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English to Danish: Scanning device General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English The FibroScan® and its dedicated probes make up an active, non-implantable medical device using ultrasound. Designed to rapidly measure liver stiffness in a painless and totally non-invasive manner.
The FibroScan® is based on the one-dimensional pulse elastography technique. Each of the probes in the range possesses specific properties and is designed for a distinct application.
The FibroScan® probe comprises a single-element ultrasound transducer fixed to the shaft of the electrodynamic transducer. This latter generates a transient vibration, which in turn generates an elastic shear wave. This wave propagates through the skin, subcutaneous tissues, then through the liver. During shear wave propagation, the ultrasound transducer performs a series of ultrasound acquisitions (emission / reception) to measure the speed of s-wave propagation. Liver stiffness is calculated from this s-wave propagation speed value.
Translation - Danish FibroScan® og dens tilhørende prober udgør et aktivt, ikke-implanterbart ultralydsapparat til medicinsk brug. Beregnet til hurtigt at måle leverens stivhed på en smertefri og fuldstændig non-invasiv måde.
FibroScan® er baseret på teknikken “one-dimensional pulse elastography”. Hver probe i måleområdet besidder specifikke egenskaber og er beregnet til en særskilt applikation.
FibroScan®-proben består af en enkeltelement-ultralydtransducer monteret på skaftet af den elektrodynamiske transducer. Denne genererer en forbigående vibration, som derpå genererer en elastisk forskydningsbølge. Denne bølge udbredes gennem huden, det subkutane væv og dernæst gennem leveren. Under udbredelsen af forskydningsbølgen foretager ultralydtransduceren en række ultralydoptagelser (udsendelse/modtagelse) for at måle forskydningsbølgens udbredelseshastighed. Leverens stivhed beregnes ud fra størrelsen af forskydningsbølgens udbredelseshastighed.
English to Danish: IFU - Urology General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English The pressure inside the balloon must never exceed 5 bar! When keeping to the maximum fill volume (see above), the balloon pressure of 5 bar is not exceeded.
5. Please use only sterile water to fill the balloon.
Never use contrast medium to fill the balloon. The contrast medium can crystallise out in the fine valves of the dilators and thus obstruct them, which will in turn make it impossible to empty the balloon afterwards.
6. As the filling of the balloon progresses, you will notice clearly, that the steel stylet (Ref. 34 20 00/34 20 01) and the hollow stylet respectively (Ref. 34 20 02) start visibly moving out of the proximal end (see ill. 2). This is completely normal.
Steel stylet (Ref. 34 20 00/34 20 01) or hollow stylet (Ref. 34 20 02) must by no means be held in place; they must remain freely movable.
7. If required, a dilation site can also be dilated several times.
8. Before the dilator is moved in the ureter, the balloon must be completely deflated. During this procedure, wrinkling may occur at the balloon. Therefore, after deflation of the balloon, the steel stylet (Ref. 34 20 00/34 20 01) or the hollow stylet (Ref. 34 20 02) have to be pushed fully forward to ensure that the balloon is straightened before the dilator is moved (see ill. 3).
9. The ureter dilator may now be fully removed, or used to dilate another ureter site in the same patient if required.
Possible complications
Irritation of the ureter, damage to the mucosa, discomfort when passing water, haematuria, perforation of the ureter, and infections are some of the common complications, which can generally occur when using catheters or similar devices in the upper urinary tract.
Precautionary measures
These instruments are only intended for urological use.
Hydraulic ureter dilators should be placed only by physicians or other suitably qualified medical personnel, who are trained and experienced in the placement techniques and equipment normally used to place these devices, and who have the corresponding experience.
The patient should be routinely monitored in accordance with recognised procedures by a physician or other suitably qualified medical personnel.
How supplied
Each device is supplied in an individual sterile pouch.
The products are for single use only. The components of the set must not be resterilised or reused.
The kit and its components are guaranteed sterile unless the packaging has been opened or damaged, but no longer than stated on the label.
Storage recommendations
The products should be stored in a dry place in their original packaging, preferably away from direct and indirect sources of light and heat.
Translation - Danish Trykket i ballonen må aldrig overstige 5 bar! Når det maksimale fyldevolumen overholdes (se ovenfor), overskrides ballontrykket på 5 bar ikke.
5. Anvend kun sterilt vand til fyldning af ballonen.
Anvend aldrig kontrastmedium til fyldning af ballonen. Kontrastmediet kan udkrystalliseres i dilatatorens fine ventiler og dermed blokere dem, hvilket vil umuliggøre efterfølgende tømning af ballonen.
6. Efterhånden som ballonen fyldes, vil man tydeligt bemærke, at henholdsvis stålstiletten (art. nr. 34 20 00/34 20 01) og den hule stilet (art. nr. 34 20 02) synligt begynder at bevæge sig ud af den proksimale ende (se ill. 2). Det er helt normalt.
Hverken stålstiletten (art. nr. 34 20 00/34 20 01) eller den hule stilet (art. nr. 34 20 02) må under nogen omstændigheder holdes fast; de skal forblive frit bevægelige.
7. Efter behov kan et dilatationssted dilateres flere gange.
8. Inden dilatatoren bevæges i ureter, skal ballonen være helt tømt. Under denne proces kan der opstå rynker på ballonen. Derfor skal stålstiletten (art. nr. 34 20 00/34 20 01) eller den hule stilet (art. nr. 34 20 02) efter tømning af ballonen skubbes helt fremad for at sikre, at ballonen rettes ud, inden dilatatoren bevæges (se ill. 3).
9. Nu kan ureterdilatatoren fjernes helt eller om nødvendigt anvendes til at dilatere et andet uretersted hos samme patient.
Mulige komplikationer
Blandt de almindelige komplikationer er irritation af ureter, beskadigelse af slimhinden, ubehag ved vandladning, hæmaturi, perforation af ureter og infektioner, som generelt kan forekomme ved brug af katetre eller lignende instrumenter i de øvre urinveje.
Disse instrumenter er udelukkende beregnet til urologisk brug.
Hydrauliske ureterdilatatorer må kun anbringes af læger eller andet relevant kvalificeret medicinsk personale, som er uddannet og har erfaring i anbringelsesteknikken og det udstyr, der normalt anvendes til at anbringe disse instrumenter, og som har den tilsvarende erfaring.
Patienten skal overvåges rutinemæssigt af en læge eller andet passende kvalificeret medicinsk personale i henhold til accepterede procedurer.
Hvert instrument leveres enkeltvist i en steril pose.
Produkterne er udelukkende til engangsbrug. Sættets komponenter må ikke resteriliseres eller genbruges.
Kittet og dets komponenter er garanteret sterile, medmindre pakningen har været åbnet eller er beskadiget, dog ikke længere end anført på etiketten.
Produkterne skal opbevares i originalemballagen på et tørt sted, helst væk fra direkte og indirekte lys- og varmekilder.
English to Danish: SPC - excerpt General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - English Hydrochlorothiazide
Hypokalaemia has been reported under treatment with thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide. Frequent monitoring of serum potassium is recommended.
Treatment with thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide, has been associated with hyponatraemia and hypochloraemic alkalosis. Thiazides, including hydrochlorothiazide, increase the urinary excretion of magnesium, which may result in hypomagnesaemia. Calcium excretion is decreased by thiazide diuretics. This may result in hypercalcaemia.
Sodium and/or volume-depleted patients
Patients receiving thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide, should be observed for clinical signs of fluid or electrolyte imbalance.
In severely sodium-depleted and/or volume-depleted patients, such as those receiving high doses of diuretics, symptomatic hypotension may occur in rare cases after initiation of therapy with Diovan Comp. Sodium and/or volume depletion should be corrected before starting treatment with Diovan Comp.
Patients with severe chronic heart failure or other conditions with stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system
In patients whose renal function may depend on the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (e.g. patients with severe congestive heart failure), treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors has been associated with oliguria and/or progressive azotaemia, and in rare cases with acute renal failure . The use of Diovan Comp in patients with severe chronic heart failure has not been established.
Hence it cannot be excluded that because of the inhibition of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system the application of Diovan Comp as well may be associated with impairment of the renal function. Diovan Comp should not be used in these patients.
Renal artery stenosis
Diovan Comp should not be used to treat hypertension in patients with unilateral or bilateral renal artery stenosis or stenosis of the artery to a solitary kidney, since blood urea and serum creatinine may increase in such patients.
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Patients with primary hyperaldosteronism should not be treated with Diovan Comp as their renin-angiotensin system is not activated.
Aortic and mitral valve stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
As with all other vasodilators, special caution is indicated in patients suffering from aortic or mitral stenosis, or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HOCM).
Renal impairment
No dosage adjustment is required for patients with renal impairment with a creatinine clearance 30 ml/min (see section 4.2). Periodic monitoring of serum potassium, creatinine and uric acid levels is recommended when Diovan Comp is used in patients with renal impairment.
Kidney transplantation
There is currently no experience on the safe use of Diovan Comp in patients who have recently undergone kidney transplantation.
Hepatic impairment
In patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment without cholestasis, Diovan Comp should be used with caution. (see sections 4.2 and 5.2)
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide, have been reported to exacerbate or activate systemic lupus erythematosus.
Other metabolic disturbances
Thiazide diuretics, including hydrochlorothiazide, may alter glucose tolerance and raise serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid. In diabetic patients dosage adjustments of insulin or oral hypoglycaemic agents may be required.
Translation - Danish Hydrochlorothiazid
Der er rapporteret hypokaliæmi under behandling med thiazid-diuretika, herunder hydrochlorothiazid. Hyppig monitorering af serumkalium anbefales.
Behandling med thiazid-diuretika, herunder hydrochlorothiazid, er sat i forbindelse med hyponatriæmi og hypochloræmisk alkalose. Thiazider, herunder hydrochlorothiazid, øger urinekskretionen af magnesium, hvilket kan medføre hypomagnesiæmi. Kalciumekskretionen nedsættes af thiazid-diuretika. Dette kan medføre hyperkalciæmi.
Patienter med natrium- og/eller væskeunderskud
Patienter, der får thiazid-diuretika, herunder hydrochlorothiazid, skal observeres for kliniske tegn på væske- eller elektrolytubalancer.
Symptomatisk hypotension kan i sjældne tilfælde opstå efter påbegyndt behandling med Diovan Comp hos patienter med alvorlig natrium og/eller væskemangel, såsom de, der får høje doser af diuretika. Natrium og/eller væskemangel bør derfor korrigeres før behandlingsstart med Diovan Comp.
Patienter med alvorlig kronisk hjertesvigt eller andre lidelser med stimulation af renin-angiotensin-aldosteron-systemet.
Hos patienter, hvis nyrefunktion kan afhænge af aktiviteten af renin-angiotensin-aldosteron-systemet (f.eks. patienter med alvorlig kongestiv hjerteinsufficiens), er behandling med ACE hæmmere blevet relateret til oliguri og/eller progressiv azotæmi og i sjældne tilfælde til akut nyresvigt. Brugen af Diovan Comp til patienter med alvorlig kronisk hjertesvigt er ikke dokumenteret.
Det kan derfor ikke udelukkes, at anvendelse af Diovan Comp, pga. hæmning af renin-angiotensin-aldosteron-systemet, også kan være forbundet med nedsættelse af nyrefunktionen. Diovan Comp bør ikke anvendes til disse patienter.
Diovan Comp bør ikke anvendes til behandling af hypertension hos patienter med unilateral eller bilateral renalarteriestenose eller stenose af en arterie til en enkelt nyre, da blodurea og serumkreatinin kan øges hos sådanne patienter.
Primær hyperaldosteronisme
Patienter med primær hyperaldosteronisme bør ikke behandles med Diovan Comp, da deres renin-angiotensin-system ikke er aktiveret.
Aorta- og mitralklapstenose; hypertrofisk kardiomyopati
Som ved andre vasodilatorer bør der udvises særlig forsigtighed over for patienter, med aorta- eller mitralklapstenose eller hypertrofisk kardiomyopati (HOCM).
Nedsat nyrefunktion
Der kræves ingen dosisjustering for patienter med nyreinsufficiens med en kreatinin-clearance 30 ml/min (se pkt. 4.2). Periodisk monitorering af serumkalium-, serumkreatinin- og serumurinsyreniveau anbefales, når Diovan Comp anvendes til patienter med nyreinsufficiens.
Der er på nuværende tidspunkt ingen erfaring med sikkerheden ved brug af Diovan Comp til patienter, som for nyligt er blevet nyretransplanteret.
Nedsat leverfunktion
Diovan bør anvendes med forsigtighed til patienter med mildt til moderat leverinsufficiens uden cholestasis (se pkt. 4.2 og 5.2)
Systemisk lupus erythematosus
Thiazid-diuretika, herunder hydrochlorothiazid, er blevet rapporteret at forværre eller aktivere systemisk lupus erythematosus.
Andre stofskiftesygdomme
Thiazid-diuretika, herunder hydrochlorothiazid, kan ændre glukosetolerancen og forhøje serumværdier af kolesterol, triglycerider og urinsyre. Til diabetespatienter kan dosisjusteringer af insulin eller orale hypoglykæmiske stoffer være påkrævet.
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Jul 2003. Became a member: Sep 2005.
If you are looking for a scientific/medical translator who regards difficult, obscure terms as a welcome challenge rather than an annoying problem, you have come to the right place.
My specialty is the really complicated, scientific stuff, e.g. biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics, written by scientists for scientists. In addition, my Danish skills (grammar, spelling, style) are excellent.
For the past 6 years, I have been translating mainly in the fields of medicine, dentistry, and chemistry, and have gained extensive experience in:
Clinical trial protocols
Summaries of product characteristics
IFUs for medical/dental devices
Material safety data sheets, including exposure scenarios
Patent claims (pharmaceuticals/chemistry)
I have access to the EDQM Standard Terms and am experienced in the use of QRD templates, MedDRA terms, etc., GHS, REACH, etc., as well as standard patent claim terminology.
I use Wordfast (Classic and Pro), Trados 2007/2009, MemoQ 5.0.60, Across 5.00.0, or agency-specific software and/or web-based tools.
I live in Denmark, and, having translated part-time for many years alongside my work as a lab technician, I took the leap in July 2011 and am now a full-time translator.
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