Translation glossary: Jacques Saleh, PhD

Showing entries 1-50 of 107
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"exécution des lettres de commande"the fulfillment/execution of purchase orders 
French to English
"exécution des lettres de commande"the fulfillment/execution of purchase orders 
French to English
**bonjour! le voilà dans la flotteand lo and behold! they're back in Neptune's arms/the brine/ocean 
French to English
...caractère aléatoire, altogether unpredictable feature 
French to English
...le conseil se dotera d'un comite strategique...The Board will create a strategic committee 
French to English
...surrender to the corporate soumettre aux diktats des entreprises 
English to French
a little bit down the roadبالقرب من هنا 
English to Arabic
a look that could melt iceNo, it's bette to say: she gave her a dirty look 
ألزم المدّعي بالبرهانThe plaintiff was obliged/ordered/compelled to provide proof(s) 
Arabic to English
account or policy...holds with or through usLes informations que nous obtenons concernant tout compte ou abonnement que vous, ou un membre... 
English to French
Achalasiaاللاار خاء 
English to Arabic
actif anti-ageanti-aging agent... 
French to English
anglicismesur les pistes (de ski) 
English to French
at some point during the 1970'sA UN CERTAIN MOMENT DANS LES ANNEES SOIXANTE-DIX 
English to French
business conditionsla conjoncture économique 
English to French
Business Day cityJOUR OUVRE/jour de travail en ville 
English to French
المالية العامةPublic Finance 
Arabic to English
الإحصاء التطبيقيApplied Statistics 
Arabic to English
Arabic to English
الحصص العينيةin-kind shares 
Arabic to English
calage des impositionsPagination Setting/Adjustment 
French to English
Call me sometime.اتصل بي من وقت الى آخر 
English to Arabic
Arabic to English
code aiguillage base comptableAccounting referral code 
French to English
computer's central processing of datatraitement central de donnees d'un ordinateur 
English to French
conversion of shares into stockConversion des quote-parts en actions/titres 
English to French
copropriétéJoint ownership 
French to English
corporate governanceGestion d'Entreprise 
English to French
customer intelligenceinformations sur le client/donnees sur le client/description ou descriptif client 
English to French
directive d'actionaction guideline 
French to English
English to French
Entendre tous sachants, dans la mesure ou il l'estime utilewitnessess.. 
French to English
extremity pump systemSystème de pompe pour les extrémités/membres 
English to French
faire des arbitragesperform arbitrage operations 
French to English
familyAaila or Al-Aaila/Al-Oosra 
English to Arabic
frayeurs ancestralesAnachronistic/Ancestral Fears or Primal Fear(s)... 
French to English
English to French
God grant us peaceيا الهي او يا ربي اعطنا السلام 
English to Arabic
hedged with a number of caveatsmoderee/temperee par plusieurs mises en garde 
English to French
hors packagingexcluding packaging 
French to English
huissier de justice???? ????? 
French to Arabic
I am a lesbian.Moosaahikat 
English to Arabic
i arrived to nice, and i stoped my car and i ate in a restaurant near to the airJe suis arrive a Nice, j'ai parque ma voiture and j'ai... 
English to French
i drove my car and didn´t find a gas station and i called for helpJ'ai roule dans ma voiture et je n'ai pas trouve... 
English to French
in contrast toA l'encontre de/en revanche/a l'inverse de... 
English to French
indeterminacy of cultureلاحتمية الثقافة 
English to Arabic
indeterminate dutyfonction indeterminee/floue 
English to French
initiate commandsÉtablir les commandes 
English to French
Intermediate Financial ReportRapport financier intermédiaire 
English to French
is concernedconcernés/en question 
English to French
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