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Culture-specific elements in scientific, professional and official translation: tips & tricks

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Ganna Gudkova
Ganna Gudkova  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 04:19
English to Russian
+ ...
question re: this training Aug 22, 2013

I'm preparing for the ATA exam, and interested in mainly improving faithfulness and word choice/terminology. Do you think this course would help me?

Jasmina Djordjevic
Jasmina Djordjevic  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:19
German to Serbian
+ ...
Sorry for not answering earlier Sep 2, 2013

Hello gud_annet,

I apologize for not answering earlier, but I have not seen the question until now. I really do not know how I could have missed it.

Yes, "faithfulness and word choice/ terminology" can most certainly be considered part of cogno-cultural issues to handle in translation. The webinar (and the self-paced training) covers the most common types of culture-based problems (cognates, false friends, eponyms, etc.) which are rather demanding.

I hope I have
... See more
Hello gud_annet,

I apologize for not answering earlier, but I have not seen the question until now. I really do not know how I could have missed it.

Yes, "faithfulness and word choice/ terminology" can most certainly be considered part of cogno-cultural issues to handle in translation. The webinar (and the self-paced training) covers the most common types of culture-based problems (cognates, false friends, eponyms, etc.) which are rather demanding.

I hope I have managed to answer your question though rather late.


Local time: 18:19
Indonesian to English
+ ...
link??? Sep 6, 2013

Where is the course held? I haven't received any links yet...

Thank you,

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
link??? Sep 6, 2013

esther tanuadji wrote:

Where is the course held? I haven't received any links yet...

Thank you,

Hello Esther,

I have just resent the link to your email address.

Hope this helps.

My bests,


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Culture-specific elements in scientific, professional and official translation: tips & tricks

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