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Sample translations submitted: 6
Swedish to English: Ny BMI-uträkning flyttar viktgränser
Source text - Swedish Med det nya sättet att räkna ut kroppsmasseindexet kommer en del ”överviktiga” personer att bli ”normalviktiga”.
Translation - English Because of the new way of calculating the BMI (body mass index) some of the "overweight" people are going to be "normal-weight".
Romanian to Swedish: Primele imagini cu Shakira dupa ce a nascut! Uite cum arata acum cantareata
Source text - Romanian Shakira si Gerard Pique sunt de cateva zile parintii unui baietel pe care l-au numit Milan.
Translation - Swedish Shakira och Gerard Pique är föräldrar, sedan några dagar, till en liten pojke som de har nämnt Milan.
English to Swedish: Ford's Unhappy $2 Billion European Surprise
Source text - English When we last heard about Ford and its troubles in Europe, the carmaker insisted that it had things under control. It planned to use the same tactics that led to its stunning North American turnaround to fix its operations across the Atlantic.
Translation - Swedish När vi sist hörde om Ford och deras problem i Europa, bil företaget insisterade att de hade problemen under kontroll. De planerade att använda samma taktiker som led till den otroliga vändningen i Nord Amerika for att fixa deras operation verksamhet över Atlanten.
Swedish to Romanian: Oro för avlyssning på Skype
Source text - Swedish I ett öppet brev till Skype kräver flera organisationer att Microsoft ska redovisa säkerhetsläget.
Translation - Romanian Intr-o scrisoare publica deschisa adresata lui Skype, mai multe organizatii cer ca Microsoft sa raporteze masurile de securitate luate
Romanian to English: "Au cumpărat Mondialul din 2022!" Cuvintele unui oficial FIFA care au declanşat cel mai mare scandal din istoria forului mondial
Source text - Romanian Publicaţia France Football scrie, marţi, despre un "Qatargate", un caz de corupţie şi aranjamente în privinţa atribuirii de către FIFA a Cupei Mondiale din 2022 statului din Golf.
Translation - English The publication "France Football" writes on Tuesday about a "Qatargate", a case of coruption and arrangements done by the FIFA to assign the World Cup from 2022 to the Gulf state.
English to Romanian: Microsoft's Office 365 Home Premium: What happens when subscriptions expire?
Source text - English Summary: Microsoft is encouraging users to subscribe to its new Office, rather than buy it outright. But what happens once users' subscriptions expire?
Translation - Romanian Rezumat: Microsoft incurajeaza utilizatorii sa se incrie la noul program Office in loc sa il cumpere direct de la inceput. Dar ce se intimpla cind subscriptia utilizatorilor expira?
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Stockholms Universitet
Years of experience: 35. Registered at Nov 2011.
Romanian to English (Commerce University, Bucharest, Romania) English to Romanian (Commerce University, Bucharest, Romania) Swedish to English (Lund University) Romanian to Swedish (Lund University) English to Swedish (Lund University)
Swedish to Romanian (Lund University) Swedish to Romanian (Lund University) Swedish to English (Stockholms Universitet) Romanian to Swedish (Stockholms Universitet) English to Swedish (Stockholms Universitet) Swedish to Romanian (Stockholms Universitet)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
I'm a highly educated professional that speaks English, Romanian and Swedish on a daily basis. I use these languages at home and at work. Romanian is my native language but Swedish and English are my "adopted" languages as l lived in Sweden for 9 years and US for the last 14 years.
I deliver a high quality work in time and at a fair price.
Keywords: English, Romanian, Swedish, financials, computer software, banking, real estate