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Member since Nov '16
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English to Italian Italian to English
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Elena and David Dickens EN<>IT, Science/Business, 13 years
Italian to English: Tax Culture Study General field: Science Detailed field: Mathematics & Statistics
Source text - Italian La Tabella 3 mostra le stime risultanti dall’applicazione di modelli di regressione logistica binaria relativi alla probabilità di indicare l’evasione fiscale come uno dei tre principali problemi per il Paese. I risultati mostrano chiaramente che, a prescindere dall’anno di rilevazione, il titolo di studio si associa in maniera positiva alla sensibilità verso l’evasione fiscale. Questo risultato sembra quindi non contraddire l’ipotesi che l’istruzione funga da stimolo alla consapevolezza che le imposte rappresentano un’importante forma di partecipazione alla vita della comunità, mentre è in aperto contrasto con l’ipotesi che i più istruiti siano maggiormente insofferenti verso la tassazione e di conseguenza la valutino come un reato poco grave. Si evidenzia, inoltre, una relazione crescente con le differenze tra titoli di studio che tendono ad aumentare nel corso degli anni. Ad esempio, i laureati mostrano, rispetto ai diplomati, un odds ratio superiore del 10% nel 1998 e di quasi il 50% nel 2010.
Translation - English Table 3 shows the results of the application of binary logistic regression models related to the probability of rating tax evasion as one of the three main problems facing Italy. The results clearly show that, for all survey years, the educational qualification level is positively linked to tax evasion awareness. This result appears to be consistent with the hypothesis that education serves to make people more aware of the fact that taxation is an important way of contributing to the lives of those in the community, whilst it clearly contrasts with the hypothesis that people with higher levels of education are more intolerant towards taxation and as a result see tax evasion as a minor offence. In addition, we can see a growing relationship regarding the differences between the educational qualification levels, which tend to increase across the years. For example, when compared to those edu-cated to upper secondary standard, people holding a university degree show an odds ratio of greater than 10% in 1998, by 2010 this has grown to 50%.
English to Italian: Employee guide General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - English The End of Year Performance Development Review (PDR) is your opportunity to have a meaningful and valuable conversation about your total performance in year. It is also an opportunity to reflect and discuss what went well, what was achieved and any areas not delivered and to start to think about the coming year, development aspirations and to discuss the RedPens you want to set yourself.
Every employee will have their annual face to face PDR review with their Manager in December; it should be planned into the diary in advance, the date and time protected and respected by both parties.
Your preparation should start in October (weeks 1 & 2) when you complete your PDR Self Evaluation. You may wish to use the Employee End of Year PDR Preparation Self Coaching Questions which can be found in Appendix 3 of this guide, to help you with your reflections and evaluation.
Translation - Italian La Performance Development Review (PDR) di Fine Anno è la tua opportunità di avere un colloquio significativo e prezioso sulle tue performance complessive durante l'anno. È inoltre un'opportunità per riflettere e discutere di cosa è andato bene, di cosa è stato raggiunto e delle aree in cui non sono stati raggiunti i risultati attesi e un’occasione per iniziare a pensare all'anno che sta per iniziare, alle aspirazioni di sviluppo e per discutere le RedPen che ti vuoi porre come obiettivo.
Ogni dipendente avrà la sua revisione annuale PDR faccia a faccia con il proprio Manager a dicembre: dovrebbe essere inserita in anticipo in agenda, la data e l'orario devono essere salvaguardati e rispettati da entrambe le parti.
La tua preparazione dovrebbe iniziare ad ottobre (1a e 2a settimana), una volta completata la tua Autovalutazione PDR. Potresti voler utilizzare le "Domande di Self Coaching per il Dipendente in Preparazione del PDR di Fine Anno" riportate nell'Appendice 3 della presente guida, per aiutarti nelle tue riflessioni e valutazioni.
English to Italian: Environmental Project description General field: Science Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - English All 52 projects along a stretch of over 220 km along the Meuse River are part of an integrated river improvement programme. The measures that are developed and implemented look specifically into safety against flooding, improved navigability and more natural river dynamics / improvement of ecosystem services. Some of the projects have been finalised; others have just kicked-off.
Since 1999, the XXXXX consultants have been actively involved in this Meuse Programme. During all six project phases, our consultants have contributed to environmental impact assessment studies, permit procedures, design modifications/ optimisations, hydraulic simulations, navigability studies, GIS services, and all kinds of advice and expertise on river related issues.
An example of an applied soft engineering solution is the creation of more space for the river for both ecological rehabilitation and flood protection purposes. XXXXX was involved in multiple design studies.
Translation - Italian Tutti i 52 progetti lungo un tratto fiume Meuse di oltre 220 km, fanno parte di un programma integrato di valorizzazione del fiume. Le misure che vengono sviluppate e attuate affrontano nello specifico la protezione contro le inondazioni, il miglioramento della navigabilità e servizi per una più naturale dinamica fluviale / miglioramento dell'ecosistema. Alcuni dei progetti sono stati conclusi; altri sono appena partiti.
Dal 1999, i consulenti XXXXX sono stati attivamente coinvolti in questo Programma Meuse. Durante tutte e sei le fasi del progetto, i nostri consulenti hanno contribuito a studi di valutazione dell'impatto ambientale, procedure autorizzative, modifiche/ottimizzazioni progettuali, simulazioni idrauliche, studi di navigabilità, servizi GIS e hanno messo a disposizione le proprie competenze per fornire consulenza su qualunque tipo di problematica relativa al fiume
Un esempio di soluzione ingegneristica di base applicata è la creazione di più spazio per il fiume, sia per il recupero ecologico sia per la protezione dalle inondazioni. XXXXX è stata coinvolta in molteplici studi progettuali.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Apr 2007. Became a member: Nov 2016.
Italian to English (TKT) Italian to English (CAE) Italian to English (B.Sc (Hons) Management Science) English to Italian (MSc Environmental Sciences) English (ESOL, verified)
Italian to English / English to Italian Translations
A two-person team of language service providers with 10 years of professional experience in the science and business fields, and 13 years experience as translators.
How we work
We work closely together, collaborating, discussing, exchanging ideas and reviewing each other’s work as we go.
Elena translates from English to Italian, David reviews her work.
David translates from Italian to English, Elena reviews his work.
B.Sc. in Management Science / Master's in Environmental Sciences
Elena graduated from the Milano Bicocca University with a Master's in Environmental Sciences.
David is a Management Science graduate (with an Operational Research specialisation) from the University of Wales.
Strong Professional Background
Elena worked for several years as an environmental consultant, for both public sector agencies and private companies, specialising in the field of environmental science and engineering and environmental standards compliance.
David joined a scientific agency where he initially operated as a senior scientific officer conducting operational research projects on behalf of the UK Ministry of Defence, before fulfilling a number of corporate management roles including Department Manager and HR Manager.
Excellent Language Skills
Elena is native Italian, fluent in English, and is an ITI Qualified Member (MITI).
David is native British, fluent in Italian and has published four English didactic books in Italy.
Portfolio of Recent Projects Business
IT > EN – PhD Thesis: Tax culture and education in Italy (6,000 words)
IT > EN – Various Contractual Agreements and General Terms & Conditions (10,000 words)
Training & HR
IT > EN – Translations of various online training courses (25,000 words)
EN > IT – HR Performance Assessment Manuals & Presentations (22,000 words)
EN – Voiceovers for online training simulations
Science & Environment
EN > IT – IPPC Environmental Standards documents (12,000 words)
EN > IT – Proposals & Reports for Environmental Remediation Projects (14,000 words)
IT > EN – Various technical user manuals for industrial vehicle washing machines (60,000 words)
IT > EN – Operating Procedures for balances and weighing systems (4,000 words)
IT > EN – Quality Control Systems for Cheese Processing Plants (9,000 words)
IT > EN – Technical Data Sheets for Polyethylene products for extrusion and blowing (3,000 words)
IT > EN – Terms, Conditions and Procedures for online football betting (5,000 words)
Websites & Marketing
EN > IT – Descriptions of outdoor pursuit products for e-commerce site (5,000 words)
IT > EN – Marketing brochures for World Artistic Roller Skating Championships (3,000 words)
IT < > EN – Various website localisations (10,000 words)
Main Clients
Versace, Kraft Foods, The North Face, Indivior, British Telecom Italia, Arcadis Italia, Bindi Dessert, Casaforte, Ambrosi, etc.
Contact us
Contact us by email or visit our website.
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Keywords: traduzione rapporto ambientale, traduzione relazione ambientale, environmental impact assessment Italian, valutazione impatto ambientale inglese, environmental translations, environmental report translator, traduttore madrelingua inglese rapporti ambientali, Italian environmental translator, valutazioni di impatto ambientale mother tongue transaltor, environmental impact assessment Italian translator. See more.traduzione rapporto ambientale, traduzione relazione ambientale, environmental impact assessment Italian, valutazione impatto ambientale inglese, environmental translations, environmental report translator, traduttore madrelingua inglese rapporti ambientali, Italian environmental translator, valutazioni di impatto ambientale mother tongue transaltor, environmental impact assessment Italian translator, valutazioni di impatto ambientale traduttore madrelingua inglese, environmental impact assessment traduttore madrelingua, traduzioni HR inglese, traduttore ambientale, traduttore ambientale EN-IT, environmental translator, Italian environmental translator, English Italian environmental translations, environmental translations EN-IT, environmental translations from English to Italian, business documents translations from English to Italian, environmental translations into Italian, English Italian environmental mother tongue translator, traduzioni business inglese, traduttore documenti HR, business translator, Italian business translator, traduttore documenti PDR inglese, English Italian business translations, business translations from English to Italian, business documents translations from English to Italian, business translations into Italian, English Italian business mother tongue translator, HR documents translations from English to Italian, HR translations into Italian, English Italian HR mother tongue translator. See less.