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Angelina Kovaleva RUS-ENG Business, Legal, Literature
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Russian to English: Medical Research: Toxicology General field: Medical
Source text - Russian В следующей серии экспериментов, проведенной на здоровых кроликах, было изучено влияние Плазмаферез (ПА) на гепатотоксические проявления противотуберкулезной терапии. Поражения печени вызывали длительным (12 нед) введением изониазида (20 мг/кг) и рифампицина (10 мг/кг). Животные основной группы получали 4 процедуры ПА (по 1 процедуре через каждые 3 нед). Оценку экскреторной функции печени проводили через 2—3 дня после проведения ПА. Регистрировали период полувыведения (Т1/2) бромсульфалеина с последующим расчетом относительного паренхиматозного клиренса (ОК) и печеночного кровотока (ПК). Из табл. 3 видно, что начиная с 6-й недели эксперимента выявлено значительное увеличение Т1/2 бромсульфалеина и снижение ПК. Максимальные изменения наблюдались на 12-й неделе опыта. Применение ПА способствовало предохранеиию печени от повреждения противотуберкулезными средствами.
Translation - English In the next series of experiments that were carried out on healthy rabbits, the effect of Plasmapheresis (PA) on hepatotoxicity symptoms of antituberculosis therapy was studied. Damage to the liver required a long (12-week) course of treatment using Isoniazid (20 mg/kg) and Rifampicin (10 mg/kg). Animals in the main group received 4 treatments of PA (1 procedure per animal every 3 weeks). The excretory function of the liver was assessed 2-3 days after the PA treatment. The half-life period (T1/2) was registered for Bromsulphalein with the following calculations of relative parenchymal clearance (RC) and hepatic blood flow (PK). It is evident in Table 3 that starting with week 6 of the experiment, a significant increase in Bromsulphalein T1/2 and decrease in hepatic blood flow were identified. The most extreme changes were observed during the 12th week of the experiment. Using PA allowed the liver to be preserved from damage caused by the antituberculosis medication.
Russian to English: Terms of Credit Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Finance (general)
Source text - Russian Права и обязанности сторон
ПОРУЧИТЕЛЬ отвечает перед БАНКОМ за выполнение ЗАЕМЩИКОМ условий Кредитного договора в том же объеме, как и ЗАЕМЩИК, включая погашение основного долга, уплату процентов за пользование кредитом (внесение платы за резервирование ресурсов) и неустойки.
ПОРУЧИТЕЛЬ обязан не позднее следующего календарного дня после получения письменного уведомления от БАНКА о просрочке ЗАЕМЩИКОМ платежей по Кредитному договору уплатить БАНКУ просроченную ЗАЕМЩИКОМ сумму с учетом неустоек на дату фактической оплаты задолженности по Кредитному договору.
ПОРУЧИТЕЛЬ согласен на право БАНКА потребовать как от ЗАЕМЩИКА, так и от ПОРУЧИТЕЛЯ досрочного возврата всей суммы кредита, процентов за пользование кредитом, неустоек и других платежей по Кредитному договору в случаях, предусмотренных Кредитным договором.
ПОРУЧИТЕЛЬ обязан в трехдневный срок уведомить БАНК об изменении паспортных данных, адреса регистрации (прописки), фактического места жительства, работы, фамилии или имени и возникновении обстоятельств, способных повлиять на выполнение ПОРУЧИТЕЛЕМ обязательств по настоящему Договору.
Translation - English Rights and Responsibilities of the Parties
The GUARANTOR shall be liable to the BANK for the LENDEE’S fulfillment of the conditions of the Credit Agreement in the same capacity as the LENDEE, including the principal payment, the interest payment for using credit (payment of fees for resource reservation), and the penalties.
The GUARANTOR, according to the Credit Agreement, shall pay the BANK the LENDEE’S past due balance no later than the next calendar day after receiving written notification from the BANK regarding the LENDEE’S delinquency, factoring in penalties from the actual debt payment date according to the Credit Agreement.
The GUARANTOR agrees to the BANK’S right to require that both the LENDEE and the GUARANTOR pay back ahead of schedule the entire credit balance, the percentage for using credit, penalties, and other payments according to the Credit Agreement to the extent provided herein by the Credit Agreement.
The GUARANTOR shall inform the BANK within 3 days regarding changes on their personal identification document, their registered address (official place of residence), actual place of residence, work, first or last name, and any circumstances that arise, which may influence the GUARANTOR’S fulfillment of the terms and conditions under this Agreement.
Russian to English: Film treatment General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - Russian Наверное, было бы утопией рассуждать, что есть абсолютно счастливые люди, каким и хотел казаться Уолтер, но, буквально, через несколько дней новой работы Богдана, завеса тайны всемогущего бизнесмена приоткрывается, и молодой человек видит его «Ахиллесову пяту»: прекрасная и независимая хозяйка цветочного магазина Анна, решительно отвергает все знаки внимания бизнесмена, чем приводит его в исступление и отчаяние. А его красивая и чувствительная дочь Кейт, не может добиться внимания отца даже в дни ее редких приездов на каникулы из Англии, поэтому, пытаясь найти альтернативу, попадает под дурное влияние плохой компании, где ей всегда рады. Может быть и бизнесмен, что-то делает не так, может это его препятствия? Что же за человек Уолтер: романтик-неудачник, плохой отец, или пропитанный деньгами коммерсант без малейшего намека на душу?
Можно было бы долго искать пути решения их проблем, но время летит, зачастую не давая людям даже минуты на размышления. Как оно не жалеет Богдана, скатывая проценты по долгам в гигантский снежный ком, так же безжалостно к Уолтеру, который все дальше отталкивает дочь недостатком своего внимания, подвергая ее угрозам современного мира. Ну, а после очередного отказа Анны от подарков, переданных коммерсантом через водителя, события начинают развиваться просто стремительно.
Translation - English It would probably be safe to say that there is no such thing as a perfectly happy person, even though Walter would like others to believe that about him. However, it only took a few days for Bogdan to learn that the almighty businessman has a secret weakness. The young man finds out what his Achilles’ heel is: The beautiful, independent owner of a flower shop, Anna, who continuously rejects all of Walter’s advances, which brings the businessman to the brink of despair. Yet his lovely, sensitive daughter Kate can’t seem to get Walter’s attention even during the rare occasions that she comes to visit him from England on school break. In trying to make up for his lack of attention, she ends up under the influence of bad company, where she always feels welcome. Is fate giving the businessman all these troubles, or is he doing something wrong? What kind of person is Walter? Is he unlucky at love, a bad father, or a businessman who has lost his soul because of too much money?
Maybe if there were more time, a solution to their problems could be found. Life moves swiftly, often not giving people even a minute to reflect on things. Time has been cruel to Bogdan, as the interest on his debts continues to snowball into an enormous sum. Time also hasn’t been fair to Walter, who continues to push his daughter away with his inattentiveness, exposing her to the threats of the modern world. After Anna refused yet another gift that the businessman sent through his driver, events begin to unfold very quickly.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - Portland State University
Years of experience: 13. Registered at Oct 2010. Became a member: May 2011.
Russian to English (Portland State University, verified)
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I am a native American-English speaker with over a decade of experience in the language service industry, translating and proofreading from Russian to English, as well as English copyediting and QA.
My education includes a BA in Russian Language, and an MA in Russian Culture and Art History.
I have worked with topics such as business and commerce, religion, medical and scientific research, and the arts and humanities. My main focus has been in business and legal document translation, and medical translation more recently. Here are some of the documents that I have translated, proofread, and edited:
Financial agreements
Official business correspondence
Official legal correspondence
Customs forms
Vital records (birth/marriage certificates, divorce decrees, passports, etc.)
Diplomas and transcripts
Poetry and song lyrics
Accounting and financial records
Medical/scientific research experiments and proposals
Medical/scientific articles and reports
CVs and resumes
Home videos and documentary footage
HR forms
Court evidence
Children's books
Short novels
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.
Keywords: Russian, English, Russian-English translation, Russian into English translation, Russian into English, Russian-English, editing, English editing, proofreading, Russian into English proofreading. See more.Russian, English, Russian-English translation, Russian into English translation, Russian into English, Russian-English, editing, English editing, proofreading, Russian into English proofreading, Russian-English proofreading, copyediting, English copyediting, book translation, literary, literary translation, academic, academic translation, finance, financial, financial translation, contracts, legal, supply agreements, law, vital records, vital records translation, birth certificate translation, birth certificates, marriage certificates, marriage certificate translation, banking, bank statements, banking translation, passports, passport translation, film, films, documentary, documentaries, children's books, children's literature, children's book translation, children's literature translation, photography, art, art history, architecture, medical research, medical research experiments, research proposals, toxicology, toxicology research. See less.