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German to Romanian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 20 - 20 EUR per hour English to Romanian - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 EUR per word / 20 - 20 EUR per hour
Translation Volume: 20000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Welding equipment
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Separation technology (beverages)
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Translation Volume: 45000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Beverage packaging
Automation & Robotics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Schlösser und Beschläge
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 60000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Construction equipment
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
No comment.
Translation Volume: 90000 words Languages: English to Romanian
Railway transportation (ETCS - European Train Control System) specifications
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
No comment.
Translation Volume: 30000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Gebläse, Turbogebläse
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Translation Volume: 15000 words Completed: Jan 2014 Languages: German to Romanian
Energy / Power Generation
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 90000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Electric locomotive user manual
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
No comment.
Translation Volume: 4000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Furniture / Household Appliances
No comment.
Translation Volume: 60000 words Completed: Mar 2012 Languages: German to English
Automotive lighting (interior and exterior lighting)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 120000 words Languages: German to English
Driver assistance systems (parking assistance, lane departure warning)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 100000 words Languages: German to English
Digitale Tachographen (technische Anforderungen und EG-Gesetzgebung)
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 15000 words Languages: English to Romanian
Dust collector operating instructions
Engineering: Industrial
No comment.
Translation Volume: 2000 words Languages: English to Romanian
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Elektronische Komparatorwaage
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3800 words Languages: German to Romanian
Maxeda Verhaltenskodex (code of conduct), 3800 words
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
No comment.
Translation Volume: 35000 words Languages: German to Romanian
Modellbeschreibungen (Mantel, Jacken, Hosen)
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
No comment.
Translation Volume: 6000 words Languages: English to Romanian
Ethical audit report, 6000 words
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
No comment.
Translation Volume: 120000 words Languages: English to Romanian
EU-funding (equal opportunities): project applications, grant agreements
Education / Pedagogy, Government / Politics
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
7 entries
Payment methods accepted
Skrill, PayPal, Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Romanian: Automotive (embedded systems) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Computers: Software
Source text - English The monitoring module (watchdog – WDT) is connected to the microprocessor address bus and to the instruction bus, as presented in figure 1.
It signals abnormal operation by issuing control signals like reset, interrupt or NMI or issuing appropriate opcodes on the instruction bus.
The monitoring module is built using the following data structures and algorithms.
Watchdog stack (WS) this is a last in first out data structure that stores the called subroutines starting addresses. The top of the WS contains the starting address of the last called subroutine. This data structure is used to easily retrieve the last called subroutine starting address when a return instruction is detected on the instruction bus.
Execution Time Counters – this component is made by a counter array; each counter may be individually selected in order to reset its internal value or to enable or disable its operation (counting). Each monitored subroutine has a corresponding execution time counter. The number of counters limits the number of simultaneously monitored subroutines, but it may be appropriately chosen to fit the application needs.
The watchdog uses a table – named Monitoring Info Table MIT – with information about the expected timing behavior of all or only critical subroutines of the application. The table contains the starting address of the monitored subroutines, the index of the timer from the counter array used to monitor the timing behavior and the values of four parameters that describe the timing behavior of the subroutine, as presented in figure 2.
• Lower timing bound (LTB) – the minimum
acceptable execution time
• Best case execution time (BCET) – the minimum execution time computed by simulation or by testing
• Worst case execution time (WCET) – the maximum execution time computed by simulation or by testing
• Upper timing bound (UTB) – the maximum acceptable execution time
Translation - Romanian Modulul de monitorizare (watchdog - WDT) este conectat la magistrala de adresă şi la magistrala de comandă a microprocesorului, aşa cum se arată în figura 1.
El semnalizează funcţionarea anormală prin emiterea unor semnale de control precum reset, întrerupere (interrupt) şi întreruperi nemascabile (NMI) sau prin emiterea unor coduri de operare adecvate în magistrala de comandă.
Modulul de monitorizare este construit prin utilizarea următoarelor structuri de date şi algoritmi.
Stiva watchdog (WS) este o structură de date de tipul ultimul intrat - primul ieşit care stochează adresele de start ale subprogramelor chemate. Vârful stivei watchdog conține adresa de start a ultimului subprogram chemat. Această structură de date este folosită pentru a extrage cu uşurință adresa de start a ultimului subprogram chemat atunci când este detectată pe magistrala de comandă o instrucțiune de întoarcere (return).
Contor al timpului de execuție – această componentă este realizată cu ajutorul unui vector de contoare; fiecare contor poate fi selectat individual cu scopul de a-i reseta valoarea sa internă, sau de a-i activa sau dezactiva operația (de contorizare). Fiecărui subprogram monitorizat îi corespunde un contor al timpului de execuție. Numărul de contoare determină limitarea numărului de subprograme monitorizate simultan, dar se poate alege pentru a se potrivi cerințelor aplicației.
Modulul de monitorizare foloseşte un tabel, numit tabelul cu informații despre monitorizare (MIT – Monitoring Info Table) – ce conține informații despre comportamentul temporal anticipat, din toate subprogramele, sau numai din cele critice, specifice aplicației. Tabelul conține adresa de start a subprogramelor monitorizate, indexul timer-ului din vectorul de contoare utilizat pentru a monitoriza comportamentul temporal şi valorile pentru patru parametri care descriu comportamentul temporal al subprogramului, aşa cum este prezentat în figura 2.
• Limita inferioară de timp (LTB – Lower Timing Bound) – timpul de execuție minim acceptat;
• Timpul de execuţie pentru cazul cel mai favorabil (BCET – Best Case Execution Time) – timpul minim de execuție măsurat prin simulare sau prin testare;
• Timpul de execuţie pentru cazul cel mai defavorabil (WCET – Worst Case Execution Time) – timpul maxim de execuție măsurat prin simulare sau prin testare;
• Limita superioară de timp (UTB - Upper Timing Bound)- timpul de execuție maxim acceptat.
German to Romanian: Market research General field: Marketing Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - German Großunternehmen und Konzerne veranlassen mittelständische Unternehmen aufgrund ihrer Kostenstruktur zur Nischenstrategie.
Die Konzentration auf spezialisierte Produkte ermöglicht es dem Mittelstand seine Produkte und Dienstleistungen in relativ kleinen Mengen zu konkurrenzfähigen Preisen anzubieten .
Es gibt eine Vielzahl von profitablen Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten.
Die deutschen Unternehmen nutzen in den Nischen ihre jahrzehntelange Erfahrung, wodurch sie ihren Kunden einen deutlichen Mehrwert, im Vergleich zu Produkten von Großunternehmen, bieten können.
Der Mittelstand hat erkannt, dass Internationalisierung auch ein Marketingproblem ist .
Dies bedeutet, dass die länderspezifischen Bedürfnisse in der Vermarktung im Vordergrund stehen müssen und dies ist Aufgabe des Marketings.
Der Mittelstand, ist nicht wie die Großunternehmen (Kostenführer), auf der Suche nach Märkten für Produkte um Skaleneffekte auszunutzen. Sondern sucht nach Produkten für Märkte, ist also auf der Suche nach Qualitätsvorteilen.
Dafür muss er die Anforderungen der zu erschließenden Märkte kennen und die Konzeption nicht einfach aus dem Heimatland übertragen.
Der Mittelstand konkurriert nicht über den Preis, sondern über die Qualität, da die Produkte ganz nah an den Wünschen der Kunden entwickelt werden.
Zusätzlich wird die Marke und der Standort als Wettbewerbsvorteil genutzt.
Die Kombination aus Edelmarke und deutscher Qualitätsarbeit „Made in Germany“ steht für Qualität. Die Kunden sind bereit, hierfür einen „premium price“ zu bezahlen .
Translation - Romanian Din cauza costurilor, companiile mari şi concernele orientează companiile mici şi mijlocii către o strategie de urmărire a nişelor.
Faptul că se concentrează asupra unor produse specializate le permite acestora din urmă să îşi ofere serviciile şi produsele în cantităţi relativ mici la preţuri competitive.
Aceste companii se pot specializa într-o multitudine de domenii profitabile.
În desfăşurarea unei activităţi de nişă, companiile germane îşi folosesc experienţa acumulată de-a lungul anilor şi reuşesc să ofere clienţilor o valoare adăugată evidentă prin comparaţie cu produsele marilor companii.
Companiile mici şi mijlocii au realizat şi faptul că intrarea pe piaţa internaţională reprezintă şi o problemă de marketing.
Pentru succes comercial, nevoile specifice din fiecare ţară trebuie să fie puse pe primul loc iar aceasta este sarcina activităţii de marketing.
Companiile mici şi mijlocii nu caută pentru produsele lor pieţe care să le permită utilizarea economiilor de scară aşa cum fac companiile mari (care urmăresc să fie competitive la nivelul costurilor). Astfel, în loc să caute produse pentru pieţele avantajoase, companiile mici şi mijlocii caută pieţe pe care calitatea produselor este un avantaj.
Din acest motiv companiile mici şi mijlocii trebuie să cunoască cerinţele pieţei pe care vor să o dezvolte şi nu să transfere pur şi simplu strategiile folosite pe piaţa internă.
Companiile mici şi mijlocii nu concurează la preţ ci la calitate deoarece în această situaţie produsele sunt dezvoltate astfel încât să corespundă cât mai bine dorinţelor clientului.
În plus, marca şi locaţia sunt folosite ca avantaje comerciale.
Combinaţia dintre marcă premium şi execuţia nemţească de calitate ( „Made in Germany“) denotă o calitate pentru care clienţii sunt dispuşi să plătească „premium price“.
Master's degree - "Al. I. Cuza" university of Iasi (Applied Linguistics)
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Feb 2007. Became a member: May 2013.
German to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Culture - Central Commission for Granting Translator Certificates, verified) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, ApSIC Xbench, CorelDraw, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Wordbee
railway transportation (documentation for the European Train Control System, requirements specifications for the state railway company, electric locomotive user manuals)
appliances (vacuum cleaners and washing machines)
metrology (calibration systems and testing machines)
construction / civil engineering (agreements, subcontracting documents)
general documentation of the EU (project applications, guidelines, directives)
language teaching (methodologies, teacher training and assessment materials)
linguistics (articles, surveys, research papers)
textiles & clothing (user manuals and marketing materials)
I use state-of-the-art tools for terminology and translation memory management (SDL Studio 2015 & 2017, memoQ 2015, transit NXT, Wordbee).
On request, I can provide revision services from another linguist.
I proofread and check my own work with tools such as ApSIC Xbench.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
German to Romanian
English to Romanian
German to English
Specialty fields
Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Automation & Robotics
Education / Pedagogy
Other fields
Engineering: Industrial
Furniture / Household Appliances
Government / Politics
Energy / Power Generation
Keywords: Übersetzungen ins Rumänische, Deutsch-Rumänisch Übersetzung, Deutsch-Rumänisch freiberufliche Übersetzerin, Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Rumänische, Technische Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Rumänische, freelance technical translator English to Romanian, English to Romanian freelance translator, Übersetzung für Betriebsanleitungen, Bedienungsanleitungen