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Indonesian to English: Journal Article Methodology, ID > EN General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Indonesian Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) adalah statistik parametrik yang menggunakan metode ekonometrik mempekerjakan fungsi produksi bentuk Cobb-Douglas. Ini adalah salah satu metode untuk memperkirakan fungsi perbatasan dalam efisiensi produksi (Odedokun V.O dkk, 2015). Hal yang menarik dari pendekatan Stocastic Frontier Approach (SFA) adalah memungkinkan untuk adanya penyimpangan dari perbatasan di luar kendali perusahaan, seperti, cuaca, bencana alam, keberuntungan, dan kesalahan pengukuran dalam variabel dependen (Imad Mousa Dashti, 1996).
Pendekatan batas stokastik (SFA) menggunakan suatu frontier untuk mengukur nilai efisiensi dari masing-masing bank. Suatu bank dikatakan tidak efisien jika tingkat biaya dari sebuah bank lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan tingkat biaya bank frontier yang beroperasi pada tingkat kinerja terbaiknya (best practice) (Ahmad Husein Fadhlullah, 2015).
Pendekatan Stochastic frontier (SFA) adalah metode yang banyak digunakan, komposit-kesalahan di mana inefisiensi diasumsikan mengikuti distribusi asimetris (biasanya setengah normal) kesalahan dan acak mengikuti distribusi simetris (biasanya standar normal) (Berger dan Humphrey, 1997). Jadi, istilah error komposit dapat diberikan sebagai ei = μ + υ, di mana μ> 0 mewakili setengah-normal didistribusikan inefisiensi sementara υ mewakili terdistribusi normal kesalahan acak (Shrimal Perera and Michael Skully, 2012).
Bentuk fungsi biaya yang akan dihitung dalam penelitian ini ialah fungsi biaya berbentuk Cobb-Douglas, hal ini dikarenakan fungsi Cobb-Douglas banyak digunakan untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara input dan output. Dengan merujuk Rahmad Hidayat(Rahmad Hidayat, 2014)., maka bentuk persamaan fungsi Cobb-Douglas ditulis sebagai berikut:
InTC=α_0 + ∑_(j=i)^2▒〖α_0 In (y_(i ) 〗) + ∑_(k=i)^3▒〖β_k In (p_(k ) 〗) + In u + In v
Tc = Total Biaya yaitu biaya operasional yang terdiri dari bonus titipan wadiah, beban administrasi umum, beban operasional, beban penyisihan penghapusan aktiva produktif, beban lainnya dan biaya non operasional.
Y1= Pembiayaan yang terdiri dari Murabahah, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Istisna dan Qardhul Hasan.
Y2= Surat Berharga Yang dimiliki.
P1= Harga Sumberdaya (adalah harga yang timbul karena penggunaan sumber daya manusia, misalnya gaji.
P2= Harga Dana (harga yang timbul karena penggunaan dana dari pihak lain (DPK), seperti margin untuk penabung, hadiah untuk wadiah.
P3= Harga Modal Fisik (harga yang timbul dikarenakan penggunaan asset fisik , seperti penyusutan dan pemeliharaan.
U= Ukuran ketidak efisiensian
V= Statistical Noise.
Penghitungan nilai variable efisiensi dihitung dengan persamaan sebagai berikut:
Dimana INEFF adalah ketidak efisienan.
Rasio efisiensi biaya dari suatu bank dapat dirumuskan sebagai berikut:
Cn adalah biaya aktual yang dikeluarkan oleh bank n. dan rasio efisiensi biaya/cost efficiency ratio (CEFF) menggambarkan proporsi dari biaya atau sumberdaya yang digunakan secara efisien, jika cost efficiency ratio sebesar 99%, maka ini menunjukkan bahwa bank tersebut beroprasi secara efisiensi sebesar 99% dan sisanya biaya sebesar 1% terbuang.
Translation - English Stochastic frontier approach (SFA) is a parametric statistic that uses econometric methods employing Cobb-Douglas production function form. It is one of the methods for estimating frontier functions in efficiency of production.
(Odedokun V.O et al., 2015). SFA is quite interesting in that it allows some frontier deviation caused by external factors, such as weather, natural disaster, luck, and measurement error in the dependent variable (Imad Mousa Dashti, 1996).
SFA uses a frontier to measure the efficiency of a bank. A bank is said to be inefficient if the cost level of a bank is higher than that of a best-practice bank on the frontier (Ahmad Husein Fadhlullah, 2015).
SFA posits a composed error model where inefficiencies are assumed to follow an asymmetric distribution, usually the half-normal, while random errors fallow a symmetric distribution, usually the standard-normal (Berger and Humphrey, 1997). Therefore, the error composite term can be given as ei = μ + υ, where μ> 0 represents half-normal distributed inefficiency, while υ represents normal distributed random error (Shrimal Perera and Michael Skully, 2012).
The cost function calculated in this study was the Cobb-Douglas form, seeing that this function has been used considerably in illustrating the relationship between input and output. Referring to Rahmad Hidayat (2014), the Cobb-Douglas function equation can be written as follows:
InTC=α_0 + ∑_(j=i)^2▒〖α_0 In (y_(i ) 〗) + ∑_(k=i)^3▒〖β_k In (p_(k ) 〗) + In u + In v
Tc = total cost, i.e. operating cost consisting of wadiah deposit bonus, general administrative expense, operating expense, provision for loan losses, other expenses, and non-operating expense.
Y1= financing, comprised of Murabahah, Mudharabah, Musyarakah, Istishna’, and Qardhul Hasan.
Y2= commercial papers owned.
P1= resource cost, i.e. cost incurred from the use of human resources, such as wage.
P2= cost of finance, i.e. cost incurred from the use of third-party funds, such as margin for depositors and bonus for wadiah consignment.
P3= cost of physical capital, i.e. cost incurred from the use of physical asset, such as depreciation and maintenance.
U= measure of inefficiency.
V= statistical noise.
Efficiency variable was calculated with the following equation:
Where INEFF is inefficiency.
The cost efficiency ratio of a bank can be formulated as follows:
Cn is the actual cost expended by bank n. Cost efficiency ratio illustrates the proportion of an efficiently incurred cost or used resource. If the cost efficiency ratio amounts to 99%, it indicates that the bank operates at 99% efficiency, while the remaining 1% is lost.
English: Proofreading English article (excerpt from journal article) General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
Source text - English Islam obliged to overlook clearly the consumption of the product by ensuring there are halal and to stay away from the suspected consumables (Shabbir,, 2007) highlighted five dimensions of the consumer attitudes in order to adapt a new product into Muslim consumer. It consists of ideological, ritualistic, intellectual, experimental and consequential dimensions. All of these dimensions play an important role in people’s lives through shaping their beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes towards their expenditure.
Previous research indicate that the marketers and managers need to take into attention when introducing new products especially for Muslim markets. It must first to be stated that the Islamic dietary and consumption system is different and unique compared to the other ethnic dietary system (Zakaria, 2008). The key trends fostering growth in developed packaged food markets are convenience, functionality and indulgence. The real value of packaging is that the package is an integral part of the product today (Ahmed, 2005). Ingredient branding plays a central role in the Muslim psyche, as a means by which authenticity and heritage are evaluated. Most visibly this can be seen with single-issue politics groups calling for a boycott of certain brands and emergence of subsequent copy-cat boycott brands (Wilson and Liu, 2011). This apparently has serious implications for international companies operating in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (Mukhtar and Butt, 2012). However, the main issues that cause in Malaysia today is about the cheating of the label, the labelling non-halal as halal has raised the sensitivity of many Muslims in the country. The difficulty in determining the product halal status made by Muslims in Malaysia depended on the responsible of the authority body. Muslims consider food and products that bear the halal label/sign as fit for consumption according to Islam and prepared in compliance with Islamic rules and guidelines (Zakaria, 2008).
Translation - English Islam obliges its adherers to observe what they consume; the product should be halal and Muslims must stay away from susceptible items. Shabbiret al. (2007) highlighted five dimensions of consumer attitude in order to accommodate a new product for Muslim consumers; they are ideological, ritualistic, intellectual, experimental, and consequential dimensions. All of these dimensions play an important role in people’s lives by shaping their beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes towards their expenditure.
Previous research indicated that both marketers and managers need to take (branding/packaging?) into consideration when introducing new products, especially for Muslim markets. The Islamic dietary and consumption laws are different and unique compared to those of other ethnics (religions?) (Zakaria, 2008). The key trends fostering growth in developed packaged food markets are convenience, functionality and indulgence. The real value of packaging is that the package is an integral part of the product today (Ahmed et al., 2005). Ingredient branding plays a central role in the Muslim psyche, as a means by which authenticity and heritage are evaluated. This can be ostensibly be seen with single-issue politics groups calling for the boycott of certain brands and the emergence of subsequent copy-cat boycott brands (Wilson and Liu, 2011). This has serious implications for international companies operating in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (Mukhtar and Butt, 2012). However, the main issue occurring in Malaysia today is the halal label fraud; the labelling of non-halal products as halal has raised the sensitivity of many Muslims in the country. The difficulty for Malaysian consumers to determine the halal status of a product pushes this responsibility onto the authoritative body, who monitors and ascertains that the product is indeed made from and through halal sources and means. Thus, Muslims consider food and products that bear the halal label or sign as fit for consumption and prepared in compliance with Islamic rules and guidelines (Zakaria, 2008).
Malay to English: Translation of journal article on religion, MY > EN General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Malay Mutu ilmiah Kitab Tafsir ini, sepengetahuan penulis belum ada yang mempertikaikannya. Justru yang kita dapati banyak dari kalangan para sarjana yang memuji dan menjadikannya sebagai kitab rujukan dalam menulis tafsir, seperti Hamka, Quraisy Syihab dan lain-lain. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Syah, Ketua Majlis Ulama Sumatera Utara mengatakan: “Tafsir Abdul Halim Hasan dan kedua muridnya Abdul Rahim Haitami dan Zainal Araifin Abbas adalah tafsir yang sangat baik, luas pembahasannya, mengumpulkan di antara tafsir bi al-ma’tsur dengan tafsir bi al-ra’yi, bercorak haraki ijtima’ie (pergerakan sosial kemasyarakatan) seperti Tafsir al-Manar, meyelesaikan banyak persoalan umat duniawi dan ukhrawi dan sumber-sumbernya dari kitab-kitab tafsir bahasa Arab yang terkemuka. Kitab Tafsir ini lebih baik dari Tafsir al-Azhar, karya Hamka dan Tafsir al-Nur karya Hasbi al-Siddiqiu, hanya sahaja Tafsir ini tidak lengkap, hanya sampai ke ayat 87 surah al-A’raf sahaja (akhir juz kedelapan).”
Pendapat yang senada disuarakan oleh Howard M. Fedespiel setelah beliau membuat penyelidikan tentang pekembangan tafsir di Indonesia dengan mengatakan: “Tafsir al-Quran karya Abdul Halim Hasan dan dua orang muridnya Abdul Rahim Haitami dan Zainal Araifin Abbas adalah karya yang agung yang tidak ada bandingannya pada masanya. Para penulisnya telah mampu mengumpulkan di dalamnya sejarah, akidah, hukum dan akhlaq. Metode (manhaj) yang digunakan mereka terangkan di dalam muqaddimah. Selain itu, kitab Tafsir ini menyajikan pengajaran agama lengkap yang disertai perdebatan”. Muhammad Suyuti bin Hj Nur Hadi seorang tokoh ulama dan Imam Masjid Hidayatul Mukminin, Peringgan, Medan mengatakan: “ Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim karya Abdul Halim Hasan, Abdul Rahim Haitami dan Zainal Arifin Abbas adalah sebaik-baik tafsir dan yang paling lengkap dalam bahasa Melayu. Ianya bagaikan insklopedi agama Islam, kerana mencakupi akidah, hukum-hakam dan akhlak secara terpenrinci. Sumber rujukannya dari kitab-kitab tafsir terkemuka dalam bahasa Arab, seperti Tafsir al-Manar, karya Rasyid Ridha, Tafsir Qurtubi, Tafsir Jalalain, Tafsir Baidhawi, dan lain-lain. Kerana bagusnya tafsir itu, maka Hamka telah menjadinya sebagai salah satu kitab rujukan ketika menyusun tafsirnya yang diberi nama “al-Azhar”.
Demikian juga Quraisy Syihab Professor dalam bidang tafsir di Universitas Islam Jakarta telah mengikuti manhaj tafsir ini ketika menyusun tafsirnya “al-Misbah”. Apa yang dikatakan oleh Muhammad Suyuti dan Prof. Abdullah Syah sebenarnya mewakili pendapat ulama dan cendekiawan Sumatera, Indonesia. Pendapat yang sama telah diberikan oleh Prof. Alyasa’ Abubakar pakar undang-undang Islam di Universitas Islam Ar-Raniry. Beliau mengatakan: “Saya telah membaca beberapa jilid Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim karya Abdul Halim Hasan dan teman-temannya.Saya mendapati Tafsir itu bagus sekali, pemikirannya teratur dan keterangannya jelas. Pengarangnya menerangkan makna-makna ayat secara lengkap, berpegang teguh pada tafsir-tafsir terkemuka dalam bahasa Arab, tidak memasukkan keinginan hawa nafsunya dalam tafsir dan tidak ada kepentingan peribadi, tidak ada fanatik golongan dan taklid buta dalam menerangkan maksud ayat. Pembicaraan di dalamnya tegas, tidak ada main-main. Beliau menambahkan, setiap membacanya saya mendapati sesuatu daripadanya dan saya fahami apa dikatakan. Saya dapat menyimpulkan daripadanya beberapa pemikiran dan hukum”.
Demikian penilaian para Ulama terhadap Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim Karya Syeikh Abdul Halim Hasan yang dibantu oleh dua orang muridnya Abdul Rahim Haitami dan Zainal Araifin Abbas. Semuanya itu menunjukkan ketinggian martabat karya tulis beliau dalam bidang tafsir dan merupakan sumbangan beliau kepada umat, terutama yang kurang mampu membaca tafsir al-Quran dalam bahasa Arab.
Bukti yang lain yang ianya amat digemari oleh pembacanya, ialah setiap kitab itu dicetak, ia akan habis dalam waktu yang tidak berapa lama setelah diterbitkan.
Translation - English To the knowledge of the author, there is no dispute against the scientific quality of this tafsir. In fact, numerous scholars were full of praise for this book, and had made it as their main reference in writing tafsir books. Some of these scholars include Hamka, Quraisy Syihab, and others. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Syah, Head of the Ulama Council of North Sumatera, stated, “Abdul Halim Hasan and his two pupils’ tafsir is brilliant; its discussions are comprehensive, it manages to combine between tafsir bi al-ma’tsur and tafsir bi al-ra’yi, it has a haraki ijtima’i (social movement) tone, just as Tafsir al-Manar does; it resolves many worldy and otherworldly issues, and it cites well-known Arabic tafsir books. This tafsir is better than Hamka’s Tafsir al-Azhar and Hasbi al-Siddiqui’s Tafsir al-Nur. Regrettably, this tafsir is not complete, as it was only written up to verse 87 of al-A’raf (end of the eighth juz).”
The same opinion was exclaimed by Howard M. Fedespiel in his research on the development of tafsir in Indonesia. He declared, “Tafsir al-Quran, written by Abdul Halim Hasan and his two pupils, Abdul Rahim Haitami and Zainal Arifin Abbas, is a monumental work that was unrivalled in its time. The authors were able to fill the book with discussions on history, faith, law, and moral. They explained their method in the introduction chapter. This tafsir also presents complete religious teachings along with their debates.” Muhammad Suyuti bin Hj. Nur Hadi, a scholar and Imam of the Hidayatul Mukminin Mosque in Peringgan, Medan, said: Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim by Abdul Halim Hasan, Abdul Rahim Haitami, and Zainal Arifin Abbas is the best and most complete tafsir in Malay. It is akin to an encyclopedia on Islam, as it contains detailed explanations on faith, laws, and morals. It cites renowned Arabic tafsir books, such as Tafsir al-Manar, Tafsir al-Qurtubi, Tafsir Jalalain, Tafsir Baidhawi, and others. Because of its quality, Hamka made it into his main reference book in writing his tafsir, Tafsir al-Azhar.
Quraisy Shihab, a professor of tafsir in the Islamic University of Jakarta, followed their methodology in writing his own tafsir, al-Misbah.” The opinions of Muhammad Suyuti and Prof. Abdullah Syah, in actuality, represent the views of other scholars and academics of Sumatera, Indonesia. The same reception came from Prof. Alyasa’ Abubakar, an expert of Islamic jurisprudence of the Ar-Raniry Islamic University. He asserted, “I have read several volumes of Abdul Halim Hasan and others’ Tafsir al-Quran al-Karim. I found the tafsir to be excellent, they deliver their ideas neatly, and the explanations are very clear. The authors elaborated the verses’ meaning completely; they held onto authentic Arabic tafsir books, never once did use their desires in interpreting the verses, nor have they ever inserted their personal interests, fanatism to a certain group, or blindly follow others in interpreting the meaning of a verse. The discussions were presented firmly and decisively.” He added, “I received something new everytime I read it, and I can understand it well. I was able to deduce several thoughts and laws from this book.”
These are some of the positive responses from various scholars on the work of Syeikh Abdul Halim and his two pupils, Abdul Rahim Haitami and Zainal Arifin Abbas. Each of these commendations shows the excellence of his work in tafsir and his contribution to the ummah, especially those who are unable to read Arabic tafsir books.
Each time the book is printed, it would be sold out. This is further proof that this book is highly fancied by its readers.
Indonesian to English: Journal Article Translation, ID > EN General field: Science Detailed field: Agriculture
Source text - Indonesian Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) merupakan salah satu tanaman perkebunan (Dradjat, 2008), yang berperan sangat penting dalam perekonomian nasional, dan diharapkan mengalami peningkatan produksi untuk tahun-tahun yang akan datang (Syahbana, 2007; Same, 2011).
Produksi kelapa sawit di Indonesia 26,8 juta ton dengan luas lahan 10,5 juta hektar (BPS, 2013), sedangkan Malaysia produksi kelapa sawit mencapai 18 juta ton dengan luas lahan 5 juta hektar (Puslitbangbun, 2013). Dari hasil rata-rata produksi dan luas lahan kelapa sawit di indonesia terdapat sebagian dari perkebunan rakyat 44,1 ribu hektar. Namun, produksi kepala sawit perkebunan rakyat berkisar 95 ribu ton yang jauh dibawah rata-rata perkebunan besar berkisar 17,3 juta ton (BPS, 2013), yang disebabkan bibit bersumber pada tanaman yang tidak bagus dan pemeliharaan yang tidak optimal salah satunya pemupukan.
Selain itu, pengembangan kelapa sawit di Indonesia dan khususnya di Aceh masih mengunakan lahan-lahan sub-optimal yang salah satunya tanah Histosol. Noor (2000) dan Nurhandayani et al. (2013) menyatakan Histosol merupakan tanah yang banyak mengandung bahan organik yang terjadi akibat terdekomposisi sisa-sisa tanaman. Histosol yang memiliki kadar keasaman (pH) yang tinggi serta memiliki tingkat ketebalan yang berbeda-beda dan kondisi tanah yang masam dapat menyebabkan ketersediaan unsur hara yang kurang (Sagiman, 2007; Nurhandayani et al., 2013). Histosol juga dapat mengikat unsur P menjadi tidak larut dan tidak tersedia bagi tanaman. Alternatif yang mungkin dapat dikembangkan untuk mengatasi ketidaksediaan P didalam tanah khususnya pada tanah sub-optimal adalah dengan memanfaatkan mikroorganisme, salah satunya Mikoriza.
Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular (FMA) adalah bentuk paling umum dari simbiosis tanaman dan jamur. Mikoriza dibentuk oleh berbagai tanaman inang (sekitar 65% dari semua spesies tanaman darat yang diketahui) (Wang dan Qiu, 2006), melalui infeksi pada sistem akar tanaman. Setelah terjadinya infeksi akar dan kolonisasi, jamur mikoriza mengembangkan eksternal miselium yang merupakan jembatan yang menghubungkan akar dengan tanah sekitarnya (Fitter et al., 2011).
Salah satu pengaruh yang paling penting dari infeksi akar dengan jamur mikoriza pada tanaman adalah peningkatan serapan P (Smith dan Read 2008). Treseder dan Allen (2002) menyatakan penyerapan P oleh mikoriza ditentukan oleh tanaman inang, mikoriza, sifat tanah dan faktor lingkungan beserta jumlah dan ketersediaan P dalam tanah.
Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan pemberian mikoriza didalam tanah yang rendah kesuburan dan kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dan sorgum (Guo et al., 2013), jeruk (Ortas dan Ustuner, 2014) dan pemberian dosis mikoriza (10 g/polibeg-1) dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit kelapa sawit (Same, 2011). Namun demikian, keunggulan mikoriza terhadap tanaman perkebunan dilapangan belum banyak diketahui.
Selain itu, pemberian FMA belum mencukupi kebutuhan unsur hara bagi tanaman kelapa sawit. Oleh karena itu, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan P dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian rock phosphate. Rockfosfat merupakan sumber pupuk P organik yang efektif dan murah (Mas’ud, 1992; Rengganis et al., 2014). Namun sifat rockfosfat (fosfat alam) lambat tersedia bagi tanaman (Rochayati et al., 2009; Rengganis et al., 2014).
Di dalam tanah, P berada dalam bentuk P-organik dan P-anorganik. Mineral fosfor anorganik umumnya dijumpai sebagai aluminium dan besi fosfat pada tanah-tanah asam, sedangkan kalsium fosfat mendominasi tanah basa. Berbagai jenis asam-asam organik yang dihasilkan mikroorganisme untuk melarutkan Al, Fe, Ca dan magnesium fosfat, sehingga menghasilkan pelepasan ortofosfat ke dalam larutan tanah. (Handayanto dan Chairiah, 2007 dalam Rengganis et al., 2014).
Penambahan pupuk rockfosfat akan lebih baik ditanah gambut dibandingkan dengan pupuk an-organik yang disebabkan terjadinya peningkatan pH tanah (Agus dan Subiksa, 2008). Pada tanah yang tidak tersedia unsur P, pemupukan dengan menggunakan pupuk rockfosfat akan meningkatkan manfaat pengaplikasian mikoriza yang tidak terbatas (Blal et al., 1990; Phosri et al., 2010).
Untuk memaksimalkan penyerapan fosfat yang ada di dalam tanah dan yang berasal dari pupuk, digunakan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA). Penambahan FMA mampu meningkatkan ketersediaan hara fosfor (P) didalam tanah. Menurut Bolan (1991) dalam Rengganis et al, (2014) menyatakan bahwa pengaruh menguntungkan dari fungi mikoriza arbuskula terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman sering dihubungkan dengan peningkatan serapan hara yang tidak tersedia, terutama fosfor. Berbagai mekanisme dalam proses peningkatan serapan P oleh tanaman bermikoriza, seperti perpindahan P yang lebih cepat di dalam hifa FMA dan kelarutan fosfor tanah.
Translation - English Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is a plant critical to the national economy (Dradjat, 2008). It is anticipated to continue growing in the coming years (Syahbana, 2007; Same, 2011).
Indonesia produces 26,8 million tons of oil palm, covering a plantation area of 10,5 million hectares (BPS, 2013), while Malaysia’s production is 18 million tons on a total land area of 5 million hectare (Puslitbangbun, 2013). Of the total area, 44,1 thousand hectare is part of the people’s plantation (smallholdings), producing 95 thousand tons. This number is far below the large holdings' average of 17,3 tons (BPS, 2013). Much of the underlying reasons behind this discrepancy comes from subpar seedlings and non-optimal maintenance techniques, one of which is fertilization.
In addition, oil palm in Indonesia and specifically Aceh is still cultivated on sub-optimal soils, including histosol. Noor (2000) and Nurhandayani et al. (2013) asserted that histosol is abundant in organic materials formed from the decomposition of crop residue. Histosol with high acidity content (pH), along with varying thickness, results in the lack of nutrients (Sagiman, 2007; Nurhandayani et al., 2013). Histosol also binds the P element, effectively preventing it from dissolving and hindering its availableness to plants. To prevent the absence of P in soil, especially in sub-optimal ones, microorganisms such as mycorrhizae can be administered.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are the most common type of plant and fungi symbiosis. Mycorrhiza is formed by a number of host plants (around 65% of known terrestrial plants) (Wang and Qiu, 2006) through an infection on the plants’ root system. After the commencement of the root infection and colonization, mycorrhizal fungi develops external mycelium, acting as a bridge connecting between the roots and the surrounding soil (Fitter et al., 2011).
One of the most important effect of mycorrhizal root infection is the increase of P absorption (Smith and Read, 2008). Treseder and Allen (2002) claimed that mycorrhizal P absorption is determined by the host plant, mycorrhiza, soil characteristics, environmental factors, and the amount and availability of P in the soil.
Some research showed that the application of mycorrhizae into an infertile and unhealthy soil can improve the growth of corn and sorghum (Guo et al., 2013), and orange (Ortas and Ustuner, 2014); applying a certain dose of mycorrhiza (10 g/polybag-1) enhances the development of oil palm seedlings (Same, 2011). However, the extent to which mycorrhizae supports plantation crops in the field is yet to be determined.
The administration of AMF alone is not sufficient to satisfy the oil palm’s nutrient demand. By combining it with rock phosphate, it could amplify the efficiency of P fertilization. Rock phosphate is an effective and cheap organic source of P (Mas’ud, 1992; Rengganie et al., 2014). By its nature, however, rock phosphate is rather slow in its availability to plants (Rochayati et al., 2009; Rengganis et al., 2014).
In the soil, P appears in both organic and inorganic forms. Inorganic phosphorus mineral is commonly found in aluminum and iron phosphate in acidic soils, while calcium phosphate is more dominant in alkaline soils. Numerous types of organic acids produced by microorganisms dissolve Al, Fe, Ca, and magnesium phosphate, causing the release of orthophosphate into the soil solution. (Handayanto and Chairiah, 2007 in Rengganis et al., 2014).
Peaty soil benefits more from the addition of rock phosphate fertilizer as compared to a non-organic one, mainly due to the former’s efficacy in increasing the soil’s pH (Agus and Subiksa, 2008). In P-deprived soils, rock phosphate fertilizing results in unlimited mycorrhizal application benefit (Blal et al., 1990; Phosri et al., 2010).
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is used to maximize the absorption of phosphate contained by both soil and fertilizer. This procedure may boost the phosphorus (P) availability in soil. Bolan (1991) in Rengganis et al. (2014) asserted that the beneficial advantage most commonly linked between AMF and crop growth is the rise in the uptake of unavailable element, especially phosphorus. Mycorrhiza-infected plants carries out a range of mechanisms in boosting P absorption, such as quicker transfer of P in the AMF’s hyphae and solubility of soil phosphorus.
Indonesian to English: News Article Translation, EN > ID General field: Science Detailed field: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Source text - Indonesian The captain of the research vessel Hyas leans out over the stern. Controlling a winch with one hand, he watches as a cable winds slowly up from the depths, trailing a triangular green net about the size of a wheelbarrow.
Marine biologist Richard Ingebrigtsen kneels to tip and then shake the heavy net, sending an avalanche of scallops, seaweed, algae, sea cucumbers, sponges, starfish, tiny shrimp, and shell fragments tumbling into a black plastic tub. There is even a spider crab, called hyas in Norwegian.
We are off the coast of Northern Norway, far above the Arctic Circle, and although it is early summer, the high peaks in the distance are blanketed with fresh snow. Little wonder Ingebrigtsen is decked out in winter gear. He examines today’s catch as if every object contains a secret treasure and two red urchins catch his eye. Because these organisms are harder to come by, Ingebrigtsen places them in a separate bucket. Later, he will deliver them to a colleague who specialises in urchins and molecules derived from them. “He’s going to be happy,” says Ingebrigtsen. “Maybe I can get one or two beers as payment.”
Despite the leisurely feel of this cruise, it has a serious mission. For centuries, people in this part of the world subsisted on protein-packed resources from the sea – salmon, cod, halibut, whale. Fisheries (and oil) continue to provide the country with riches. But now scientists like Ingebrigtsen are on the hunt for a different sort of bounty: chemistry that might just save your life.
Humanity is facing an all-out emergency when it comes to the absence of new drugs. Antimicrobial resistance is fast becoming a scourge of our time, while the fight against unremitting killers like cancer and heart disease can always benefit from novel molecular weaponry. And that’s just the start. Alzheimer’s, diabetes, pain medications and anti-viral medication — we need it all, and more, not to mention new chemical tools for applications as varied as cosmetics and dairy products. All of which is to say that excursions like this one are about far more than the romance of cataloguing the natural world.
As a PhD candidate at the University of Tromso and a member of the Polar Research Centre’s biodiscovery program, Ingebrigtsen has been at the heart of this mission. “Valuable stuff is out there,” he says. “But you have to look for it.” As we talk, he picks up a scallop shell, attached to which is a bryozoan, that looks like a leafy crimson-coloured tree half an inch tall. Next he inspects something called a colonial sea squirt, an organism that is as charismatic as the contents of a used tissue.
Despite their unassuming appearance, creatures like these squirts, bryozoan, sponges, and microalgae show great promise for new drug development, because the molecules that evolution has equipped them with can be downright radical. How else are these stationary creatures going to survive the dark, corrosive, turbulent conditions of the sea and incessant threats from predators? “They’ve been floating around or stuck down there on the bottom for millions and millions of years,” says Ingebrigtsen, marveling at another bryozoan as if it were a diamond. The solutions they have evolved to survive are wild, weird, mysterious and potentially quite useful.
And there is one other adaptation that squirts, sponges, microalgae and other creatures in the waters around Norway possess that is of particular interest to Ingebrigtsen and his colleagues, one that has made the waters of the far north a hotspot in the search for novel chemistry: they can handle the cold.
Source:, with modifications.
Translation - English Kapten dari kapal riset Hyas menyandar keluar dari buritan. Dengan mengendalikan sebuah kerekan dengan satu tangan, ia memperhatikan sebuah kabel naik dengan lambat dari kedalaman, diikuti oleh serajut jaring segitiga berwarna hijau seukuran kereta sorong
Pakar biologi kelautan Richard Ingebrigtsen melutut untuk membalikkan dan menggoyangkan jaring berat tersebut, menumpahkan kapis, rumput laut, ganggang, sepon laut, bintang laut, udang kecil, dan pecahan cangkang berjatuhan ke dalam sebuah bak plastik hitam. Seekor kepiting laba-laba, disebut hyas dalam bahasa Norwegia, juga turut tertangkap.
Kami berada di lepas pantai Norwegia Utara, jauh di atas Lingkar Arktik, dan meskipun saat ini adalah awal musim panas, puncak-puncak gunung di kejauhan terselimuti oleh salju segar. Tidak mengherankan, Ingerbrigsten menggunakan pakaian musim dingin. Ia memeriksa tangkapan hari ini, seolah-olah setiap tangkapan mengandung sebuah harta karun rahasia. Dua bulu babi merah menangkap perhatiannya. Oleh karena organisme ini sulit diperoleh, Ingebrigsten meletakkan mereka ke dalam ember berbeda. Nantinya, ia akan mengirim keduanya kepada seorang kolega yang ahli tentang bulu babi dan molekul yang didapatkan darinya. “Ia akan merasa senang,” ujar Ingebrigsten. “Mungkin aku bisa mendapatkan satu atau dua bir sebagai bayarannya.”
Meskipun pelayaran ini memiliki suasana santai, ia membawa misi yang serius. Selama berabad-abad, masyarakat di belahan dunia ini bertahan hidup dengan mengandalkan sumber-sumber kaya protein dari laut – salmon, kod, halibut, paus. Perikanan (dan perminyakan) terus melimpahkan kekayaan kepada negara ini. Namun saat ini, ilmuwan seperti Ingebrigsten sedang memburu sejenis hadiah yang berbeda: kimia yang dapat saja menyelamatkan nyawa Anda.
Jika berbicara tentang ketiadaan obatan baru, manusia sedang menghadapi sebuah keadaan darurat yang mendesak. Ketahanan terhadap mikroba telah dengan cepat menjadi sebuah momok dalam kehidupan kita, sementara perjuangan melawan penyakit pembunuh yang tak pernah berhenti seperti kanker dan penyakit jantung akan dapat selalu terbantu oleh penemuan senjata molekuler baru. Dan itu hanya permulaan saja. Penyakit Alzheimer, diabetes, obat sakit dan obat antivirus – kita membutuhkan semua itu beserta tambahannya, belum lagi berbicara tentang alat-alat kimia baru yang dapat diaplikasikan ke beragam hal, seperti kosmetik dan produk tenusu. Semua ini untuk menyatakan bahwa ekskursi semacam ini memiliki tujuan yang lebih besar daripada hanya sekedar romansa katalogisasi dunia alam.
Sebagai kandidat PhD di University of Tromso dan anggota program penemuan hayati Polar Research Centre, Ingebrigsten berada di jantung misi ini. “Benda berharga ada di luar sana,” ujarnya. “Tapi kau harus mencarinya.” Selagi kami berbicara, ia mengambil sebuah cangkang kapis, seekor hewan lumut tertempel padanya, rupanya seperti sebatang pohon berdaun merah tua lebat dengan tinggi setengah inci. Kemudian, ia memeriksa sesuatu yang dikenal dengan nama bintang laut squirt kolonial, sebuah organisme yang memiliki karisma laksana tisu bekas.
Kendati berpenampilan sederhana, makhluk-makhluk seperti bintang laut squirt, hewan lumut, sepon laut, dan ganggang mikro ini menunjukkan potensi nyata dalam pengembangan obatan baru, lantaran molekul yang dibekalkan oleh evolusi kepada mereka bisa sangat radikal. Bagaimana lagi makhluk-makhluk yang stasioner ini dapat bertahan dalam lautan yang gelap, yang berkeadaan korosif dan bergolak serta ancaman tak henti dari pemangsa? “Mereka sudah terapung-apung atau tersangkut di dasar lautan selama jutaan tahun,” ujar Ingebrigsten, sambil mengagumi hewan lumut lainnya seakan-akan ia permata. Solusi yang mereka dapatkan dari evolusi untuk bertahan itu liar, aneh, misterius dan boleh jadi bermanfaat.
Terdapat satu lagi adaptasi yang dimiliki oleh bintang laut squirt, sepon laut, ganggang mikro, dan makhluk lainnya di perairan sekitar Norwegia yang menarik perhatian Ingebrigsten dan koleganya; sebuah hal yang membuat perairan utara jauh tersebut menjadi titik panas pencairan kimiawi baru: mereka mampu hidup dalam lautan yang dingin.
Sumber:, dengan perubahan.
English to Indonesian: Contract Translation, EN > ID (names have been changed for confidentiality reasons) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English This agreement made and executed in COUNTRY NAME on DATE by and between:
COMPANY NAME 1 is a company duly organized and existing under the laws of COUNTRY NAME with office address at ADDRESS herein represented by REPRESENTATIVE NAME 1 and hereinafter referred to as the “FIRST PARTY”.
COMPANY NAME 2, a firm duly organized and existing under the law of the government of Indonesia, with office address at ADDRESS; represented by REPRESENTATIVE NAME, and hereinafter referred to as the “SECOND PARTY”.
Whereas, the first party is a registered business entity engaged in the business practice of SERVICE TYPE 1 in COUNTRY NAME 1.
Whereas, the second party is a registered business entity engaged in the business practice of SERVICE TYPE 2 in COUNTRY NAME 2.
Now therefore, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, both parties do hereby agree to be bound in this agreement with the following terms and conditions:
The Second Party shall perform or cause to be performed, planning execution and operation of services for recruitment of personnel for projects of the First Party particularly in the field of SERVICE NAME by sending and furnishing all the required qualified personnel needs, subject to the rules and regulations of the COUNTRY NAME 2.
Translation - Indonesian Perjanjian ini dibuat dan ditandatangani di NAMA NEGARA pada TANGGAL oleh dan antara:
NAMA PERUSAHAAN 1 adalah sebuah perusahaan yang dibentuk dan ada berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan NAMA NEGARA 1, yang memiliki alamat kantor di ALAMAT, dalam perjanjian ini diwakili oleh NAMA WAKIL 1, selanjutnya dalam perjanjian ini disebut sebagai “PIHAK PERTAMA”.
NAMA PERUSAHAAN 2, sebuah perusahaan yang dibentuk dan ada berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan Indonesia, yang memiliki alamat kantor di ALAMAT; diwakili oleh NAMA WAKIL 2, selanjutnya dalam perjanjian ini disebut sebagai “PIHAK KEDUA”.
Bahwa, pihak pertama adalah sebuah entitas dagang terdaftar yang bergerak di dalam praktik bisnis JENIS JASA 1 di NAMA NEGARA 1.
Bahwa, pihak kedua adalah sebuah entitas dagang yang bergerak di di dalam praktik bisnis JENIS JASA 2 di NAMA NEGARA 2.
Oleh sebab itu, untuk dan dengan mempertimbangkan alasan-alasan yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, kedua pihak dengan ini telah bersepakat untuk terikat dalam perjanjian ini dengan syarat-syarat dan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:
Pihak Kedua akan melakukan atau dipaksa untuk melakukan, merencanakan pelaksanaan dan penyelenggaraan jasa untuk merekrut tenaga kerja untuk keperluan proyek-proyek Pihak Pertama, khususnya di bidang NAMA BIDANG dengan mengirimkan dan melengkapkan seluruh kebutuhan tenaga kerja yang memenuhi syarat, sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan Pemerintah NAMA NEGARA 2.
Years of experience: 9. Registered at Mar 2018.
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Aegisub, CafeTran Espresso, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Wordfast
(For a more concise introduction, consult my CV on the CV/resume page)
I am based in Aceh, Indonesia, and I have been a translator for 7+ years. I am fluent (native-like) in four languages: English, Malay, Indonesian, and Acehnese. I am also fairly fluent in Arabic.
With the ability to understand and communicate in a diverse set of language, I began my translation career in 2015. So far, I have provided satisfaction for countless clients from around the globe. I have worked with some renowned companies, intergovernmental agencies, and public universities in Indonesia and Malaysia.
I mostly do translation, transcription, and proofreading for academia: under- and postgraduate students, lecturers, and researchers. I have helped 100+ academics and other clients in preparing the best possible presentation, thesis, proposal, and similar documents. I have also worked on several projects owned by global tech and sports companies.
I specialize in management, business, religion, sports, and agriculture. My degree in law and master's in MBA help me flourish in these fields. Agriculture has also become a most recent subject of interest, as I am was involved in a national-scale research project in the field.
Nonetheless, my ability is not restricted to these topics; I am still able to take on projects outside of this scope.
Keywords: English, Indonesian, Acehnese, Achinese, Aceh, Indonesia, Indo, Bahasa, Melayu, Malay. See more.English, Indonesian, Acehnese, Achinese, Aceh, Indonesia, Indo, Bahasa, Melayu, Malay, Translation, Interpretation, Localization, Transcription, Software, Document, Audio, Video, English (UK), English (US), Malaysia, Syariah, Halal, Industry, Management, Business, Commerce, Finance, Economics, Sports, Religion, Islam, Ushul Fiqh, Fiqh, Tafsir, Logistics, Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Manager, Technical Writing, Copywriting, Translator, Transcriber, Kuala Lumpur, Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Nilai, Seremban, Jakarta, Terjemah Arab-Indo, Terjemah Inggris Indo, Terjemah Inggris Aceh, Terjemah Malay Indo, Terjemah Malay Inggeris, English Indonesian Translator, English Malay Translator, English Arabic Translator, English Acehnese Translator, Subtitling, cari terjemahan english indonesia melayu bahasa arab. See less.