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Trados 2009 - misleading German user interface (Finish - Beenden)
Thread poster: Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak
Claudia Krysztofiak  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
English to German
+ ...
Nov 4, 2009

When you try to convert your old Trados TMs to the new Trados 2009 and you have overcome all these tiny obstacles, like needing to have Trados 2007 installed as well and having entered a UserId in Trados 2007, then you see why translating a user interface "correctly" may still be not "right".

In the German user interface, when you wish to do a custom upgrade of one or several "legacy" TMs, you can enter all the necess
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When you try to convert your old Trados TMs to the new Trados 2009 and you have overcome all these tiny obstacles, like needing to have Trados 2007 installed as well and having entered a UserId in Trados 2007, then you see why translating a user interface "correctly" may still be not "right".

In the German user interface, when you wish to do a custom upgrade of one or several "legacy" TMs, you can enter all the necessary information and still you are only offered the active button "Beenden", which I understood as "close", at the bottom of the window, not "Weiter" (next). Then I started searching which option would do the magical trick of completing the necessary information to activate the button "Weiter" (next). And then I read the help information: Press "Beenden" (close?) to continue.


In English the button says "Finish". I agree that in very many contexts Beenden may be a possible translation for Finish. But in this context, I really would have preferred "Fertigstellen" (complete, finish) to make the German user interface as intuitive as the English one.

Before having to deal with other subtle misleading button names, I now switched to the English user interface, which also needs less space on my screen. But its really funny for a translation company that this got through their QA.

If someone from SDL reads this, please look into it.

Have a wonderful day everybody!

Stanislav Pokorny
Stanislav Pokorny  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 11:26
English to Czech
+ ...
Good catch :) Nov 4, 2009

Yes, in fact "fertigstellen" is the correct German term in wizards, AFAIK.
You wouldn't believe what one finds in Czech localizations of software.

Sonja Biermann
Sonja Biermann  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
English to German
+ ...
Translation Memorys Nov 4, 2009

Good point. That's exactly what I was wondering, when I first used Studio. There are a few other terms that caught my eye, for instance "physikalisch vorhandene Datenbank" in Multiterm. Sounds as if a database is made of solid material and someone put it into my computer.

We are all translators and we all know about constraints and restraints and company terminology, but some choices make you wonder. I also like the German translation of "Translation Memories" which is "Translation
... See more
Good point. That's exactly what I was wondering, when I first used Studio. There are a few other terms that caught my eye, for instance "physikalisch vorhandene Datenbank" in Multiterm. Sounds as if a database is made of solid material and someone put it into my computer.

We are all translators and we all know about constraints and restraints and company terminology, but some choices make you wonder. I also like the German translation of "Translation Memories" which is "Translation Memorys". Cool, huh?

Best regards

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to German
+ ...
GUI settings Nov 4, 2009

This is the reason why I have set all of my GUIs to English... whenever possible.

[Edited at 2009-11-04 18:09 GMT]

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to Polish
+ ...
Multiterm in French :) Nov 4, 2009

Laurent KRAULAND wrote:

This is the reason why I have set all of my GUIs to English... whenever possible

Me too

My preferred error in the French GUI in Multiterm is, in the Termbase menu, when the Open Termbase command is selected:
Chargement de la liste de la base... for Loading Termbase List
The same kind of error is in the Navigation menu:
Fermer toutes les fenêtres de la fiche for Close All Entry Windows
Simply, beautiful.

A lot of localization quirks, e.g.:
In the Editer menu, duplicated accelerator for Ajouter et Annuler (both A).
In the main menu, the same accelerator for Affichage and Aide (both A).

Has anyone in SDL ever opened MT 2009 in French?

The list is not exhaustive


[Edited at 2009-11-04 20:54 GMT]

Stanislav Pokorny
Stanislav Pokorny  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 11:26
English to Czech
+ ...
Passolo Nov 4, 2009

Uhm, perhaps the reviewer didn't use the Passolo QA features. Irony?

What I like best in Czech localizations, is (for Czech readers) "spínací plocha" for the German "Schaltfläche"; back-translated into English "switching area". One doesn't believe what can happen to a poor simple "button".

[Upraveno: 2009-11-04 19:29 GMT]

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to German
+ ...
Button pushers? Nov 4, 2009

Stanislav Pokorny wrote:

Uhm, perhaps the reviewer didn't use the Passolo QA features. Irony?

What I like best in Czech localizations, is (for Czech readers) "spínací plocha" for the German "Schaltfläche"; back-translated into English "switching area". One doesn't believe what can happen to a poor simple "button".

[Upraveno: 2009-11-04 19:29 GMT]

These are the Knöpfchendrücker in our trade - push the button, get the answer. I don't even dare to imagine what a hot key can become in some translations... and I wonder why I take so much time and care, as a localizer, to implement e.g. "official" terminologies in close cooperation with some clients (Annuler in French can mean both Cancel and Undo in English, or Abbrechen and Widerrufen in German).

@ Grzegorz: well, as you know from previous posts in other fora, I don't even use T2009... but these examples simply show that something is rotten in the state of the translation industry.

[Edited at 2009-11-04 20:57 GMT]

Stanislav Pokorny
Stanislav Pokorny  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 11:26
English to Czech
+ ...
:D Nov 4, 2009

I don't even dare to imagine what a hot key can become in some translations...

Thinking about it, this sounds really scary...

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to Polish
+ ...
Another French Multiterm riddle... Nov 5, 2009

Laurent KRAULAND wrote:

Stanislav Pokorny wrote:

Uhm, perhaps the reviewer didn't use the Passolo QA features. Irony?

Ah, no, probably they simply missed the e-mail stating something was acquired and they may have it for free.

@ Grzegorz: well, as you know from previous posts in other fora, I don't even use T2009...

It's one of eternal Multiterm localization bugs.
Just take a look in your version...

but these examples simply show that something is rotten in the state of the translation industry.

Another proud example of the Multiterm state of art.
In my beloved example of a purely counterintuitive function, i.e. the Catalog windows/vue, you have a lot of button/commands with a verb like Create, Edit, Delete. Load etc.
They're translated as Créer, Éditer, Supprimer, Charger which is OK.
The last button/command, the most important, i.e. Process is translated as noun i.e. Processus

Every year, I show this window to my students and I ask 'em how they should import the xml file created in MT Convert.
Virtually nobody finds the good response, they propose always Create, Load or OK.
Process comes third or second, if I have some chance,
I know the real machos don't read manuals but a little bit of ergonomy and logic in the user oriented design...


[Edited at 2009-11-05 09:07 GMT]

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to German
+ ...
Advice needed... Nov 5, 2009

Grzegorz Gryc wrote:

@ Grzegorz: well, as you know from previous posts in other fora, I don't even use T2009...

It's one of eternal Multiterm localization bugs.
Just take a look in your version...


[Edited at 2009-11-05 09:07 GMT]

As soon as I know how I can get rid of the last (non-Trados-Multiterm-compatible) IE on my PC... lol! My iMac is Trados-resistant... for the moment.

[Edited at 2009-11-05 09:32 GMT]

Grzegorz Gryc
Grzegorz Gryc  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to Polish
+ ...
Next generation Java plug-in? Nov 5, 2009

Laurent KRAULAND wrote:

As soon as I know how I can get rid of the last (non-Trados-Multiterm-compatible) IE on my PC... lol! My iMac is Trados-resistant... for the moment.

You receive the Java null pointer error or something worse?

First at all, check in Control Panels/Java.
Look under Java tab for runtime settings and check the versions installed.
Then, go to Advanced tab and under Java Plug-in, disable the checkbox
'Enable the next-generation Java plugin.


Kevin Lossner
Kevin Lossner  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:26
German to English
+ ...
Localization hurdles Nov 5, 2009

With all the German employees acquired in the Trados merger, you'd think that QA might have caught some of the gems described here. Although I could put on my partisan hat and talk bout how the focus for the product was elsewhere (and surely it was), this is probably more an example of how even the top players in the industry can slip up and that we all need to think about better QA, investing in better procedures and more competent people (or improving our own competence).

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to German
+ ...
Java runtime setting - trying this Nov 5, 2009

Grzegorz Gryc wrote:

You receive the Java null pointer error or something worse?


Grzegorz Gryc wrote:
First at all, check in Control Panels/Java.
Look under Java tab for runtime settings and check the versions installed.
Then, go to Advanced tab and under Java Plug-in, disable the checkbox
'Enable the next-generation Java plugin.


Done, will restart the PC asap and tell you what's happening Many thanks!

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to German
+ ...
Hurdles... Nov 5, 2009

Kevin Lossner wrote:

With all the German employees acquired in the Trados merger, you'd think that QA might have caught some of the gems described here. Although I could put on my partisan hat and talk bout how the focus for the product was elsewhere (and surely it was), this is probably more an example of how even the top players in the industry can slip up and that we all need to think about better QA, investing in better procedures and more competent people (or improving our own competence).

Agree, this also happens for software created for "other OS's". There is a tendency to rely upon time-proven translations, even if the first translation was completely off-key(board).

[Edited at 2009-11-05 10:27 GMT]

Laurent KRAULAND (X)
Laurent KRAULAND (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:26
French to German
+ ...
Problem... Nov 5, 2009

Laurent KRAULAND wrote:

Done, will restart the PC asap and tell you what's happening Many thanks!

solved, thanks again!

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Trados 2009 - misleading German user interface (Finish - Beenden)

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