeve sposobnosti da vrati posuđeno.
Obračun za radni ciklus Ova tema pokriva mnoštvo principa accountinga koji se mogu iskoristiti da predstave finansijsku informaciju. To uključuje kako analizirati informaciju o finansijskom stanju, računa ono što može biti primljeno, te inventar. Također, pokriva veze između zaključnog računa i stanja prihoda, te proučava nekoliko metoda za prepoznavanje prihoda koje predstavljaju operativni krug aktivnosti na stanju zarade.
Obračun za ciklus investiranja kapitala i drugih doprinosa. Ova tema pokriva principe accountinga koji se mogu koristiti da se predstavi informacija o određenim doprinosima u finansijskom stanju. Također, pokriva principe koji se koriste da se predstavi informacija o utrživim osiguranjima i neopipljivim doprinosima, kao što su dobar ugled, autorska prava i aktiva.
Obračun za dugove i kapital Ova tema doprinosi tome kako kratkotrajni i dugotrajni dugovi, pitanje vlasnikovog kapitala i oporezivanja doprinose prihodima kompanije, troškovima i profitabilnosti.
Finansijski izvještaj i otkrivanje svih podataka. Ova tema pokriva tranzicijsko okruženje, uključujući praćenje računovođinih pravila, opseg knjigovodstvenih aktivnosti i sigurnost koju računi daju u različitim «mišljenjima» oko pouzdanosti finansijskog stanja.
Accounting test (250 words).
Years of experience: 20. Registered at Jun 2007.
French to Bosnian (University of Sarajevo) Bosnian to French (University of Sarajevo) French to Serbian (University of Sarajevo) Serbian to French (University of Sarajevo) Croatian to French (University of Sarajevo)
French to Croatian (University of Sarajevo)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Multicorpora, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, STAR Transit, Trados Studio
My name is Djana Surkovic, and I am from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am professor, and a freelance translator with over 15 years of experience.
My services are TEP from English, French and Italian to Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian language and vice versa, and my level of competency is professional.
While at the University, I have translated six books from French to Bosnian language. Besides those books, there are works of Sartre, Flaubert, Simenon, Camus etc.
Domains of my expertise are accounting, agriculture, banks and credits, charity, finances, medicine, general electronics, politics, products, law, etc.
Dictionaries that I use are "Essentiel Hachette", "Dictionnaire de français Larousse", "Merriam Webster", "Oxford dictionary", "Morton Benson". I am very much familiar with software and website localization. My internet connection is fast broadband connection working 24/7/365. Softwares which I use are SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ, Microsoft Office, Abby Fine Reader, Adobe Acrobat.
Prices for large projects are negotiable. Also, small projects will be done for free as tokens of our future collaboration. Considering the work experience, I have worked at full time position as vendor manager and exclusive representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina of the company Euro Lingo, which was based in Poland at that time. Currently I collaborate with many translation companies, all around the world, and testimony of his can be seen at my feedback page.
I look forward to our collaboration,
Kindest regards,
Djana Surkovic, prof.
*This site, or page respectively is owned, maintained and operated by Djana Surkovic
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Keywords: French to Bosnian, French to Serbian, French to Croatian, Italian to Bosnian, Italian to Serbian, Italian to Croatian, English to Bosnian, English to Serbian, English to Croatian, Bosnian to French. See more.French to Bosnian, French to Serbian, French to Croatian, Italian to Bosnian, Italian to Serbian, Italian to Croatian, English to Bosnian, English to Serbian, English to Croatian, Bosnian to French, Bosnian to English, Bosnian to Italian, Croatian to French, Croatian to English, Croatian to Italian, Serbian to English, Serbian to French, Serbian to Italian, accounting, agriculture, banks and credits, charity, finance, medicine, general, electronics, politics, products, law, technical, literature, translation, software, localization, editing, project management, vendor management. See less.
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