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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, MT post-editing, Transcription, Subtitling, Language instruction, Training
Specializes in:
Business/Commerce (general)
Medical (general)
Finance (general)
Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Education / Pedagogy
Medical: Health Care
Tourism & Travel
IT (Information Technology)
Also works in:
Volunteer / Pro-bono work
Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to French - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 USD per word / 15 - 20 USD per hour / 20.00 - 30.00 USD per audio/video minute French to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.08 USD per word / 20 - 30 USD per hour / 30.00 - 40.00 USD per audio/video minute English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.09 USD per word / 35 - 50 USD per hour / 40.00 - 50.00 USD per audio/video minute French - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 USD per word / 30 - 40 USD per hour / 35.00 - 40.00 USD per audio/video minute English to Ewe - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour / 40.00 - 50.00 USD per audio/video minute
Ewe to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour / 45.00 - 50.00 USD per audio/video minute French to Ewe - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 NGN per word / 20 - 25 NGN per hour Ewe to French - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour / 25.00 - 30.00 USD per audio/video minute German to English - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour / 40.00 - 50.00 USD per audio/video minute German to French - Rates: 0.08 - 0.12 USD per word / 20 - 25 USD per hour / 30.00 - 40.00 USD per audio/video minute
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MasterCard, Wire transfer
Sample translations submitted: 2
Source text - English The production and transportation of natural gas through pipelines in unstable subsea conditions presents severe operational challenges such as the formation of hydrates. Exploiting, controlling and monitoring the formation of these hydrates require the ability (the skill) to accurately predict the pressures initiating hydrate formation. The design of this model, based on the principles of mass and the equation of conservation of velocity or dynamism, was solved analytically using the method of characteristic used in mathematics. The analytical model developed has also been extended to control the behaviour of the different components of the methane fraction in the natural gas stream to the accumulation of hydrates and the difficulties caused by their obstruction. The results of this current model are well comparable to complex models in the literature. (R^(2 ) = 0.99; P < 0.01)
Through the temperature variations (from -12.2 to 37.8℃) we observe a step-by-step increase in pressure: 0.0-1.4; 0.0-3.3; 0.0-9.0; and 0.0-33 MPa.
This increase corresponds to the accumulation of hydrates of 1.61; 1.64; 1.70 and 1.80 in the case of dry gas and 1.55; 1.58; 1.65 and 1.74 for wet gas. Starting with a 254.0 mm diameter pipeline, the difficulty of obstruction increases by 1.1 and 1.2 times respectively in the 203.2 and 152.4 mm diameter pipelines.
Key Words and Expressions
- Analytical model
- Gas hydrate
- Gas pipeline
- Pressure preceding the formation of hydrates
- Characteristic method used in mathematics
Translation - French La production et le transport du gaz naturel au travers des gazoducs dans des conditions sous-marines instables présentent de lourds défis opérationnels telle que la formation des hydrates. L’exploitation, le contrôle et la surveillance de la formation de ces hydrates exigent de la capacité (la compétence) pour prédire avec exactitude les pressions débutant la formation des hydrates. La conception de ce modèle, fondé sur les principes de masse et l’équation de conservation de vitesse ou de dynamisme, a été résolue de façon analytique en se servant de méthode de caractéristique utilisée en mathématiques. Le modèle analytique dévéloppé a été aussi élargi pour contrôler le comportement des différentes composantes de fraction du méthane dans le courant du gaz naturel à l’accumulation des hydrates et les difficultés que cause leur obstruction. Les résultats de ce modèle actuel sont bien comparables aux modèles complexes en littérature (R^(2 )= 0, 99; P < 0, 01).
À travers les écarts de température (de -12,2 à 37,8℃ ) on observe une augmentation progressive de pression: 0,0-1,4; 0,0-3,3; 0,0-9,0; et 0,0-33 MPa.
Cet accroissement correspond à l’accumulation des hydrates de 1,61; 1,64; 1,70 et 1,80 dans le cas du gaz sec et 1,55; 1,58; 1,65 et 1,74 pour le gaz humide. En commençant avec un gazoduc de 254,0 mm de diamètre, la difficulté de l’obstruction augmente respectivement de 1,1 et de 1,2 fois dans les gazoducs de 203, 2 et 152,4 mm de diamètre.
Mots et Expressions clés
- Modèle analytique
- Hydrate de gaz
- gazoduc
- Pression précédant la formation des hydrates
- Méthode de caractéristique utilisée en mathématiques
English to French: Calling Church leaders to effective discipleship of their members.
Source text - English The last and greatest challenge facing 21st Century church leaders is the practice of Discipleship that transform believers to increasing Christ-likeness.
The church is exploding in numbers and spread in almost every part of the world. Several hitherto unreached places are having the gospel preached to them.
But think of this:
If we convert every person on earth to Christ, and if we plant churches in every hamlet, can it be rightly concluded that we have made.
“disciples of all the nations?”
A discipleship practice is not worth that name if it fails to have a positive transforming impact on the lives of those who go through it.
Believers can transform to increasing measures of Christlikeness if church leaders engage them in some intentional and systematic discipleship practice.
Such church leaders do not expose their members to any reasonable discipleship practice because:
1. They do not understand what discipleship is.
2. They do not understand why discipleship is very important in ministry.
3. Their church does not approve the practice of discipleship.
4. Even if they understand, they do not know how to go about it.
Only a self-serving or church-serving Christian leader will deliberately neglect the practice of life transforming discipleship to the peril of his members’ eternal destiny.
Importance of Discipleship that Transform Believers’ Lives
a) It marks the fulfillment of our obedience to the Lord’s Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20)
b) By engaging in it, we can reduce the rate of spiritual decline among members of our local church or denomination.
c) Also, by engaging in it, we grow our members spiritually, to attain maturity in Christ Jesus, to serve Him acceptably and to bear a good witness of His power to save and transform their lives (Eph. 4:13).
d) When we engage in discipleship that positively transforms our members, we are invariably raising a reliable spiritual workforce which will sustain and perpetuate a healthy cycle of life for our local church or denomination.
e) We prepare our members to be qualified for the rapture when our Lord Jesus Christ returns for His Bride (1 Thess. 4:16-18)
f) As leaders, we also qualify ourselves for the crown of rejoicing in the presence of the Lord at His coming (1 Thess 2:19-20).
Translation - French Le dernier et le plus grand défi auquel sont confrontés les leaders d'églises du 21e siècle est la pratique d’un discipolat capable de transformer les croyants en l’image et en la ressemblance croissante de Christ.
L'église connaît ces derniers temps une croissance numérique exponentielle ou pléthorique et se répand dans presque tous les coins du monde. Aujourd’hui, l’évangile de Christ est prêché dans plusieurs endroits auparavant non atteints.
Mais pensez à ceci :
Si nous convertissons chaque personne sur terre à Christ, et si nous implantons des églises dans chaque hameau, peut-on conclure à juste titre que nous avons fait "de toutes les nations des disciples de Christ?"
Une pratique de discipolat ne vaut pas ce nom si elle n'a pas un impact de transformation positif sur la vie de ceux qui la subissent.
Les croyants peuvent se transformer en la ressemblance croissante de Christ si les leaders d’églises les font passer au travers d’une pratique intentionnelle et systématique de discipolat.
Des leaders d'église n'exposent pas leurs membres à aucune pratique raisonnable de discipolat parce que :
1. Ils ne comprennent pas ce qu'est le discipolat.
2. Ils ne comprennent pas pourquoi le discipolat est très important dans le ministère.
3. Leurs églises n'approuvent pas la pratique du discipolat.
4. Même s'ils comprennent, ils ne savent pas comment s'y prendre.
Seul un leader chrétien égoïste ou au service de l'église négligera délibérément la pratique d’un discipolat efficace de transformation au péril de la destinée éternelle de ses membres.
L'importance du discipolat de transformation
a) Il marque l'accomplissement de notre obéissance à l’Ordre Suprême de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ (Matthieu 28:18-20)
b) En nous y engageant, nous pouvons réduire le taux de déclin spirituel parmi les membres de nos églises ou dénominations locales.
c) Aussi, en s'y engageant, nous développons nos membres spirituellement, pour atteindre la maturité en Jésus-Christ, pour le servir de manière acceptable et pour rendre un bon témoignage de sa puissance pour leur salut et la transformation de leur vie (Eph. 4:13).
d) Lorsque nous nous engageons dans un discipolat qui transforme positivement nos membres, nous suscitons invariablement une main-d'œuvre spirituelle fiable qui soutiendra et perpétuera un cycle de vie sain pour nos églises ou dénominations locales.
e) Nous préparons nos membres à être qualifiés pour l'enlèvement lorsque notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ reviendra pour Son Épouse (1 Thess. 4:16-18)
f) En tant que leaders, nous nous qualifions également pour la couronne de joie en présence du Seigneur lors de sa seconde venue (1 Thess 2:19-20).
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Sep 2021.
Adobe Acrobat, Google Translator Toolkit, Idiom, MateCat, memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Grammarly, Microsoft publisher, Pagemaker, Powerpoint, Translation Center, SDLX
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I was born into a bilingual family, with a
mother who was a native French speaker and a father who was a native English
speaker. Both preferred to speak to us in their own languages, adding to the
diverse linguistic environment where we lived. This upbringing fostered my deep
appreciation and natural flair for both languages. However, when I began
school, I had to relearn each of my parents' languages to an advanced level.
Additionally, growing up as a missionary child, I expanded my language skills
by learning Ewe and German.
My passion for languages led me to further
studies in African, British, French, African-American literatures, and American
civilization. This educational foundation, coupled with my dedication to
breaking down language barriers in today’s globalized world, propelled me to
become a Freelance Translator, Interpreter, and Editor/Proofreader in January 2010.
Since then, I have gained extensive
experience in a wide range of fields including Business and Finance, Medical,
Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Education/Pedagogy, Religion, Agriculture,
Missiology, Literature, Hospitality and Tourism, and General content. Notably,
I have translated, edited, and proofread conference materials between English and
Ewe, and English and French for organizations like the International Institute
of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), based in Ibadan, Nigeria, among other
prestigious institutions.
Keywords: Accuracy of translation, prolific and quality of writing, customer-focused, thoroughness, French and English cultures knowledge, timely delivery of work, attention to detail, French and English languages mastery, audio/video transcription, editing/proofreading. See more.Accuracy of translation, prolific and quality of writing, customer-focused, thoroughness, French and English cultures knowledge, timely delivery of work, attention to detail, French and English languages mastery, audio/video transcription, editing/proofreading, MT Post-editing, French and English languages instruction, confidentiality, faithful to client's requirements, business/commerce, medical, education/pedagogy, science, religion, computer and information science, keen reader and researcher.. See less.
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