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Poll: Would you avoid any translation subject for ethical reasons?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Mar 29, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Would you avoid any translation subject for ethical reasons?".

This poll was originally submitted by Rosa Grau. View the poll results »

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:12
German to English
+ ...
I don't know Mar 29, 2012

I haven't yet been confronted by a topic that I would object to on ethical reasons. I can imagine, though, that I would struggle to stomach anything illegal or offensive, such as the promotion of racism or violence. Realistically, though, my work tends to be rather more mundane!

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:12
Member (2006)
Russian to Hungarian
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letter / assault Mar 29, 2012

1. The client was intended to translate a denunciative letter (prompt assault) due to non-payment reasons. I refused a job, which was full of Russian expressions related to the other party's closest relative.
2. Few years ago a company was intended to biuld in Hungary an energy station and the construction site was close to famous Tokaj vineyards. We translated the construction documentation and a month later one of the representatives of Tokaj vineyard owners asked us to translate a petit
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1. The client was intended to translate a denunciative letter (prompt assault) due to non-payment reasons. I refused a job, which was full of Russian expressions related to the other party's closest relative.
2. Few years ago a company was intended to biuld in Hungary an energy station and the construction site was close to famous Tokaj vineyards. We translated the construction documentation and a month later one of the representatives of Tokaj vineyard owners asked us to translate a petition against this construction. The job was refused due to ethical reasons - I think I cannot stand on both sides of the river in the same time.

Veronica Lupascu
Veronica Lupascu  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:12
Dutch to Romanian
+ ...
I voted No Mar 29, 2012

But if I think longer, I would probably avoid some subjects. I just had a translation about legalizing prostitution, prostitutes and their rights, etc. subject I disagree with at some point (not totally, after translating the project and finding out about many other aspects of this business I wasn't aware of). I considered the project as any other project. I did my best to produce a qualitative and stylistically appropriate translation (there were cases where I had to use some trivial language, ... See more
But if I think longer, I would probably avoid some subjects. I just had a translation about legalizing prostitution, prostitutes and their rights, etc. subject I disagree with at some point (not totally, after translating the project and finding out about many other aspects of this business I wasn't aware of). I considered the project as any other project. I did my best to produce a qualitative and stylistically appropriate translation (there were cases where I had to use some trivial language, to explain different types of sex, etc.). It wasn't at all bothering for me. The only thing that actually bothered me was that after I have done some terminological research on google, I would see all kind of porno ads in my browser. Thankfully they are gone nowCollapse

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 15:12
English to French
+ ...
See Mar 29, 2012

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:12
Member (2006)
Russian to Hungarian
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promotion of racism Mar 29, 2012

Mary Worby wrote:

I haven't yet been confronted by a topic that I would object to on ethical reasons. I can imagine, though, that I would struggle to stomach anything illegal or offensive, such as the promotion of racism or violence. Realistically, though, my work tends to be rather more mundane!

Mary is right. The promotion of racism did not come into my mind - but, of course, I would never ever translate any text of such nature.

Sunny day to all,

Local time: 15:12
Spanish to English
+ ...
Other Mar 29, 2012

I might refuse a translation for any number of reasons, such as not liking the cut of a client's jib or their tone of voice. In the case of ethical concerns though, I'd have to take each case on its merits.
This question has come up before and on one occasion I offered the hypothetical example of being asked to translate the ravings of the racist mass murderer Brevik for publication. I imagine that some, if not most translators, would have qualms about spreading his spoutings, but at the
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I might refuse a translation for any number of reasons, such as not liking the cut of a client's jib or their tone of voice. In the case of ethical concerns though, I'd have to take each case on its merits.
This question has come up before and on one occasion I offered the hypothetical example of being asked to translate the ravings of the racist mass murderer Brevik for publication. I imagine that some, if not most translators, would have qualms about spreading his spoutings, but at the same time I consider that the translator in such a case is merely a cipher or channel and not responsible for the content translated.
There is also a widespread idea that the notion of ethics per se is a luxury with little meaning for those in extreme situations. For example, stem cell research is a taboo area for some people whereas I myself have no reservations in working in it, and in fact get quite angry about the restrictions placed upon medical research due to supposedly "ethical" concerns of this nature when I see the results.
The issue is really too complex to discuss constructively in a straw poll like this, and besides, time marches on and I should be working already...

Erzsébet Czopyk
Erzsébet Czopyk  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:12
Member (2006)
Russian to Hungarian
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subtitles :) Mar 29, 2012

I translated susbtitles to a porno-movie as a beginner in 90's and it was funny))) I was young student and was happy to any assignment.

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:12
Japanese to English
Never been asked to do dodgy stuff, unfortunately Mar 29, 2012

Interlangue, I hear you!

Also, the April 16th, 2010 poll was:

"Have you ever turned down a job for ethical reasons or because you didn't agree with the content?"

Slightly similar, eh. Poll suggestion rules state:

"Ensure that a similar question has not been asked recently by searching for key terms"

A little bit more vetting by the moderators would be appreciated.

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 14:12
Hebrew to English
Personal vs Professional ethics. Mar 29, 2012

People will often turn down a job because it conflicts with their personal ethics, nothing wrong with that when done with tact and professionalism.

I think a level of impartiality is beneficial though and things like skopos shouldn't be forgotten, the content may be either innocuous or distasteful, but what about the purpose? [of the translation]...a translation with an innocuous content might have a more distasteful purpose and vice versa.

In the situation abov
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People will often turn down a job because it conflicts with their personal ethics, nothing wrong with that when done with tact and professionalism.

I think a level of impartiality is beneficial though and things like skopos shouldn't be forgotten, the content may be either innocuous or distasteful, but what about the purpose? [of the translation]...a translation with an innocuous content might have a more distasteful purpose and vice versa.

In the situation above I have to disagree with Erzsébet (sorry!) but I think there's nothing wrong with "standing on both sides of the river", there's nothing wrong with not taking sides and offering your services to both parties (impartiality) - in fact for the translator it's win-win on the $$$ side of things.

Also, on the subject of repeated polls/the poll choosing system:

"Ensure that a similar question has not been asked recently by searching for key terms"

The problem is how do you define "recently", I was 'recently' ( ) verbally castigated for moaning about another poll after it had appeared before, only FOUR MONTHS previously. Clearly for some people "recently" means in the last few weeks. Hmmm....

Also, I'm not sure how/in what order they choose these polls, the very first poll I suggested was aired the next morning, but other people have been bewildered by polls appearing that they suggested years ago.

[Edited at 2012-03-29 08:55 GMT]

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:12
Japanese to English
Ty, I hear you, too! Mar 29, 2012

Ty Kendall wrote:

Also, on the subject of repeated polls/the poll choosing system:

"Ensure that a similar question has not been asked recently by searching for key terms"

The problem is how do you define "recently", I was 'recently' ( ) verbally castigated for moaning about another poll after it had appeared before, only FOUR MONTHS previously. Clearly for some people "recently" means in the last few weeks. Hmmm....

Well in this case, let's look at the facts:

"Have you ever turned down a job for ethical reasons or because you didn't agree with the content?"
which is exactly ( ) the same as the April 16th, 2010 poll

was aired on 3 Aug 2011


"Have you ever rejected an assignment on ethical grounds?"

was aired on 24 Dec 2011

Thank you, Interlangue!

So, basically, are we being made to live through the same regurgitated poll 4 times in 2 years?
I'm pretty positive we translators are much more creative and resourceful than this.

I thought these rules were in place so that we could all get a fair shot at our 15 minutes of fame.

I'm wondering right now which rabbit is going to be pulled out of the hat tomorrow.

Sone-Ngole Alvin Ngole
Sone-Ngole Alvin Ngole  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:12
English to French
+ ...
Yes Mar 29, 2012

1) If what I am translating is contrary to my beliefs.
2) If what I am translating has false information. For example: Company X marketing a product Y claiming it has so and so virtue. If, to the best of my knowledge, there is an exageration in the virtue of the product, I will not have peace of mind. That may be the last assignment I will accept from that company.

Alex Lago
Alex Lago  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:12
English to Spanish
+ ...
Hear hear Mar 29, 2012

Julian Holmes wrote:

Interlangue, I hear you!

Also, the April 16th, 2010 poll was:

"Have you ever turned down a job for ethical reasons or because you didn't agree with the content?"

Slightly similar, eh. Poll suggestion rules state:

"Ensure that a similar question has not been asked recently by searching for key terms"

A little bit more vetting by the moderators would be appreciated.

Totally agree see no reason why we need so many polls about the same thing, we've also recently had a very long discussion on one of the forums precisely on this issue

Muriel Vasconcellos (X)
Muriel Vasconcellos (X)  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 06:12
Spanish to English
+ ...
No - sort of Mar 29, 2012

First, I agree that we've had this poll too many times already.

I wrote a long answer before, though I don't remember how I voted. My point was, and is, that I might turn down a job because I expected it to be boring, not because I disagreed with the content of the text.

I now have enough clients that I enjoy working for and give me plenty of work, so I am able to turn down assignments, and I do. I'm trying to focus on work that I really enjoy.

Elodie Bonnafous
Elodie Bonnafous
Local time: 15:12
Member (2009)
German to French
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? Mar 29, 2012

I don't know for sure, as I haven't been confronted with such translations yet.

A few years ago, I had to translate some kind of article about the French, which was actually just a collection of basic prejudice (both positive and negative). I struggled to translate it to an end.

In 2008, I translated the homepage of a German brothel (they're legal in Germany).
I am actually rather AGAINST those institutions, but there is nothing harmful to anybody, so I immediatel
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I don't know for sure, as I haven't been confronted with such translations yet.

A few years ago, I had to translate some kind of article about the French, which was actually just a collection of basic prejudice (both positive and negative). I struggled to translate it to an end.

In 2008, I translated the homepage of a German brothel (they're legal in Germany).
I am actually rather AGAINST those institutions, but there is nothing harmful to anybody, so I immediately accepted the job.

And very recently, just a few days ago, I had to translate a text on the construction of a nuclear power plant in China. I did not feel good doing the job, but it was important that I did the translation myself instead of refusing the job and taking the risk the other translator would make serious mistakes in the text. However, it was "just" about a nuclear site, not about racism or terrorism or religious fundamentalism, which I would definitely turn down.

[Edited at 2012-03-29 11:11 GMT]

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Poll: Would you avoid any translation subject for ethical reasons?

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