Working languages:
Turkish to English
English to Turkish

Max Erdemandi
PhD Researcher, Translator of 12 years

United States
Local time: 18:20 EDT (GMT-4)

Native in: English Native in English
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
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Services Translation, Transcription, Copywriting, Desktop publishing, Website localization, Software localization, Editing/proofreading, Language instruction
Specializes in:
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LinguisticsPoetry & Literature
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All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
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Experience Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jun 2020. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
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Hi there, 

I'm Max - a Ph.D. student with bilingual proficiency in the English-Turkish language pair.  

My areas of expertise as a researcher include national security, politics and international relations, humanities and social sciences, and technology. I am passionate about intercultural and interpersonal communication (which is my doctoral research topic), and thus enjoy contributing to our common knowledge pool by helping individuals get access to materials otherwise written in a foreign language. I have spent a significant amount of time in both Turkey and the U.S. and worked as a freelance translator on-and-off since 2008. My previous clients include the European Union and the United Nations. I look forward to helping with your translation needs!



Ben Max. Ingilizce-Turkce dil ciftinde anadil seviyesinde uzmanliga sahip bir doktora ogrencisiyim.

Uzmanlik alanim ulusal govenlik, politika ve uluslararasi iliskiler, beseri ve sosyal bilimler, ve teknoloji gibi konulari kapsamaktadir. Kulturler ve kisiler-arasi etkilesime olan ilgimden dolayi (ki doktora calisma konumdur), ortak bilgi dagarcigimiza katkida bulunup, insanlarin yabanci dilde yazilmis metinlere ulasabilmelerini saglamaktan keyif aliyorum. 2008'den beri hem Turkiye hem de ABD'de oldukca uzun dureler yasadim ve kesintili araliklarla da olsa tercumanlik yaptim. Eski muvekkillerim arasinda Avrupa Birligi ve Birlesmis Milletler bulunmakta. Her turlu ceviri ihtiyaclariniz konusunda size yardimci olmak icin sabirsizlaniyorum!

Keywords: Turkish, English, translation, localization, subtitles

Profile last updated
Jun 23, 2020

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