Translation glossary: español/inglés - jurídico

Showing entries 1-50 of 113
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(firmado por) P.p.(signed by) P.p. (Per proxy - by power of attorney- POA) 
Spanish to English
...grava con derecho real de hipoteca en primer grado de privilegio a favor delien with right of first real property mortgage in favor of 
Spanish to English tuvo por practicada...(the delivery) was deemed as effected (made) 
Spanish to English
a fin de que figure el nombre de madre comoin order for the name of the mother to appear as 
Spanish to English
acreditivosletters of credit 
Spanish to English
acta del fallominutes (or record or report) of the award (or decision) 
Spanish to English
actos jurídicos o materiales sobre bieneslegal or physical (material) acts on assets (goods) 
Spanish to English
actuar a nombre propioact in his/her own name (place and stead) 
Spanish to English
Admitida que sea la separación, pedimos sea notificado el Min. PúblicoOnce the separation has been filed, we ask that the Public Ministry be notified 
Spanish to English
Alcanzado la fecha de término de la ayuda indicada.. ésta cesará sin necesidad..Once the final deadline for the said allowance has been reached, such allowance will cease without 
Spanish to English
arras de retraccióndeposit or downpayment with right of redemption or return; refundable downpayment or deposit 
Spanish to English
arras de retraccióndeposit or downpayment for fulfilment of contractual obligation 
Spanish to English
art. 24.1 CEarticle 24.1 of the Spanish Constitution 
Spanish to English
aval de fiel cumplimientoperformance surety or bond, endorsement, guarantee 
Spanish to English
Aviso de LicitacionNotice of bid; notice of tender, or tender bid; call for bids 
Spanish to English
Órgano IntermedioIntermediate organization (body, entity) 
Spanish to English
• La renuncia a efectuar cualquier tipo de impugnación del procedimientowaiver of right to carry out any type of challenge or contest of the proceeding 
Spanish to English
bajo el repertorio númerounder registry or protocol number 
Spanish to English
bienes inmuebles y terrenosreal property and land 
Spanish to English
cabeza de la presente escrituraas heading of this (the present) document 
Spanish to English
Carátula ministerialMinistry cover, ministry cover sheet 
Spanish to English
carencia sobrevenidasupervening loss of subject matter or grounds 
Spanish to English
CARTA CONTRATO N° XXXXXLetter of Agreement No. 
Spanish to English
Cláusula de mejor fortunareturn to better fortune clause 
Spanish to English
cláusula limitativarestrictive stipulations, limiting clauses 
Spanish to English
cláusula penal moratorianon-performance penalty clause; late performance penalty clause 
Spanish to English
comparendo de estilo en rebeldia de la demandadahearing or appearance on defendant's default 
Spanish to English
comparezco, requiero e informoI hereby appear, request and advise (or notify) 
Spanish to English
Conforme a lo dispuesto en el Art. 28.3 de la Ley de Reforma UniversitariaPursuant to the provisions of Art. XX of the University Reform Law (or Act) 
Spanish to English
confrontesolicitor's letter or claim letter 
Spanish to English
consideración de menos preciosellers' compensation of any loss shall be treated as a reduction in price 
Spanish to English
contingencias comunescommon (the usual type of) contingencies 
Spanish to English
Contrato de responsabilidad civil para posibles daños ocasionados en la viviendacivil liability insurance (contract or policy) for possible tenancy damage 
Spanish to English
Coordinacion general de servicios pericialesGeneral coordination of expert (skilled or specialized) services 
Spanish to English
cuotativocommon (indivisible) ownership rights, joint indivisible rights of ownership 
Spanish to English
darse por citados, notificados o intimadosacknowledge themselves as served, notified or bound 
Spanish to English
de conformidad con la legislación aplicable, las presentes Condiciones de Uso depursuant to applicable law, the current conditions of use... 
Spanish to English
debiendo acreditar esta gestiónthis step (measure, undertaking) to be accredited to XXX 
Spanish to English
dejo constancia en acta extendida en tres folios de papel exclusivo para documenI record same (enter a record thereof) in document (minutes) issued in (on) three sheets of paper ... 
Spanish to English
DERECHO ADTIVOGeneral and Administrative Law, Colombia 
Spanish to English
derecho de habitaciónright of occupancy, right of possession 
Spanish to English
Derecho OperacionalOperational Law 
Spanish to English
derecho prestacional(comprehensive, fundamental) social right 
Spanish to English
derogando total o parcialmente las actuales y supletoriamente al codigo civiltotally or partially invalidating the current ones and in addition or instead of the Civil Code 
Spanish to English
desea otorgar testamentodesires to publish her last will and testament 
Spanish to English
designación de deudoresdesignation of debtors (more context needed, see note) 
Spanish to English
drawdown (in this context)pagos parciales según contrato, distribuciones 
English to Spanish
efectivo y al contadocash and cash equivalents, cheque for immediate payment/cash 
Spanish to English
el HPFF (Findings of Fact), proven fact 
Spanish to English
el prejuicio que les irroga dichas ordenes de hacerthe prejudgment, inequity, outrage caused them by said orders to act 
Spanish to English
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