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Sample translations submitted: 1
Romanian to English: Procura Speciala/Special Power of Attorney
Source text - Romanian PROCURA SPECIALA
Subsemnata ANDREI SHIBA, nascuta CORNELIU SHIBA, CNP XXXXXXXXXXXX, nascuta la data de 6 martie 1900 in Ramnicu Valcea, Judetul Valcea, Romania, in prezent cu domiciliul in strainatate, pe Strada Tower, nr. 12, NE, oras Albuquerque, , Statul New Mexico, Statele Unite ale Americii, avand dubla cetatenie Romana si Americana, posesoare a Pasaportului American cu nr. XXXXXXXXX, eliberat la data de 17 martie 2009 si care expira la data de 16 martie 2019, in calitate de Mandanta, imputernicesc prin prezenta procura pe Domnul CORNELIU SYDNEY, CNP XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, nascut pe 10 octombrie 1945, in satul Chitila, Judetul Ilfov, Romania, avand dubla cetatenie Romana si Americana, posesor al Pasaportului American cu nr. XXXXXXXXXXXX, eliberat pe 19 aprilie 2005 si care expira pe 18 aprilie 2015 si al Buletinului de Identitate seria XX nr. XXXXXXX cu domiciliul in strainatate, pe Str. Ley, nr. 90, NE, oras Albuquerque, Statul New Mexico, Statele Unite ale Americii, in calitate de Mandatar, pentru ca in numele meu si pentru mine sa ma reprezinte cu puteri depline in vederea indeplinirii tuturor formalitatilor necesare incheierii si autentificarii contractului de donatie a apartamentului situat in Orasul Ramnicu Valcea, Judetul Valcea, Romania, pe strada Rapsodiei, Nr. 24, Bloc D4, Scara B, Etaj 1, Apartament 7, apartament pe care eu ANDREI SHIBA, nascuta CORNELIU SHIBA, in calitate de Donatoare, doresc sa il donez in mod irevocabil si cu titlu gratuit, parintilor mei, CORNELIU SYDNEY si PARIS, in calitate de Donatari.
Apartamentul care se doneaza prin prezentul contract a intrat in proprietatea mea, cand a fost cumparat de la Intreprinderea Judeteana de Gospodarire Comunala si Locativa (IJGCL) Valcea, dovada fiind Contractul de Cumparare nr. 1686 din anul 1990. Mentionez ca la data cumpararii apartamentului pe care doresc sa il donez eram necasatorita.
Eu, ANDREI SHIBA, nascuta CORNELIU SHIBA declar apartamentul pe care doresc sa il donez, este liber de orice sarcini si urmariri de orice natura, nu a fost scos din circuitul civil fiind în mod legal si continuu in proprietatea si posesia mea, de la data dobandirii şi pana in prezent. Eu, Donatoarea, ii garantez pe Donatari impotriva oricarei evictiuni, potrivit art. 828 Cod civil.
Apartamentul descris mai sus, are o suprafata totala de 76 metri patrati si este compus din 3 camere, dependinte si 2 balcoane conform extrasului de Carte Funciara nr. XXXXX din 28 iulie 1990.
Pentru ducerea la indeplinire a prezentului mandat, Mandatarul meu va indeplini toate formalitatile necesare, va face dovada calitatii mele de proprietar, ma va reprezenta pentru obtinerea certificatului fiscal, a intabularii şi oriunde trebuinta o va cere, va solicita eliberarea extrasului de carte funciara pentru autentificare, se va prezenta in fata Notarului Public pentru incheierea contractului de donatie in forma autentica, pe care-l va semna, in numele meu si pentru mine,va intocmi şi obtine orice fel de acte necesare donarii apartamentului, va achita toate taxele si impozitele care se vor impune, va face cereri sau declaratii, semnand valabil in numele meu si pentru mine oriunde va fi necesar, in limitele prezentului mandat, semnatura sa fiindu-mi opozabila. Aceasta imputernicire va include deasemeni orice documente si actiuni ocazionate rezonabil necesare pentru ducerea la indeplinire a prezentului mandat.
Mandatarul meu, CORNELIU SYDNEY, va putea consimti in numele meu si pentru mine cu privira la donatia apartamentului sus-mentionat.
Eu, ANDREI SHIBA, nascuta CORNELIU SHIBA, donatoarea, mentionez ca sunt casatorita si nu am descendenti directi.
Aceasta imputernicire este gratuita si va ramane valabila pana la ducerea la bun sfarsit a procesului de donatie sau pana la revocare.
Acest document a fost redactat si editat pe 20 august 2012, in 7 exemplare, din care un exemplar a fost eliberat Mandantei.
Translation - English SPECIAL POWER OF ATORNEY
By this document it is hereby acknowledged, that I, SHIBA ANDREI, nee SHIBA CORNELIU , the undersigned, Romanian Social Identification System Number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, born on March 6th, 1900 in the City of Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea County, Romania, presently residing at 12 Tower, NE, City of Albuquerque, State of New Mexico, USA, being both Romanian and American citizen, and identifying myself with the American Passport no. XXXXXXXXX, issued on March 17, 2009, expiring on March 16, 2019, as the Authorizing Party do hereby grant a limited and specific power of attorney to Mr. SYDNEY ANDREI, Romanian Social Identification System Number XXXXXXXXXXXXX, born on October 10th, 1945, in the Village of Chitila, Ilfov County, Romania, both Romanian and American citizen, identifying himself with the American Passport no. XXXXXXXXXXX, issued on April 19th, 2005, expiring on April 18th 2015 and with Romanian ID no.XXXXXXX, serial no. XX, presently residing at 90 Ley NE, City of Albuquerque, State of New Mexico, USA, as my true and lawful attorney-in-fact, to act in my name and place to initiate all legal and necessary actions to complete the donation proceedings of the apartment located in the city of Ramnicu Valcea, 24 Rapsodiei Street, Building no. D4, Entrance B, 1st Level, Apartment no. 7, Valcea County, Romania, apartment which myself, SHIBA ANDREI nee SHIBA CORNELIU as donor, desire to donate to my parents, SYDNEY and PARIS CORNELIU as Recipients.
I became the owner of the above mentioned apartment when the apartment was purchased from the County Enterprise for Property Management and Leasing - IJGCL Valcea, as per the Purchase Agreement no. 1686 from the year of 1990. I would like to mention that at the date when the apartment was purchased, I was not married.
I, SHIBA ANDREI nee SHIBA CORNELIU, the Donor, declare that the right, title and interest of the above mentioned apartment is free from all liens, security interests, and other encumbrances of all kinds and has not been removed from civil circulation, being legally and continuously in my ownership from the date when the apartment was acquired – 1990 until the present day. I also warrant the Recipients against the total or partial eviction, according with the provisions of the Article 828 of the Romanian Civil Code.
The above mentioned apartment has total floor space of 76 square meters, consisting of three rooms, annexes, and two balconies as per the Real Estate Register Excerpt no. XXXXX from July 28, 2008.
In order to carry out the powers of attorney granted, my attorney-in-fact will fulfill all the necessary formalities, will submit the appropriate documentation that proves my ownership of the above mentioned apartment, will apply for the tender book and the tax certificate, will register the apartment, and will appear in person before the public notary for the signing and authentication of the Donation Agreement.
My attorney-in fact will sign in my name and in my behalf the Donation Agreement, will obtain any documents required for the donation proceedings, will pay all the necessary fees and taxes, will file any necessary petitions and statements, will sign in my name and in my behalf all necessary documents, the signature of the attorney-in-fact being a legally enforceable signature for the purpose of the above mentioned action. This authority shall also include any incidental acts and actions that are reasonably required to carry out and perform the specific authorities herein granted.
My attorney-in-fact, SYDNEY CORNELIU, will be able to agree in my name and my behalf regarding the donation of the above mentioned apartment.
I, SHIBA ANDREI, nee SHIBA CORNELIU, the Donor, state that I am married and I do not have any direct descendants.
This power of attorney is free of charge and shall be effective upon execution or revocation.
This document was prepared on August 20th 2012, in 4 (four) copies, from which, one copy was issued to the Authorizing Party.
Signed under seal this ____________ day of____________, 2012.
State of New Mexico
County of Bernalillo
In _______________, on the _____________ day of ____________, 2012, before me, a Notary Public in and for the above state and county, personally appeared, ANDREEA CORNELIA ANDREI proved to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and being first duly sworn, such person acknowledged that she executed said instrument for the purposes therein contained as his or her free and voluntary act and deed.
_______________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC
My Commission Expires: ____________________________
Translation education
Other - Romanian Government Accreditation
Years of experience: 30. Registered at Mar 2012.
I was born and raised in Romania for my first 26 years, so my native language is Romanian. However, since 1998, I have called sunny Albuquerque, New Mexico, home. Living in the United States while studying and working for the last 15 years has allowed me to understand the nuances of American English and to translate these nuances into my mother tongue. With every translation, I strive to produce a text that is as close to the original as possible and yet conveys in contemporary Romanian what the original writer meant to say.
I have translated, proofread and edited material from many fields. The subject matter that I have translated over the years varies enormously due to my education, work experience, international travel and a variety of personal interests. I have a Masters Degree in Physics as well as MBAs in Finance and Human Resources. I have worked for several American companies as an instructor/trainer, and I have been a freelance translator and interpreter for 18 years. My professional background has enabled me to translate both scientific and academic research papers (physics, nuclear, human resources), as well as technical articles and engineering (I did many translations in aerospace engineering), business documents, training documents, marketing and sales materials and HR documents.
I also have considerable experience translating literature, legal documents, and IT.
I collaborate with my husband, James, a native English speaker, who holds a Doctorate Degree in Aerospace Engineering. He has taught Aerospace Engineering courses at Auburn University, and, while working for Sandia National Laboratories, conducted both physical protection and IAEA nuclear security courses in over 25 countries. He has a very sharp eye for detail, an extensive knowledge of grammar and a passion for words. Together, we make an excellent team, using our complementary skills, editing and proofreading each other’s work.
My personal commitment on performance, attention to detail, and passion for translation is what I offer each of my clients. I only accept work that I feel confident about completing on time and yet to high professional standards, and I perform any and all necessary research to achieve both accuracy and fluency. This enhances my ability to deliver consistently high quality products and services, while creating added value for you and your customers, as well as ensuring that your projects remain both on schedule and on budget.