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Trouver et Collectionner les opportunités de Business grâce à Google+

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PaulineCyr  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:31
English to French
I missed it! :-( Oct 30, 2012

I paid 15$ for this course, and I missed it because of confusing information about the exact time. I want to be reimbursed!

Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
I missed it! :-( Oct 31, 2012

PaulineCyr wrote:

I paid 15$ for this course, and I missed it because of confusing information about the exact time. I want to be reimbursed!

Dear Pauline,

I see the issue has been addressed in the support request: Please let me know if you need anything else.

My bests,


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Trouver et Collectionner les opportunités de Business grâce à Google+

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