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Translation, Transcription, Editing/proofreading, Transcreation, Interpreting, MT post-editing, Language instruction
English to Serbian: Tourism&Travel General field: Other Detailed field: Tourism & Travel
Source text - English TRAVEL & TOURISM
Travel & Tourism is able to contribute to development which is economically, ecologically and socially sustainable, because it:
• has less impact on natural resources and the environment than most other industries;
• is based on enjoyment and appreciation of local culture, built heritage, and natural environment, as such that the industry has a direct and powerful motivation to protect these assets;
• can play a positive part in increasing consumer commitment to sustainable development
principles through its unparalleled consumer distribution channels; and
• provides an economic incentive to conserve natural environments and habitats which might otherwise be allocated to more environmentally damaging land uses, thereby, helping to maintain bio-diversity.
There are numerous good examples of where Travel & Tourism is acting as a catalyst for conservation and improvement of the environment and maintenance of local diversity and culture.
Translation - Serbian PUTOVANJE I TURIZAM
Putovanje i turizam mogu da doprinesu razvoju koji je ekonomski, ekološki i društveno održiv iz sledećih razloga:
• imaju manji uticaj na prirodne resurse i okruženje nego li većina ostalih industrija;
• baziraju se na uživanju i uvažavanju lokalne kulture, nasleđa i prirodnog okruženja, tako da ova industrija ima direktnu i jaku motivaciju da zaštiti ova dobra;
• mogu da igraju važnu ulogu u povećavanju privrženosti potrošača principima održivog razvoja kroz jedinstvene potrošačke kanale; i
• obezbeđuju ekonomsku stimulaciju da se sačuvaju prirodna okruženja i staništa koja bi inače mogla biti izdvojena tamo gde je upotreba zemljišta manje štetna za okolinu, i time pomažu održavanju biodiverziteta.
Ima mnoštvo dobrih primera gde putovanje i turizam deluju kao katalizator za očuvanje i poboljšanje okruženja i održavanje lokalnog diverziteta i kulture.
English to Montenegrin: Public Invitation for Awarding an Exploration Concession Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Source text - English Public Invitation for Awarding an Exploration Concession Contract
Article 12
(1) Pursuant to a decision of the Government, the Ministry shall announce a public invitation for submitting applications for the granting of rights to Exploration and the concluding an Exploration Concession Contract for one or more Blocks.
(2) The public invitation referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, at least one daily printed media outlet in circulation on the territory of Montenegro and at least one referential international economic publication.
(3) The deadline for the submission of applications under the public invitation for awarding the Exploration Concession Contract cannot be shorter than 30 days from the day the public invitation has been published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro.
(4) The public invitation for awarding the Exploration Concession Contract shall indicate, inter alia, the following:
1) Subject-matter of the contract and geographic coordinates of the Blocks available;
2) Types and extent of previous Explorations undertaken in the area designated for awarding the Exploration Concession Contract;
Translation - Montenegrin Javni poziv za dodjelu ugovora o koncesiji za istraživanje
Član 12
(1) U skladu sa odlukom Vlade, Ministarstvo će objaviti javni poziv za podnošenje prijava za dodjelu prava na Istraživanje i sklapanje Ugovora o koncesiji za istraživanje jednog ili više Istražnih prostora.
(2) Javni poziv iz stava 1 ovog Člana biće objavljen u Službenom glasniku Crne Gore, najmanje u jednom dnevnom štampanom mediju koji pokriva teritoriju Crne Gore i najmanje u jednom referentnom međunarodnom ekonomskom izdanju.
(3) Rok za podnošenje prijava na javni poziv za dodjelu Ugovora o koncesiji za istraživanje ne može biti manji od 30 dana od dana objavljivanja javnog poziva u Službenom glasniku Crne Gore.
(4) U javnom pozivu za dodjelu Ugovora o koncesiji za istraživanje će, između ostalog, biti navedene sledeće informacije:
1) Predmet ugovora i geografske koordinate dostupnih istražnih prostora;
2) Vrste i obim prethodnih Istraživanja sprovedenih u oblasti koja je namijenjena za dodjelu Ugovora o koncesiji za istraživanje;
English to Serbian: Electronic payments General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - English Electronic payments – a ‘secret weapon’ in the fight
against grey economy.
With grey economy eating country’s GDP, it is essential for all
payment market stakeholders to systematically work together.
The grey economy in Serbia represents a massive 21% of GDP. This is estimated to cost the government’s budget around 1 billion Euros in lost tax revenues – money the country needs for public services and infrastructure development, and therefore it’s not surprising that the government has made the fight against the grey economy one of its highest priorities. Technology has a major part to play in this fight, and as a leading technology company operating in the payments sector worldwide, MasterCard is continuously bringing new innovations to help encourage the global drive from cash-based economies towards the more efficient and managed world of electronic payments. Serbia is no exception.
In recent years, the world has witnessed growth in the use of electronic payment methods. This trend is significant in
emerging economies, some of which have exhibited
characteristics that demonstrate the correlation between the
technological and the economic development of a country.
Electronic payments- a great number of which are made
using payment cards - are estimated to save countries an
average of at least 1% GDP over the cost of paper-based
payments, such as cash and checks, but they can also
generate significant benefits for increasing economic
Translation - Serbian Elektronska plaćanja – ,,tajno oružje” u borbi protiv sive
S obzirom da siva ekonomija pojede BDP zemlje, neophodno je da zainteresovane strane na platnom tržištu rade zajedno
Siva ekonomija u Srbiji čini ogromnih 21% BDP. Procenjuje se
da ovo košta državni budžet oko milijardu evra po osnovu
izgubljenih poreskih prihoda – to je novac koji je potreban
zemlji za javne službe i razvoj infrastrukture, tako da nije
iznenađujuće to što je vlada postavila borbu protiv sive ekonomije kao jedan od najvećih prioriteta. Tehnologija ima glavnu ulogu u ovoj borbi i kao svetska vodeća tehnološka kompanija u oblasti plaćanja, MasterCard stalno donosi inovacije koje pomažu zemljama u kojima je keš glavno sredstvo plaćanja da pređu na efikasniji metod-elektronsko plaćanje. Srbija u tome nije nikakav izuzetak.
Upotreba elektronskog načina plaćanja je prethodnih godina
zabeležila porast. Ovaj trend je posebno značajan u zemljama u razvoju od kojih neke imaju karakteristike koje pokazuju korelaciju između tehnološkog i ekonomskog razvoja zemlje. Procenjuje se da elektronska plaćanja, od kojih se najveci deo obavlja platnim karticama, u proseku sačuvaju najmanje 1% BDP u poređenju sa troškovima gotovinskog plaćanja ili plaćanja čekovima. Elektronska plaćanja mogu takođe doprineti ekonomskom razvoju zemlje zahvaljujuci pogodnostima koje pružaju.
Translation education
Master's degree - The Faculty of Philosophy, Niš
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Sep 2013. Became a member: Dec 2015.
memoQ, Wordfast Pro 4, Passolo, Trados Studio, Wordfast