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Arabic to English: Viewing Life From A Third Eye (Literary) General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Arabic ومع انشغال الناس في اليوميات والروتين، بالكاد يلتفت أحدٌ إلى البحر أو يقضي ساعةً يراقب طيوره البيضاء وهي تتمايل بأجنحة الحرية فوق الزرقة الساحرة وتحلّق في دوران الشمس وقت الغروب عندما تنعكس الظلال البرتقالية على صفحات الماء المتقلبة والمتلاشية في موجها الناعم. وطبيعة البحر أنه يتحدث لنا باستمرارٍ، حيث يتغيّر صوته كلما اشتدت الريح ويتبدّل لونه بدرجات الأزرق كلّما ابتعد في المدى. ودرس البحر يصلح أن يكون درساً في معاني الحياة، فالموجة رمز للإنسان الذي يصل إلى نهاية مسراه ويموت، ولكنّ من موته يولد غيره في حركةٍ مستمرةٍ تشبه تناسخ وتناسل البشر.
ومن دروس البحر، أنّ الجلوس على السواحل بانتظار الرزق هو صفة الجبناء والمشلولين، وأن الوصول إلى الحرية يبدأ بمواجهة الخطر وباقتحام الدروب الوعرة والانتصار عليها. والبشر إنما يرتفعون في الحياة بحسب قدرة كلّ منهم على تجاوز الموجات العالية والصعبة، فترى بعضهم يعيش ويقتات على الفتات والزبد قرب الساحل وآخرون يدخلون إلى العمق البسيط ويرضون بما يصطادونه من غنائمَ هزيلةٍ وصغيرةٍ، بينما الفئة الشجاعة الحرّة لا ترضى إلا بكنوز الأعماق البعيدة وإن كلّف ذلك حياتهم. فانظر أيّ من الناس أنت؟
Translation - English In spite of people’s involvement in their daily routine, it would not be a rarity for one to turn towards the sea or spend a moment watching its white birds swaying freely with their wings of freedom above the magical blue waters; flying with the setting sun while the sun resembles an orange in its reflection over the turning pages of water which keep changing and disappearing in the seas’ soft waves. The nature of the sea is such that it keeps narrating to us continuously. Its voice changes when the wind gets stronger and its color converts to deeper shades of blue as and when its depth and distance from the shores increases. The lesson of the sea would stand beneficial when it is viewed in the context of a lesson in the meanings of life, thus the small wave becomes an indication for man that he shall reach the end of his prescribed days and ultimately die, but from his death shall be born another – in a continual cycle which resembles the reincarnation and reproduction of man.
The lesson of the sea further says that sitting on the shore waiting for sustenance is the characteristic of cowards and the handicapped. Reaching towards freedom is a journey which begins by facing danger, trespassing wild paths and succeeding in crossing them. Man rises in life according to his ability to transgress large and difficult waves. You shall see some of them living and thriving on breaking waves and froth near the shore while others would be proceeding into endless depths, happy for what they achieve from the treasures of the sea despite their catch being of a very inferior grade. Finally, the courageous group does not satiate themselves but with treasures which lie in the deep bottoms of the ocean – and they achieve those treasures regardless of the risk it poses to their lives. Now you decide, which of the three are you?
Translation education
Master's degree - Al Jamea tus Saifiyah
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Jun 2014.
Translating for my clients is not only a professional hook, it is a passion and I do take it personally. That is why, my biggest strengths do not lie in how many colorful words I can use, since the dictionary is filled with synonyms, but in COMMUNICATING with my client so that there is no room for error, complaint or dissatisfaction.
I hold a Master's degree in Arabic and a Bachelor's degree in the English language. Furthermore, I am qualified in Islamic jurisprudence and Qur'anic sciences which provides me with a strong hold on not only Modern Standard Arabic, but also its Classical variant.
I belong to a Gujarati family and thus, my mother tongue is Gujarati and having been born and educated in India, I have native level proficiency in Hindi too. Similarly, I have native level proficiency in the Urdu language.
Since the past few years, I have gained wide translation experience in various fields including: Law, Literature, Religion, Philosophy, Commerce, Medicine, Journalism and Technology.
I can be a VERY REASONABLE person and I always put my client's needs first. Therefore, you will find me FLEXIBLE, ENJOYABLE and EASY to work with.
Following are some of the projects I have undertaken for various clients and translation agencies over the last five years. This list is not exhaustive.
- Statements, Legal Correspondence, Transcripts of Police Interviews & Interrogations, Court Rulings etc.