Choosing a CAT tool that best fits your field of specialization

Formats: Videos
Topics: Getting established in the translation industry
Overview of translation tools
CAT tool training
Transit NXT
Services and specialization
Software, tools & computing
Atril Déjà vu
Productivity tools

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 90 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Summary:Choose your first CAT tool to save time and increase revenues. Consider purchase of another tool to expand the scope of jobs. Joins us and learn multiple tips that will make your choices most relevant to your skills and needs.
Cannot make decision on whether to start using CAT tools? Never thought of having another CAT tool? It's definitely time to consider changes.

You don't have to sacrifice hours to get through numerous descriptions and property tables to get the idea of most popular tools any more.
In one hour: Learn how CAT tools work
In one hour: Learn differences between most popular ones in terms of usability for particular fields of specialization, availability of assisting software, computer skills, support, prices.
In one hour: Learn how to maximize your profits from using CAT tool by applying additional free pieces of software.
In one hour: Get an overview of various versions of Trados, MemoQ, DejaVu, Idiom, Across, Transit & Passolo.

Target audience
– Freelancers who are planning to purchase their first CAT tool but have not yet decided which one to choose.
– Single CAT users who would like to expand their clients databese by offering support of new formats and projects.
– Participants of translation studies and courses who would like to choose their own tool or compare the tool they already know with other ones.
Learning objectives
In this course you will learn:

– What CAT tools are.
– What to take into account while choosing your first and second tool.
– How to compare CAT tools in terms of your specialization.
– How to establish your CAT tools kit at reasonable price.
– What other software is required/recommended/helpful to take full advantage of your CAT tool.
Provide answers to the following questions before the course starts:
– Do you use any CAT tools? If so, what CAT tool(s) do you use?

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1. Brief introduction to popular CAT tools along with explanation of how they work
2. Comparison of most popular CAT tools in terms of: basic functions, requirements of particular fields of specialization, availability of assisting software, computer skills, support, prices.
Comparison will cover various versions of: Trados, MemoQ, DejaVu, Idiom, Across, Transit & Passolo.
3. Considering second choices for users of popular CAT tools (Trados, MemoQ, DejaVu).
4. Other tools that support CATs in issues that they cannot do themselves (QA Distiller, Xbench, Abby FineReader, etc.). Emphasize will be put on how to combine these tools with CATs.
5. Calculation of benefits from introduction of such tools and multiple ways to save on CAT purchase.
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
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Price: 25.00 USD
Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video? Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here.
Created by
Anna Fitak    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Anna Fitak is a freelance technical and software translator and outsourcer. A PhD in social sciences , doctoral student of linguistics and computer engineering. For 5 years she has been giving lectures to MTA students and attendees of numerous translation-related conferences. With over 8-year experience in translation she belongs to teams that provide translation for leading software, electronics and industrial equipment manufacturers. With basically no philological background she successfully established her business on her own. Keen CAT user and computer lover. Enjoys constructing useless electrical devices and learning programming languages.
General discussions on this training

Choosing a CAT tool that best fits your field of specialization
Anita Planchon
Anita Planchon Identity Verified
Local time: 01:24
French to English
+ ...
Sound drops out at 45:00, comes back at 49:00May 29, 2018

Just letting others know, as it will save time trying to fix the the problem.

Anita Planchon
Anita Planchon Identity Verified
Local time: 01:24
French to English
+ ...
Updates since 2014?May 29, 2018

I found this course really useful and interesting, but I note that it was recorded in 2014. Obviously a lot will have changed in the CAT tools world since then, but I'm wondering if there have been any changes that significantly alter the assessment of the various tools in this video and their strong and weak points.


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