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Extensive expertise in: Life Sciences, Clinical Trials, Pharmaceutical, Legal and Regulatory Documents, Business and Law, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, Mass Media, and Science. Please feel free to contact me. I will reply promptly.
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Romanian to English: Sample Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Romanian CAP.2 Obiectul promisiunii de arendare
Art.2 Obiectul prezentei promisiuni il constituie arendarea terenului arabil situat in extravilanul localitatii AAA judetul AAA in suprafata de aprox. 40 ha incepanad cu data de _______, la un pret pe care partile il vor negocia la data incheierii contractului de arenda.
Terenul arendat va fi folosit de catre promitentul arendas doar in scopul exploatarii agricole.
Translation - English Chapter 2 The object of the land-leasing pledge
Art.2 The object of this pledge is the lease of the arable land situated outside AAA locality, AAA county, with an area of approximately 40 hectares, as of _______, for a price that shall be negotiated by the parties upon the conclusion of the Lease Agreement.
The leased land shall be used by the land-leasing pledgee only for the purpose of agricultural exploitation.
English to Romanian: Clinical Study General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - English The majority of patients had no evident cause of fistulation (74%) probably indicating an error in technique of repair with inadequate inversion of mucosa, inadequate layers of closure, ischaemic tissue or overlapping suture line leading to a suture line leak. The other identifiable causes were meatal stenosis (9%), urethral stricture (10%) and suture line dehiscence (7%). On analyzing the effects of different variables on successful outcome of fistula repair it is clear from Table 1 that number, size, status of surrounding skin, suture material used have a significant effect on the favourable outcome. On applying Fischers exact test for association of these variables on the outcome -P
Translation - Romanian În cazul majorității pacienţilor nu exista nicio cauză evidentă a fistulării (74%) indicând probabil o eroare în tehnica de reparare cu inversie inadecvată a mucoasei, strate de închidere inadecvate, ţesut ischemic sau linii de sutură intersectate conducând la o scurgere pe linia de sutură. Alte cauze identificabile au fost stenoza meatală (9%), strictura uretrală (10%) şi dehiscenţa liniilor de sutură (7%). Analizând efectele diferitelor variabile asupra succesului reparaţiei fistulelor este clar din Tabelul 1 că numărul, mărimea, starea pielii înconjurătoare, materialul de sutură folosit au un efect semnificativ asupra rezultatului favorabil. Aplicând testul exact al lui Fisher pentru asocierea acestor variabile rezultatul -P
English to Romanian: Sample Contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English Amortization
The costs for travel to and procurement of accommodation at the location of the foreign assignment are amortized individually depending on the duration of the assignment in equal monthly installments. In the event of a termination prior to the contractual end of your assignment period at your own request, or by reason of extraordinary notice of termination from company side, the Corporation reserves the right to claim back the amount not yet amortized (pro- rata- temporis), In these cases the Corporation furthermore reserves the right to forbear from granting of any other future benefits/allowances.
Translation - Romanian Amortizare
Costurile de transport, obţinere a locuinţei şi mutare în locaţia detaşării în străinătate sunt amortizate în mod individual, în funcţie de durata detaşării, în rate lunare egale. În cazul unei încheieri înainte de termenul contractual al perioadei dvs. de detaşare, la cererea dvs., sau din motiv de notificare de încheiere extraordinară din partea noastră, suma ce nu va fi amortizată vă va fi returnată (pro-rata-temporis). În aceste cazuri, Corporaţia îşi rezervă, în plus, dreptul de a evita acordarea altor beneficii/indemnizaţii viitoare.
English to Romanian: You have the power to create change General field: Marketing Detailed field: Advertising / Public Relations
We have a dream. It is called The Sustainable Fair Trade Economy - a global marketplace where all individuals and organizations trade fairly for the good of all people and the planet; where social, economic and environmental sustainability is not only common practice but a market precondition. We are driven by the need to empower the marginalised who are the most vulnerable to the great challenges of our times. To turn our dream into a reality we have to show that we mean business. Building a trusted global brand is a key component.
Our brand has a clear message: everything the WFTO does helps bring about change for its members. The World Fair Trade Organization is not just a new name and identity, it is a new idea. The WFTO changes Fair Trade from a global struggle to a global solution.
Avem us vis. Se numește Economia durabilă, bazată pe comerț echitabil – o piață globală unde indivizii și organizațiile fac comerț echitabil pentru binele tuturor oamenilor și al Planetei; unde durabilitatea socială, economică și a mediului înconjurător nu este numai ceva obișnuit dar și o precondiție pe piață. Suntem conduși de nevoia de a da putere celor marginalizați, care sunt cei mai vulnerabili la marile schimbări ale vremurilor noastre. Pentru ca visul nostru să devină realitate, trebuie să arătăm că suntem hotărâți. Construirea unui brand global, de încredere, este o componentă-cheie.
Brandul nostru are un mesaj clar: tot ceea ce face OMCE ajută la crearea unei schimbări pentru membrii săi. Organizația Mondială a Comerțului Echitabil nu înseamnă numai un nume și o identitate noi, înseamnă și o idee nouă. OMCE schimbă ideea de comerț echitabil, dintr-un efort global, într-o soluție globală.
Full-time professional linguist with 15-year experience in translation and localization gained on in-house and freelance basis, which includes coordinating translation teams and quality assessment processes.
Native language - Romanian and near-native level of English (UK), with long time spent in the UK. Able to provide culturally relevant English to Romanian and Romanian to English TEP
Certified legal translator for EN-RO and RO-EN (Romanian Ministry of Justice)
Extensive expertise in translation and linguistic validation of all types of documents related to clinical trials, such as: clinical trial protocols, clinical trial agreements, information and consent forms and other patient materials, questionnaires, cover letters, notifications of amendment, case report forms, research protocols, instructions for investigators, laboratory manuals.
Other main areas of expertise:
Life sciences - Medical and Pharmaceutical translations Medical devices: User manuals and Instructions for Use of medical equipment, laboratory testing systems, drug delivery systems, systems used in the embolization of intracranial aneurysms and other vascular malformations, healthcare diagnostic products, and chemistry analyzers Legal translations (contracts, court decisions, sentences, resolutions, protocols, summons, petitions, complaints, school and academic documents). Sworn translator in Romania Business/Commerce (memorandums and articles of association, certificates of incorporation, business plans, HR-related documents, accounting documents
Government/Politics, Mass-media and Journalism
Marketing and Advertising
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