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Source text - English Some of my recent translations can be found on
Translation - Serbian Neke moje skorije prevode možete naći na blogu
English to Serbian: Sample Cover Letter
Source text - English [720 words in English, 675 words in Serbian, powered by CafeTran]
Dear team of understanding project managers,
By the text of your ad on the ProZ platform, I'd say you're looking for translators who are not like me. I'm writing this just in case you get to need a freelancer like me or you know someone who does.
I'm so old that I lived to witness art domain splitting into creative industries and post-modern whining called activism in the format of funding application form designed by Rotshield Trust at demand of POTUS Woodraw Wilson*. I was schooled in times when kids were taught that Indira Gandhi was the coolest lady ever. I started working so long ago that spending my entire professional life in a darkroom, making photo prints, appeared as the optimal walk of life for me. There was a guy from the hood who had worked for the Magnum lab in Paris, France and I wanted to be like him and better. As numerous compatriots and cohabitants of mine like to notice, I lived in four different states without changing my home address. Meanwhile, my native tongue shifted from Serbo-Croat to Serbian. So I've built enough stamina and resilience not to break over current trend of dehumanizing the art of translating and building intuition to artificially intelligent translation process. I'm maintaining my love for translation through my blog I love the way transdisciplinary approach compensates for constraints of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches. And I love how Hans Dielman has explained it in his article on transdisciplinary approach to engaged art, the translation of which you can find on my blog ( ). I also invented a matrix for note keeping in transdisciplinary projects of social welfare which was exhibited in one of the earlier versions of MIT's U-lab gallery. In case you're interested, I can send you a copy.
I didn't lie when I ticked the box of having Trados 2015, but I almost always get things done in CafeTran. It's my favorite CAT tool.
From my part, it is totally indecent towards my ProZ peers to offer a price lower than double of what I've stated in your form. So if I was payed in money as much as in “fluid installment rate” for access to legal software you find most convenient in collaboration with your translators, it would be both practical and ethical. Moreover, it would make my life easier regarding my total financial earnings per year not exceeding the tax bracket I currently fall into (with social security/healthcare package tailored for the categoric interval). I also wouldn't have to worry whether I have to quit my small and convenient bill-paying job just because I'm working on a voluminous translating project. My subtitling rate was calculated as an average word count per minute of Jordan Peterson's lecture. I produce best results when I get a 24 hours prior notice and when I don't have to multitask or submit to distractions. So my Skype is turned off when no conversation is scheduled. The mobile no. in my form is of my tablet which takes no phone calls - just Viber and text messages. In Serbia, international calls through mobile operators are outrageously expensive for both sides on the line and I prefer to boycott them. But I can give you my mobile no. for local calls in case you're interested in financing that model of communication.
When you go through all these terms for optimal maintenance of translators like me, you might find it complicated and confusing. The inverse flow of negotiating a gig/project contribution pack is much simpler: you describe the project with its calendar and propose your offer. Thank you for going through my sample translation and have a nice time walking through my ProZ profile. There are some weird solutions I've proposed in KudoZ in order to have an interesting question stored in my profile's collection. I'm more responsible when working on a text and I consult monolingual experts from the field I'm working in. My social capital is diverse and I consider myself lucky to have access to helping hand of so many beautiful minds from such a huge number of callings and walks of life.
I respect the confidentiality level you've proposed and I don't intend to use my TM Town profile as a backup option for your projects.
Thank you & best regards
* Jonathan Rauch, NY Times, This is not Chrarity
Translation - Serbian [720 reči na engleskom, 690 reči na srpskom, uz pomoć programa CafeTran]
Poštovana ekipo projekt-menadžera punih razumevanja,
Sudeći po sadržaju vašeg oglasa na ProZ platformi, rekla bih da tražite prevodioce koji nisu kao ja. Ovo pišem za slučaj da se potreba za honorarnim saradnikom poput mene pojavi kod vas ili kod nekog koga poznajete.
Ja sam toliko stara da sam doživela da vidim razdvajanje umetničke prakse na kreativne industrije i na kenjkavi postmoderni aktivizam u formatu formulara za konkurisanje za sredstva finansiranja kog je još Rotšild fondacija osmislila na zahtev Predsednika SAD Vudroa Vilsona*. Školovala sam se u vreme kada su decu učili da je Indira Gandi najbolji uzor svih vremena. Počela sam da radim tako davno da je ideja o provođenju kompletnog radnog staža u mračnoj komori, izrađujući printove snimaka, delovalo kao moje optimalno životno opredeljenje. Bio je jedan tip iz kraja koji je radio za Magnumovu foto laboratoriju u Parizu u Francuskoj, a ja sam želela da budem kao on i bolja. Kako mnogi moji zemljaci i sugrađani vole da primete, živela sam u četiri različite države bez da sam promenila kućnu adresu. U međuvremenu, moj maternji jezik je od srpskohrvatskog postao srpski. Tako sam izgradila dovoljno izdržljivosti i rezilijentnosti da ne prsnem dok gledam kako se umetnost prevođenja dehumanizuje, a veštački inteligentnom procesu prevođenja gradi intuicija. Svoju ljubav prema prevođenju održavam kroz moj blog Sviđa mi se način na koji transdisciplinarni pristup uspeva da nadomesti ograničenja multidisciplinarnih i interdisciplinarnih pristupa. I volim kako ju je objasnio Hans Dilman u svom članku o transdisciplinarnom pristupu angažovanoj umetnosti, čiji prevod možete naći na mom blogu ( ). Takođe, osmislila sam predložak za vođenje beležaka u transdisciplinarnim projektima društvenog blagostanja koji je bio izložen u jednoj od ranijih postavki U-lab galerije pri MIT. Ako vas interesuje, mogu da vam pošaljem primerak.
Nisam lagala kada sam markirala da posedujem Trados 2015, ali skoro sve uvek završim u Kafe Tranu. To je moja omiljena alatka za prevođenje uz kompjutersku asistenciju (CAT).
Potpuno je nepristojno prema mojim kolegama na ProZ platformi što sam u vašem formularu ponudila cenu koja je tek polovina od njihovog standardnog minimuma. Pa ako bi me plaćali u novcu koliko i u "promenljivim visinama iznosa rate" za pristup legalnom softveru koji najradije koristite u saradnji sa svojim prevodiocima, našli bi smo rešenje koje je kako praktično, tako i fer. Čak šta više, bilo bi mi lakše u životu po pitanju moje ukupne zarade na godišnjem nivou i njenog zadržavanja u granicama iznosa određenog za poresku kategoriju kojoj trenutno pripadam (uključujući i izdatke za socijalno i zdravstveno osiguranje koji su za tu kategoriju vezani). Ne bih morala da se brinem da li treba da batalim moj mali zgodni posao koji mi pokriva režije samo zato što sam se angažovala na obimnom prevodu. Jediničnu cenu titlovanja izračunala sam kao prosečni broj reči po minutu predavanja Džordana Pitersona. Najproduktivnija sam kada me obaveste 24 sata unapred i kada ne moram da multitaskingujem ili podležem distrakcijama. Zbog toga je moj Skajp isključen kada nemam zakazan razgovor. Broj mobilnog telefona kog sam navela u formularu pripada tabletu koji ne prima pozive nego samo Vajber i SMS. U Srbiji su međunarodni pozivi preko mobilnih operatera bezobrazno skupi za obe strane koje učestvuju u razgovoru i radije ih bojkotujem. Ali mogu da vam dam broj mobilnog kog koristim za lokalne razgovore u slučaju da bi finansirali taj oblik komunikacije
Kada pregledate sve ove uslove za optimalno održavanje prevodilaca poput mene, oni mogu da vam se učine komplikovani i zbunjujući. Suprotni tok pregovaranja tezge je mnogo jednistavniji: vi mi opišete projekat i pripadajući raspored aktivnosti i plasirate ponudu. Hvala vam što ste pogledali uzorak mog prevođenja i lepo se provedite u razgledanju mog ProZ profila. Postoje neka iščašena rešenja koja sam predložila na KudoZ da bi neko interesantno pitanje ostalo sačuvano u kolekciji na mom profilu. Odgovornija sam kada radim na nekom tekstu; tad konsultujem monolingvalne eksperte iz oblasti na kojoj radim. Moj društveni kapital je raznolik i mislim da imam sreće da imam pristup pomoći tako velikog broja predivnih umova tako brojnih životnih poziva i zanimanja.
Poštujem Vaš standard nivoa diskrecije i ne nameravam da svoj TM Town profil koristim kao mogućnost bekapovanja vaših projekata.
Hvala i srdačan pozdrav
*Džonatan Rauh za Njujork Tajms magazin u članku "This is not Charity"
Before viral marketing became huge, most people took social epidemiology (the field I specialize in) for some kind of bio-terrorism. Now there's two different but equally wrong streams of misconception. Through ProZ algorithm it appears even more schizophrenic because it covers bio-statistics (which is maths), sociology and social psychology (which is humanities), informed artivism (which is advertising as much as arts) and healthcare politics (which is as much ethics and the philosophy of medicine, as it is policy-making and social work). And yet, it's a very exact specific field: social norms determining public, communal and personal health.
The most exciting challenge in exploring social epidemiology and investigating cultural determinants of public health is about deepening and expanding an unbiased knowledge of people from all walks of life. Why is this important here? Because the better I'm acquainted to how clients' audiences see their best selves, the more appropriate product I can deliver - without harming the accuracy of translation, of course.
My background in Daoist medicine through all four of its stages (a fighter - a healer - a solider* - a politician) allows for profound understanding of esoteric as much as policy-making languages.
*as a Serb, I feel duty to explain here that the Taoist concept of solider does not refer to a participant in an armed conflict, but rather an active support to movements and initiatives that are recognized as beneficial to communal wellbeing. I'm not unaware of the shameful burden of recent Serbian history and of its public image.
Keywords: Serbian, social epidemiology, politics and policy making, social psychology, culture