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English to French Haitian-Creole to French French to Haitian-Creole English to Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other) Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other) to English Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other) to French French to Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other) Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other) to Haitian-Creole Haitian-Creole to Creoles & Pidgins (French-based Other)
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Haitian-Creole - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 30 USD per hour Haitian-Creole to English - Standard rate: 0.10 USD per word / 30 USD per hour French to English - Standard rate: 0.13 USD per word / 35 USD per hour English to French - Standard rate: 0.13 USD per word / 35 USD per hour Haitian-Creole to French - Standard rate: 0.11 USD per word / 32 USD per hour
French to Haitian-Creole - Standard rate: 0.11 USD per word / 32 USD per hour
4 projects entered 2 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 1 days Completed: Jun 2015 Languages: Haitian-Creole to English
One page translation of employee statement of facts
Translated a handwritten employee statement of facts from Haitian Creole into English.
Management, Human Resources
No comment.
Translation Volume: 1 days Completed: Apr 2014 Languages: Haitian-Creole to English
Two page translation of notarized correspondence
Translated a two-page document from Haitian Creole into English detailing first-hand accounts of events.
Law (general), Government / Politics, Business/Commerce (general)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 12 days Duration: May 2013 to Jun 2013 Languages: English to Haitian-Creole
4500 word translation of manual for parents of schoolchildren
This project involved translation of an instructional document given to parents of schoolchildren. The document explains learning activities to the parents and homework assignments that the parents should help their children complete. The text of the document was translated from English to Haitian Creole.
Translation Volume: 20 days Duration: Jul 2013 to Oct 2013 Languages: Haitian-Creole to English
Translation of transcribed interviews conducted on earthquake survivors in Haiti
Interviews of earthquake survivors living in and around Port-au-Prince, Haiti, were transcribed and then translated from Haitian Creole to English. Many of the interviews focused on organizational leadership and disaster relief initiatives, while others described entrepreneurs and start-ups that took place in the wake of the earthquake that struck the country on January 12, 2010.
Business/Commerce (general), Education / Pedagogy, International Org/Dev/Coop
positive Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis: Very thorough. Excellent, timely work. Would highly recommend for any Creole-English/English-Creole work.
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2 entries
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English to Haitian-Creole: Sustain Haiti Health Packet General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English CPR
CPR is used when someone stops breathing and/or their heart stops. This can happen from a heart attack, physical trauma, or drowning. For all steps of CPR, stop immediately if the person begins to breathe on their own. If someone isn’t breathing always do CPR first, even if they have other injuries. CPR does not guarantee that the person will recover. However, because it is the person's only chance at survival, perform CPR as long as you are able.
How to perform CPR:
1) Check pulse – can check at the wrist, neck, or the chest (have them practice finding a pulse)
2) Lay the victim on their back and kneel next to victim's upper chest.
3) Give 30 chest compressions
Keep arms and elbows straight. Place heel of one hand on the victim's sternum (breastbone) in the center of the chest. Place other hand directly on top of first hand. Interlock fingers. Give 30 chest compressions. Push with the heel of your hand, straight down using the weight of your body, not your arm muscles. Without taking your hands off the chest, come back up and allow chest to return to normal position then push again – 30 times. Push at a rate of 100 compressions/minute (fast).You are keeping the heart alive.
4) Give 2 rescue breaths
Tilt their head back and lift chin up to open airway. Pinch nose shut and put your mouth over theirs. Give victim 2 full breaths.
5) Repeat the cycle of 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths. DO NOT STOP OR SLOW DOWN until person can breathe on their own or you absolutely cannot continue. If needed, have someone switch with you.
1) Mostly the same.
2) Use two fingers instead of both hands for the compressions and don't push as hard. Use smaller breaths.
3) Continue to perform 30 chest compressions and 2 breaths as long as you are able.
Signs of choking:
person is unable to breathe, speak, or cough
person grabs at throat- the universal sign for choking
(Do this to let someone know you are choking)
1. Give 5 back blows.
Bend them over at the waist and use the heel of your hand to hit upwards between their shoulder blades 5 times.
2. Give 5 abdominal thrusts.
Stand behind person and wrap both arms around waist. Form a fist with one hand and grab it with the other hand. Place your hands above their belly button and push in and upwards 5 times.
3. Repeat
Repeat this cycle until blockage is removed or until the person can cough, speak, or breathe again.
For a child, perform these same steps but do not hit/thrust as hard.
If the person is unconscious from lack of air:
1) Lay person down on a hard surface, face up.
2) Give abdominal thrusts from the ground. Check mouth for object.
If the person is pregnant:
1) Perform abdominal thrusts into the middle of the chest instead.
2) If unconscious, lay on side and perform back blows only.
1) Lay them face down on your forearm with the head lower than the body
2) Pat on the back 5 times.
3) Turn baby over face up onto other arm with the head still lower than the body.
4) Perform 5 abdominal thrusts using only 2 fingers.
5) Repeat until object comes out. Check mouth frequently.
If you are choking and nobody is there to help:
1) Thrust your stomach against the back of a chair or corner of a table until object comes out.
Heavy Bleeding
Most important thing when you come upon an injury is to stop the bleeding.
How to stop the bleeding:
1) Apply pressure directly to wound. Use bandage or clean cloth if available, hand if you have to. Do this continuously – may take a while. Sometimes up to 20 minutes of continuous pressure.
2) Elevate area above heart to slow bleeding.
After bleeding stops, seek medical attention.
Small, shallow cuts – care for at home.
Large, deep cuts – go to the hospital.
If bleeding starts again: Apply more pressure and add more bandages or cloth. Do not remove the bandages you already put on – risk pulling off already-formed scab.
Cuts/Open Wounds (Dechiri)
1) Stop any bleeding. (Apply pressure and elevate).
2) Wash with soap and water.
3) Apply antibiotic cream, if available – fights infection
4) Cover – use a clean cloth or bandage. This helps keep cut clean and fight infection.
To do daily:
Watch for signs of infection – redness, swelling, increased tenderness, oozing fluid.
Change bandage.
Reapply antibiotic ointment, if available.
1) Stop any bleeding - apply direct pressure and elevate.
2) Splint
Find something rigid and longer than the bone – wood, plastic, metal, etc.
Lay splint alongside broken bone and wrap it against limb with bandages or cloth strips.
Check circulation (pinch fingernails – should turn white then go back to red/pink)
Immobilize the joints above and below the break.
Forearm: Wrap splint around the break and make a sling from strips of cloth to keep both elbow and wrist immobilized. Can also wrap arm against body for the splint.
Lower Leg: Requires two splints, one on each side of the leg, can use the victim's other leg as a splint.
3) Reduce pain
Apply ice to the injury.
Administer pain reliever/anti-inflammatory, if available.
4) Go to the Hospital.
Dislocations (Foulay)
When a bone is pulled out of its joint. This stretches the surrounding structures (muscles, ligaments, tendons) and can cause a lot of pain. If it can’t be fixed at home, go to the hospital.
Deformity/swelling/pain/limited movement
Numbness in limb below dislocated joint
Hole or bump that doesn't normally exist
1. Relax the arm and let hang down at side.
2. Bend the elbow at a 90 degree angle.
3. Keeping the elbow touching the body, slowly rotate the lower arm in towards the chest and then out again.
4. Repeat arm rotations until shoulder pops back into place.
1. Lift their arm straight out in front of them with the palm up while supporting the elbow.
2. Bend the elbow and fold the arm up toward the body, then rotate the arm internally.
3. Repeat until elbow returns to normal. You should hear a 'pop'.
A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint. Mild sprains usually heal on their own but if not taken care of, they may heal poorly and remain weak. Usually happens at the ankle, knee, or wrist.
Common Causes:
Twisting/rolling an ankle
Planting the foot and twisting the knee
(Soccer, basketball, running, hiking....)
Might hear a ‘pop’
Immediate swelling
Pain/instability with weight-bearing
1. Elevate the area
2. Apply ice for 10 minutes
3. Wrap or tape the joint
4. Rest
Don't use injured limb for 24 hours – will make it worse.
Take medicine if available (anti-inflammatory/pain reliever).
Insect Bites
1. Remove stinger
Scrape away from skin with clean fingernail or plastic card
2. Wash with soap and water
3. Cover
4. Watch for allergic reaction.
Swelling of face, neck, or throat
Trouble breathing - if you have trouble breathing go to the hospital immediately!
Animal Bites
More serious than insect bites because animal germs are more likely to cause infection. Treat like a cut.
1. Stop any bleeding - Apply pressure and elevate.
2. Wash with soap and water.
3. Apply antibiotic cream, if available – fights infection
4. Cover
To do daily:
Watch for signs of infection.
Change bandage and reapply antibiotic ointment, if available.
1. Cool burn with large amounts of cool, running water until pain goes down.
2. Loosely cover with a clean cloth or bandage
Use ice
Use ointment, toothpaste, butter, cream, etc.
Pop blisters
Translation - Haitian-Creole RKP
Reyanimasyon kadyo-pilmonè (RKP) se pou lè yon moun sispann respire ak/oubyen lè kè moun nan sispann bat. Sa kapab fèt akoz yon kriz kadyak, yon pwoblèm fizik, oubyen lè moun nan nwaye. Pandan tout etap RKP a, rete imedyatman si moun nan rekomanse pran souf poukont li. Si yon moun pap respire, toujou fè RKP avan, menm si yo gen lòt blesi tou. RKP a pa garanti moun nan ap geri. Sepandan, paske se sèl chans moun nan genyen pou l geri, ou dwe fè RKP a tout tan ou kapab pou moun nan.
Men koman pou fè RKP:
1) Tyeke batman kè a – ou ka verifye sa nan ponyèt la, nan kou a, oubyen nan lestomak la (fè moun yo pratike tyeke batman kè sou yon lòt moun)
2) Fè moun nan kouche sou do epi mete ajenou bokote lestomak ak kou moun nan.
3) Bay moun nan 30 konpresyon nan lestomak li
Kite ponyèt ou ak koud bra w tou dwat. Mete pla men w sou zo lestomak moun nan nan mitan lestomak li. Mete lòt men ou sou premye men an. Bay 30 konpresyon nan lestomak li. Aplike presyon an ak pla men w, desann direkteman sou lestomak moun nan ak pwa kò w, pa avèk fòs ponyèt ou. San ou pa retire men ou sou lestomak moun nan, retire presyon an epi kite lestomak li monte, apre sa desann presyon an ankò—30 fwa. Fè 100 konpresyon chak minit (rapid). Sa ap pèmèt kè moun nan pa mouri.
4) Bay 2 souf sekou
Panche tèt moun nan epi leve manton li pou ouvè vwa respiratwa li. Bouche nen li pou fèmen l epi mete bouch ou sou bouch moun nan. Bay moun nan 2 souf konplè.
5) Repete sik 30 konpresyon nan lestomak ak 2 souf sekou
PA RETE NI DESANN VITÈS LA jiskaske moun nan kapab pran souf poukont li oubyen si w konplètman bouke. Fè yon lòt moun chanje plas avè w si se nesesè.
Timoun/Ti Bebe:
1) Se preske menm pwosesis la.
2) Itilize de dwèt ou nan plas de men ou pou konpresyon yo epi pa bay gwo presyon. Bay li souf sekou pi piti ke pou yon granmoun.
3) Kontinye bay li 30 konpresyon nan lestomak epi 2 souf sekou tout tan ou kapab.
Siy etoufman:
Moun nan pa kapab respire, pale, oubyen touse
Moun nan kenbe kou li—siy inivèsèl etoufman an
(Fè sa lè w ap trangle tou)
Etap pou swiv yo:
1. Bay moun nan 5 kou nan do.
Koube moun nan nan senti li epi frape moun nan ak pla men w nan direksyon anlè ant de zo omopla yo 5 fwa.
2. Bay moun nan 5 kou nan vant.
Kanpe deyè moun nan epi mete de men w otou senti li. Fè yon pwen avèk youn nan men w yo epi mete lòt men an sou premye a. Mete men w yo anlè lonbrit moun nan epi rale men w yo nan yon direksyon ki ni anlè, ni andan. Fè sa 5 fwa.
3. Repete
Repete sik sa jiskaske obje a sòti oubyen jiskaske moun nan kapab touse, pale, oubyen respire ankò.
Pou yon timoun, swiv menm etap sa yo, men pa bay kou yo avèk fòs menm jan ou ta fè pou yon granmoun.
Si moun nan pèdi konesans akoz etoufman:
1) Alonje moun nan atè sou yon sifas di, tèt li anlè
2) Bay moun nan kou nan vant pandan li atè a; verifye pou we si obje a sòti nan bouch li.
Si moun nan ansent:
1) Bay moun nan kou nan mitan lestomak li olye pou w ta fè l nan vant li.
2) Si moun nan pèdi konesans, fè l kouche sou yon bo epi ba l kou nan do.
Ti bebe:
1) Alonje l sou ponyèt ou pou figi l nan men w, epi kenbe tèt li pi ba rès kò l
2) Kounyea, transfere ti bebe a sou lòt ponyèt ou, fwa sa figi l ta dwe ap gade w, men tèt li toujou dwe pi ba rès kò l.
3) Fè 5 ti kou nan vant li, itilize 2 dwèt ou selman.
4) Repete jiskaske objè a sòti. Gade bouch li souvan pou verifye.
Si w ap trangle epi pa gen moun pou ede w:
1) Pouse vant ou kont do yon chèz oubyen kwen yon tab jiskaske objè a sòti.
Sa ki pi enpòtan lè w jwenn yon moun ki blese se pou w rete senman an.
Koman pou rete senman an:
1) Mete presyon direkteman sou blesi a. Itilize yon pansman oubyen yon twal pwòp si w genyen, sinon, itilize men w. Fè sa kontinyelman—sa te ka pran yon bon ti tan, menm 20 minit presyon kontinyèl.
2) Fè moun nan mete pati nan kò l ki blese a pi wo nivo kè l, sa ap ankouraje senman an rete tou.
Apre senman an rete, ale lopital oubyen chèche yon doktè
Ti blesi ki pa fon – ou ka pran swen yo lakay ou.
Gwo blesi ki fon – ale lopital.
Si blesi a komanse bay san ankò, rekomanse pwosesis la: mete plis presyon epi plis pansman oubyen twal. Pa retire pansman ou deja mete yo – sa te ka domaje blesi a si l deja fè kout.
1) Fè senman an rete (Mete presyon sou li epi elve li)
2) Lave blesi a ak savon epi dlo.
3) Mete yon pomade antibyotik si w genyen—sa lite kont enfeksyon.
4) Kouvri l avèk yon pansman pwòp, paske sa ede l geri epi li anpeche enfeksyon.
Fè sa chak jou:
Siveye pou siy enfeksyon—wouji, enflamasyon, sansiblite, oubyen yon dlo k ap sòti nan blesi a.
Chanje pansman an.
Mete plis pomade antibyotik, si w genyen.
1) Fè senman an rete – mete presyon epi elve pati a.
2) Kask/aparèy pou imobilize zo a.
Chèche yon materyèl ki di epi ki pi long pase zo ki kase a—bwa,, plastic, metay, etc.
Mete objè a toutolon zo kase a epi mare li avèk pansman oubyen mòso twal.
Tyeke sikilasyon an (mete presyon sou zong moun nan—li ta dwe vin blan epi answit tounen wouj/wòz)
Imobilize jwenti ki sou tou de bò zo ki kase a.
Avanbra: Mare kask la toutolon zo kase a epi fè yon echap avèk mòso twal pou imobilize koudbra a ak ponyèt la. Yon lòt fason ou ka fè l se mare ponyèt moun nan sou kò l.
Ba Janm: Sa mande de kask/aparèy, youn sou chak bò pye a. Si w pa gen materyèl, ou ka mare pye a sou lòt pye ki pa blese a.
3) Desann doulè a:
Mete glas sou blesi a.
Bay li yon konprime doulè oubyen anti-enflamasyon, si w genyen.
4) Ale lopital.
Yon liksasyon rive lè zo a sòti nan espas jwenti a. Liksasyon an mete presyon sou lòt misk, ligaman, ak tandon ki antoure jwenti a, epi li bay anpil doulè. Si w pa ka ranje liksasyon an lakay w, ale lopital.
Defòmasyon/enflamasyon/doulè/mouvman ki limite
Anastezi nan pati kò a ki pi ba liksasyon an
Yon depresyon oubyen yon boul nan kò a ki pa t la avan.
1. Detann ponyèt la epi kite l nan pozisyon desann bò tòs la.
2. Pliye koudbra a nan yon ang 90 degrè.
3. Vire avanbra a pou l apwoche lestomak ou, answite vire l bak nan premye pozisyon an. Kontinye mouvman sa a, men fè si koudbra a toujou ap touche tòs ou.
4. Repete mouvman rotasyon sa yo jiskaske epòl la rantre nan bon pozisyon li (ou ta sipoze tande zo a krake).
1. Leve ponyèt moun nan pou l alonje devan tòs li, avèk pla men moun nan anlè. Sipòte koudbra moun nan pandan w ap fè sa.
2. Pliye koudbra a monte bò kò moun nan, epi vire ponyèt la antre bo lestomak li.
3. Repete sa jiskaske koudbra a rantre nan bon pozisyon la. Ou ta sipoze tande zo a krake.
Yon antòs fèt lè ligaman yo etann oubyen yo chire nan yon jwenti. Yon antòs ki pa two grav kapab geri poukont li, men si w pa pran swen l, li ka mal geri epi jwenti a ap toujou rete fèb. Antòs fèt souvan nan chevi, jenou, oubyen ponyèt.
Lakòz yon antòs:
Lè chevi a vire oubyen foule.
Lè w vire jenou w pandan ou mete pye w atè
(Foutbòl, baskèt, kouri, mache, etc.)
Se posib pou w tande zo a krake
Pati ki blesi a gonfle rapid
Doulè oubyen enstablite lè w mete pwa sou jwenti a.
1. Elve pati ki antòs la
2. Mete glas sou li pandan 10 minit
3. Mare jwenti a avèk yon twal oubyen avèk tèp atletik
4. Repoze
Pa itilize pati ki blese a pandan 24èdtan – sa ap fè li pi grav.
Bwe yon konprime si w genyen (pou enflamasyon/doulè).
1. Retire dan an
Grafonnen po a avèk zong ou (si li pwòp) oubyen avèk yon kat plastifye
2. Lave ak dlo epi savon
3. Kouvri l
4. Siveye pou siy yon reaksyon alèjik.
Enflamasyon nan figi, nan kou, oubyen nan gòj
Lè moun nan gen difikilte pou l respire—si sa rive, ale loptial touswit!
Sa pi grav pase lè yon ensèk mode w, paske chen ak lòt gran bèt yo gen mikwob ki ka koze enfeksyon. Trete sa menm jan avèk yon blesi.
1. Fè senman an rete—mete presyon epi elve l.
2. Lave l ak savon epi dlo.
3. Mete yon pomade antibyotik, si w genyen- sa anpeche enfeksyon.
4. Kouvri l.
Fè sa chak jou:
Siveye pou siy enfeksyon.
Chanje pansman an epi reyaplike pomade antibyotik la si w genyen.
1. Koule anpil dlo frè sou bouli a pou desann chalè a; fè sa jiskaske doulè a desann.
2. Kouvri bouli a avèk yon twal pwòp oubyen yon pansman, men pa mare l two sere.
Mete glas sou la
Mete pomade, pat dan, bè, krèm, etc.
Pete zanpoud ki nan bouli a.
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Oct 2012.
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I am currently a PhD student at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. I began learning Haitian Creole in 2007 and French in 2009 and have achieved full fluency in both languages, through university language courses, volunteer work, and 4 years spent living and working full-time in Haiti. I have several years of extensive experience translating between the languages of French, Haitian Creole, and English, mainly legal documents, personal letters, advertisements, flyers, informational brochures, website content, lesson plans, and judicial documents. I also have both consecutive and simultaneous interpretation experience in French, Haitian Creole, and English, chiefly for religious and academic conferences but also in workplace settings, conflict resolution and mediation, and community agricultural and health trainings. I also have experience with localization of web content in French. In addition to the languages listed above, I also speak, read and write Spanish (C1 level) and Antillean Creole French (C1 level), which is a French-lexifier language spoken in the countries of Dominica, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Grenada, and also in the overseas French departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique. I am most fluent in the varieties spoken in Dominica and St. Lucia, but I can translate for any of the varieties listed above.
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