Member since Jan '06

Working languages:
English (monolingual)
Norwegian to English
Danish to English
Norwegian (Bokmal) to English

William [Bill] Gray
Working with words

Local time: 18:11 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: English Native in English
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Welcome to the site! 

Accurate, on-time, honest

Bill Gray
MA; Dip.TEFL; Dip.Theol.

Norsk versjon finnes nederst - (Norwegian version below)
Since 1995 have worked as an English teacher in Norway
primary - secondary - technical school - university - voluntary adult classes.
Since 1997 have also been employed regularly as a free-lance translator
for a wide range of clients in Nord-Trøndelag, all of Norway and throughout the world.
Recently retired (August 2015) from University Lecturer in English (areas of work: phonetics, grammar, and translation) and working as part-time on-call interpreter in work with refugees for local municipality
CV/resumé available on request

My original education in New Zealand was in Education and Theology . I later specialised at Masters level in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the University of Ulster in Northern Ireland.
For 12 years I worked in New Zealand as a pastor, followed by 5 years in Northern Ireland as a church worker. After completing my MA studies in 1990, I joined a research group in the university working on the development of children's language in the classroom using computers. Later I became a lecturer in Religious Education in the university's teacher training department.
Since coming to Norway in 1995, I have taught English at all levels of education in the Norwegian education system. I have also had experience in translating and/or teaching for several large companies in Norway:

NTE large local electricity company DataPowerLearning on-line training provider NorskeSkog large paper-manufacturing company Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag university college Skyggsjå A/S environmental protection company SpareBank 1 bank
This has provided a wide range of experience in different professional areas.
I seek to offer a service of
professional excellence
meeting your needs &
on time delivery

"Things isn't as they used to was before they is as they am now, was they?"

A bit of grammatical nonsense heard from my mother-in-law!

Norsk versjon:
Viktige opplysningerSiden 1995 har jobbet i Norge som engelsklærer
grunnskole og videregående skole (allmennfag og yrkesfag) - høgskole - friundervisning.
Siden 1997 har jobbet med regelmessige oversettingsarbeid («free lance»)
for en en stor rekke kunder i Nord-Trøndelag, hele Norge og fra hele verden.
Nylig pensjonert (august 2015) fra høgskolelektor i engelsk (områder: fonetikk, grammatikk og oversettelse) og som
tilkallingstolk med flyktningstjeneste i kommunen
CV/resumé kan sendes ved epost
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This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 1373
PRO-level pts: 1281

Top languages (PRO)
Norwegian to English336
Danish to English124
Norwegian (Bokmal) to English108
English to Norwegian52
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Construction / Civil Engineering92
Medical (general)78
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters55
Business/Commerce (general)53
Finance (general)52
Pts in 66 more flds >

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Keywords: Norwegian, English, Translation, Interpretation, Native English speaker, quick response, fast turnaround, engelsk, oversette, oversetter. See more.Norwegian, English, Translation, Interpretation, Native English speaker, quick response, fast turnaround, engelsk, oversette, oversetter, oversettelse, oversetting, oversettingsarbeid, norsk, translate, translation, translator, excellence, akkurat, nøyaktig, careful, merkelig, detail, detalje, detaljer, details, on-time, on time, reliable, clear, understanding, native speaker, MA, degree, UK, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, education, pedagogikk, Danish, Dansk, translatør. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 28, 2022