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5 projects entered 1 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 2500 words Completed: Jan 2012 Languages: English to Serbian
Tourism website
Tourism & Travel
No comment.
Translation Volume: 5000 words Completed: Feb 2011 Languages: Serbian to English
Official project documentation
Official project documentation (Application, Logical framework table, Table of financing, Project assessment) for the acquisition of five interactive boards with the associated equipment.
Education / Pedagogy, Economics
No comment.
Translation Volume: 3000 words Completed: Jul 2010 Languages: Serbian to English
Backup procedures
IT (Information Technology)
No comment.
Translation Volume: 55000 words Completed: Feb 2003 Languages: English to Serbian
Interviews, trailers, inserts
Numerous interviews with actors and film directors, trailers, inserts and film reviews.
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
positive Ivan Karl: Daniela provided a high quality translation. She is reliable, responsible and she respects the deadlines. Great to cooperate with. Ivan Kar, Serbian Broadcasting Corporation
Translation Volume: 25000 words Completed: Jan 1999 Languages:
English to Serbian
Political video clips & articles
Government / Politics
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, PayPal
Sample translations submitted: 2
English to Serbian: Fashion - organic cotton (promotional video) General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
Source text - English XY fashion makes HER
look good and feel good.
But not all is good.
The way clothes are made and used
affects our planet...
and everyone on it,
often in a harmful way.
XY wants to change this.
We want our fashion
to have a positive impact.
So we stand for sustainable products...
with a strong focus on sustainable
materials and a circular economy.
In other words:
These products are made
of environmentally preferred materials...
in a socially responsible way
and they're recyclable after use.
We already are the world leader
in organic cotton.
And by 2020 all our cotton
will come from sustainable sources.
We also stand for sustainable supply.
Including efforts for safe and fair labour
and for a clean environment.
Together with our partners
we are building...
a vital and honest supply chain.
Aiming for zero discharge
of hazardous chemicals, less water...
and lower emissions to become
guardians of our planet over time.
And finally we stand
for sustainable lives...
by enabling our customers
and engaging our employees.
Encouraging HER and everyone
in our stores and offices to join in.
Because we are all part of it.
Together we can make fashion
look good, feel good and be good.
Making a difference every day,
everywhere and for everyone.
Translation - Serbian XY moda čini da ONA izgleda dobro
i da se oseća dobro.
Ali nije baš sve tako dobro.
Način na koji se odeća proizvodi i koristi
utiče na našu planetu...
i svakog na njoj,
često na štetan način.
XY želi to da promeni.
Mi želimo da naša moda
ima pozitivan uticaj.
Zbog toga se zalažemo za održive proizvode...
i snažno smo fokusirani na održive
materijale i cirkularnu ekonomiju.
Drugim rečima:
Ovi proizvodi su napravljeni
od ekološki prihvatljivih materijala...
na društveno odgovoran način
i mogu se reciklirati posle upotrebe.
Mi smo već postali svetski lider
u upotrebi organskog pamuka.
A do 2020. sav pamuk koji koristimo će
dolaziti iz održivih izvora.
Takođe, zalažemo se i za održivo snabdevanje.
Ulažemo napore da obezbedimo siguran i
pravičan posao i čistu okolinu.
Zajedno sa svojim partnerima
važan i pošten lanac snabdevanja.
Cilj nam je i nulta stopa ispuštanja
štetnih hemikalija, manja potrošnja vode...
i niža emisija ugljenika jer želimo da budemo
čuvari naše planete dugi niz godina.
I konačno, zalažemo se za
održive živote...
snabdevajući naše kupce
i angažujući naše zaposlene.
Podstičemo NJU i sve ostale
u našim radnjama i kancelarijama da nam se pridruže.
Jer smo svi mi deo toga.
Zajedno možemo učiniti da moda izgleda dobro,
da se u njoj osećamo dobro i da bude dobra.
Napravi promenu svakog dana,
svuda i za svakoga.
English to Serbian: Fellini’s Magic Neo-Realism General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Along with Roberto Rossellini’s Rome Open City (1945) and Vittorio De Sica’s Bicycle Thieves (1948), Federico Fellini’s La Strada (1954) is among the most important films of post-war Italian cinema. Rome Open City and The Bicycle Thieves are the two films that introduced Italian Neo-Realism to the world and restored Italy’s place of prominence in international film culture. But it was Fellini’s La Strada, built upon a firm Neo-Realist foundation yet possessing something more - a fairy-tale-like narrative, resonant with archetypal characters whose lives illuminate the basic truths of the human condition - that revealed the full aesthetic richness of Neo-Realism just as it was being transformed by Fellini into something other than a faithful recording of mundane reality. It is this sometimes whimsical, sometimes hallucinatory visual and narrative quality in Fellini’s work that distinguished him from his fellow Neo-Realists and which, even more significantly, pointed the way to future styles and directions in world cinema. Fellini was always something more than a realist. Every Fellini's film possesses a certain ineffable poetry, a sense of magic and wonder that can range from the hilarious to the frightening. He is mixing literary and cinematic modes, he is a "magic neo-realist." In Fellini’s films we ultimately encounter a fidelity to something larger and more complex than a strictly empirical notion of social and economic reality. We encounter a highly subjective view of the world, often grotesque and distorted, brimming with both irony and pathos and filtered through Fellini’s profoundly humanistic vision as an artist. Indeed, the unique blend of reality and surreality that Fellini’s films offer, their deft mingling of the objective and the subjective, reality and dreams, constitute the very essence of that often-used adjective in film criticism—Felliniesque.
Translation - Serbian Zajedno sa filmovima Rim, otvoreni grad (1945) Roberta Roselinija i Kradljivci bicikala (1948) Vitorija De Sike, Ulica (1954) Federika Felinija spada u najvažnija filmska ostvarenja posleratne italijanske kinematografije. Rim, otvoreni grad i Kradljivci bicikala su dva filma koja su svetu predstavila italijanski neorealizam i vratila Italiji istaknuto mesto u međunarodnoj filmskoj kulturi. Ali, tek je Felinijeva Ulica, koja je izgrađena na čvrstim osnovama neorealizma a ipak poseduje nešto više – bajkovitu, zvučnu priču sa arhetipskim likovima čiji životi osvetljavaju osnovne istine ljudskog stanja – dakle, tek je taj film otkrio puno estesko bogatstvo neorealizma upravo dok ga je Felini transformisao u nešto više od vernog zapisa obične stvarnosti. Baš taj ponekad čudan, ponekad halucinativan vizuelni i narativni kvalitet Felinijevog dela je ono što ga je izdvojilo od drugih neorealista. Što je još značajnije, taj kvalitet je utro put za buduće stilove i način režije u svetskoj kinematografiji.
Felini je uvek bio nešto više od realiste. Svaki Felinijev film poseduje neopisivu poeziju, osećaj magije i čuda koji se kreće od urnebesno smešnog do zastrašujućeg. On meša književne i filmske načine rada, on je „magijski neorealista.“ U Felinijevim filmovima na kraju nailazimo na odanost nečemu mnogo većem i složenijem od strogo empirijskog pojma društvene i ekonomske stvarnosti. Nailazimo na visoko subjektivan pogled na svet, često groteskan i iskrivljen, prepun i ironije i patnje i na kraju propušten kroz Felinijevu duboko humanističku viziju umetnika. Zaista, jedinstvena mešavina realnosti i nadrealnosti koju nude Felinijevi filmovi, njihovo vešto spajanje objektivnog i subjektivnog, realnosti i snova čini samu suštinu prideva koji se često koristi u filmskoj kritici – felinijevski.
Translation education
Graduate diploma - Philological Faculty, University of Belgrade, Dept. of the English language and literature
Years of experience: 25. Registered at Jan 2011.
English to Serbian (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified) Serbian to English (University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Xbench, XTM, Powerpoint, Smartling, Trados Studio
I am an English to Serbian translator, native in Serbian, graduated from the University of Belgrade with a degree in the English Language and Literature. Among others, the curriculum included following courses: General Linguistics, Syntax, Contrastive Analysis of English and Serbian, Contemporary English language, The History of the English language.
For nine years I was working at the National Television of Serbia mainly as a translator and occasionally as an interpreter. In 2000 I worked as an interpreter for the Greek TV Mega Channel. On several occasions during 2011 I worked as an interpreter for the Australian ambassador to Serbia. Apart from all this, I have constantly been translating for various translation agencies and direct clients.
And... I never hesitate to go the extra mile for a good client.
What can you expect if you decide to collaborate with me?
High quality work, absolute respect of previously agreed deadlines, confidentiality, professionalism and smooth and friendly communication. Do not hesitate to contact me for any project you might need help with. You can get in touch with me if you simply click here.
Kind regards, Daniela
Thank you for your visit!
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Keywords: English to Serbian professional translator, English to Serbian translation, Serbian language services, Serbian language service provider, translation specialist, translator native Serbian, SDL Trados English to Serbian, brand name checking Serbia, marketing translation Serbia, advertising translation Serbia. See more.English to Serbian professional translator, English to Serbian translation, Serbian language services, Serbian language service provider, translation specialist, translator native Serbian, SDL Trados English to Serbian, brand name checking Serbia, marketing translation Serbia, advertising translation Serbia, translation Serbian cinema film, marketing translator Belgrade, aviation airlines Serbian translator, talent assessment translator Serbia Belgrade, surveys. See less.