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Sample translations submitted: 9
Russian to English: Descriptive Essay General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Russian Ветер на берегу моря, много неба, запах цветов... Удивительные ощущения. Я вообще люблю удивляться и радоваться: розам на кустах в декабре, запаху коров в центре города, улову велосипедов из каналов. Полям тюльпанов вдоль дорог и полям велосипедов на станционных парковках. Удивительно встретиться глазами с прохожими — могут поздороваться и улыбнуться. И заезжать на ферму — можно случайно купить черешню прямо с веток или мороженое из свежего молока.
А ещё здесь есть польдеры с коровами, башни с карильонами и пуферчес на завтрак.
Translation - English Wind by the sea, plenty of sky, the smell of flowers ... Amazing sensations. In general, I like to be surprised and to rejoice about things such as roses on bushes in December, the smell of cows in the city centre, the catch of sunken bicycles from the canals; rejoicing to the fields of tulips along the roads and to the fields of bicycles at the station parking lots. It’s amazing to meet the gaze of bypassers - they might say hello and smile to you. And stopping by a farm - you might inadvertently buy cherries directly from the branches or an ice cream made from fresh milk.
Moreover, there are polders with cows, towers with carillons and poffertjes for breakfast here.
Russian to English: Descriptive Essay General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Russian По дороге в пустыню, глядя на старинные крепости и дома, я фантазирую про людей, которые жили в них до нас. Наблюдая оазис из пальм в пустыне, можно отследить их историю вплоть до финиковой косточки, которую древний человек много веков назад положил в землю.
С уверенностью могу подтвердить, что восток — дело тонкое.
Translation - English On the way to the desert, looking at ancient fortresses and houses, I fantasize about the people who lived in them a long time before us. Watching an oasis of palm trees in the desert, you can trace their history down to a date stone, which an ancient man many centuries ago has planted.
I can confirm with confidence that getting to grips with Eastern culture is a delicate art form.
Russian to English: Descriptive Essay General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Russian Здесь нет горбатых мостиков, домиков XVII века, Квартала красных фонарей и каналов. Зато есть то, что делает город живым, бурлящим идеями, и не дает ему погрузиться в сонную размеренную жизнь. Здесь на каждом шагу — фантастические инновации и арт-кластеры, экопроекты и социальные инициативы. А бережное отношение нидерландцев к своим многовековым традициям удивительным образом сочетается с неудержимой любовью к новым технологиям и искусству. Большинство из этих удивительных мест спрятаны от нас с вами в заброшенных верфях или бывших промзонах. Северный Амстердам, он только для своих. И оттого еще более любим местными жителями.
Translation - English There are no humpbacked bridges, 17th-century houses, Red Light District or canals here. Instead, there is something else that makes the city vibrant, full of ideas, and does not allow it to plunge into a steady measured life. Practically every square metre is packed with fantastic innovations and art clusters, environmental projects and social initiatives. The caring attitude of the Dutch people towards their centuries-old traditions is surprisingly combined with an irrepressible passion for new technologies and art. Most of these amazing places are hidden from bypassers in abandoned shipyards or former industrial areas. Northern Amsterdam is a real hidden gem only for those who know about it. And therefore even more cherished by the locals.
Russian to English: User Agreement on Personal Data Usage General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Russian Персональные данные включают в себя фамилию и имя Пользователя, контактный телефон Пользователя, адрес электронной почты (e-mail); даты поездки и информацию о заказываемых услугах. Персональные данные Пользователя Администрация сайта может использовать в целях:
идентификации Пользователя для оформления заказа;
установления коммуникации с Пользователем посредством писем и звонков для обработки запроса Пользователя и оказания услуг;
предоставления Пользователю своевременной клиентской поддержки;
уведомления Пользователя о состоянии его Заказа;
обработки и получения платежей Пользователя;
предоставления Пользователю с его согласия рассылки о новостях и новых услугах компании.
Персональные данные Пользователя не могут быть переданы третьим лицам за исключением ситуаций, установленным действующим законодательством.
Translation - English `Personal data` includes the (1) name and surname of the User, (2) the contact telephone number of the User, (3) the email address of the User, (4) the exact dates of the User`s travel and (5) information about the User`s ordered services. The administration of the website may use the User’s personal data in order to:
Identify the User that is placing an order;
Establish communication with the User through letters and calls in order to process the User’s request and provide services;
Provide the User with timely customer support;
Notify the User about the status of their order;
Process and receive the User`s payments;
Provide the User with a newsletter about the most recent company developments as well as the new services of the company, if the User gave their consent to this newsletter.
The User’s personal data cannot be transferred to third parties, with the exception of situations established by applicable law.
Italian to English: Why are cookies used on this website? General field: Marketing Detailed field: Internet, e-Commerce
Source text - Italian Per quale motivo si utilizzano i Cookie in questo sito Internet?
I Cookie sono una parte essenziale del funzionamento del nostro sito Internet. Lo scopo principale dei nostri Cookie è migliorare l’esperienza di navigazione dell’utente. Ad esempio, essi sono utilizzati per ricordare all’utente le proprie preferenze (lingua, paese, ecc.) durante la navigazione e le visite future. Le informazioni raccolte dai Cookie ci permettono, inoltre, di migliorare il sito tramite le stime sui numeri e sui modelli di consumo, di adattare il sito agli interessi individuali degli utenti, di accelerare le ricerche, ecc. A volte, in caso di consenso informato preventivo dell’utente, possiamo utilizzare i Cookie, i tag o altri strumenti simili per ottenere informazioni che ci consentono di mostrare all’utente, sia dal nostro sito Internet sia da altri siti di terzi o qualsiasi altro mezzo, pubblicità basate sull’analisi delle abitudini di navigazione dell’utente.
Translation - English Why are cookies used on this website?
Cookies are an essential part of the functioning of our website. The main purpose of our cookies is to improve the user's browsing experience. For example, they are used to remind the user of their preferences (language, country, etc.) during navigation and future visits. The information collected by the Cookies also allows us to improve the website through estimates of numbers and consumption patterns, to help us adapt the website to the individual interests of users, to speed up searches, etc. Sometimes, in the event of prior informed consent of the user, we can use cookies, tags or other similar tools to obtain information that allows us to show the user, both from our website and from other third party sites or any other medium, advertising based on the analysis of the user's browsing habits.
Italian to English: Technical Information General field: Marketing Detailed field: Internet, e-Commerce
Source text - Italian • Identificazione dell'utente
Sono utilizzati per identificare e autenticare l’utente. Contengono inoltre i dati tecnici dalla sessione dell’utente come, ad esempio, tempo di attesa per la connessione, identificativo di sessione, ecc.
• Identificazione della sessione
Sono utilizzati per identificare la sessione http dell’utente. Sono comuni in tutte le applicazioni Internet per identificare le richieste dell’utente durante una sessione.
• Stato della navigazione
Consentono l’identificazione dello stato di navigazione dell’utente (inizio sessione, prima pagina, primo accesso, scorrimento, voto, ecc.).
• Selezioni dell'utente
Memorizzano i valori della sessione scelti dall’utente come negozio, lingua, valuta, prodotti, taglia, ecc.
• Preferiti e ultime selezioni
Consentono le selezioni dei preferiti utente da memorizzare (negozi, ad esempio) e le ultime selezioni utente (negozi, prodotti, consenso all’istallazione dei Cookie, ecc.) nelle sessioni Internet successive.
Translation - English • User identification
Here, cookies are used to identify and authenticate the user. They also contain technical data from the user's session such as, for example, their waiting-time to establish a connection, their session ID, etc.
• Identification of the session
Here, cookies are used to identify the user's http session. These are common in all Internet applications to identify user requests during a session.
• Navigation status
Here, cookies allow identification of the user's browsing status (start of session, first page, first access, scrolling, vote, etc.).
• User selections
Here, cookies store the session values chosen by the user such as shop, language, currency, products, size, etc.
• Favourites and latest selections
Here, cookies allow the selection of the user’s favourites (shops, for example) and the latest selections of the user (shops, products, consent to the installation of cookies, etc.) to be stored for subsequent Internet sessions.
Italian to English: Delivery Information General field: Marketing Detailed field: Other
Source text - Italian Nel caso in cui il corriere fosse impossibilitato ad effettuare la consegna per assenza del destinatario, quest’ultimo verrà contattato via mail dal corriere stesso per concordare il giorno e la fascia oraria per la riconsegna. Se anche questo secondo tentativo non andrà a buon fine, il pacco verrà riportato nella sede di competenza, ove resterà in giacenza per un massimo di 10 giorni lavorativi in attesa del ritiro da parte del destinatario. Nel caso in cui il pacco non dovesse essere ritirato entro il limite massimo di giacenza verrà riconsegnato al mittente.
Translation - English If the courier is unable to make the delivery due to the absence of the recipient, the recipient will be contacted via e-mail by the courier to agree on the day and time of delivery. If this second attempt is also unsuccessful, the package will be returned to the office of jurisdiction, where it will remain in storage for a maximum of 10 working days awaiting collection by the recipient. If the package is not collected within the maximum storage time limit, it will be returned to the sender.
Italian to English: Right of Withdrawal General field: Marketing Detailed field: Internet, e-Commerce
Source text - Italian DIRITTO DI RECESSO
Il Cliente ha il diritto di recedere dal contratto, senza indicarne le ragioni, entro 14 giorni. Il periodo di recesso scade dopo 14 giorni dal giorno in cui il Cliente acquisisce il possesso fisico dei beni.
I prodotti personalizzabili o deteriorabili sono esclusi dal diritto di reso.
Per esercitare il diritto di recesso, il cliente è tenuto a informare Majida SRL, mediante email o modulo contatti presente sul sito Web, della sua decisione di recedere, senza doverne indicare le ragioni.
Per rispettare il termine di recesso, è sufficiente che il Cliente invii la comunicazione relativa all'esercizio del diritto di recesso prima della scadenza del periodo di recesso e che la spedizione avvenga entro i 14 giorni dalla data di acquisto (fa fede la ricevuta di spedizione).
Le spese di spedizione per i resi sono a carico de Cliente.
Dopo l'invio della comunicazione di recesso, la merce acquistata deve essere riconsegnata nel periodo più breve possibile.
Translation - English RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL
The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract, without giving reasons, within 14 days. The withdrawal period expires after 14 days from the day on which the Customer acquires physical possession of the goods.
Customizable or perishable products are excluded from the right of withdrawal.
To exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer is required to inform Majida SRL, by e-mail or through the contact form on the website, of their decision to withdraw, without having to indicate the reasons.
In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient for the Customer to send the communication concerning the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period and that the shipment takes place within 14 days from the date of purchase (the shipment receipt shall be considered as proof).
The shipping costs for returns are charged to the customer.
After sending the withdrawal notice, the purchased goods must be returned in the shortest possible period.
Italian to English: User Manual General field: Marketing Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - Italian Lo sterilizzatore ad ultrasuoni digitale è uno strumento indispensabile sia nella propria abitazione che per gli uffici e i luoghi di lavoro che richiedono particolare attenzione per la pulizia e la sterilizzazione degli attrezzi e strumenti.
Grazie alle vibrazioni e ultrasuoni che vengono rilasciate dall'ULTRASONIC CLEANER, è garantita la massima pulizia e sterilizzazione.
La sua utilità si estende in molti altri campi, come gioiellieri che possono pulire nei minimi dettagli gioielli ed orologi, ma anche oculisti garantendo delle lenti sempre pulite e smaglianti. Si possono sterilizzare anche oggetti personali come: spazzolini, dentiere, argenteria, posate e piccoli oggetti metallici.
Translation - English The digital ultrasonic sterilizer is an indispensable tool both in your home as well as in offices and workplaces where particular attention to the cleaning and sterilization of tools and instruments is required.
The vibrations and ultrasounds that are released by the ULTRASONIC CLEANER/ STERILIZER help guarantee the maximum cleaning and sterilization of your tools.
Its usefulness can be applied in many other fields, from jewellers who can clean jewellery and watches down to the smallest details, to ophthalmologists who can always guarantee clean and dazzling lenses. You can also sterilize personal items such as: brushes, dentures, silverware, cutlery and small metal objects.
Years of experience: 6. Registered at May 2020.
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Keywords: Politics, Lobbying, International Relations, Negotiating Policy, Sustainable Development, European Public Policy, Academic Writing, Research, Legal texts, Copywriting. See more.Politics, Lobbying, International Relations, Negotiating Policy, Sustainable Development, European Public Policy, Academic Writing, Research, Legal texts, Copywriting, Localization, Terms and Conditions, General Translation, Literature, Literary Translation, Cryptocurrency, Russian, English, Italian, German. See less.