Translation glossary: Financial

Showing entries 1-50 of 56
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états du patrimoinestatements of assets and liabilities 
French to English
bear bond marketmarché baissier des obligations / marché obligataire baissier 
English to French
Beneficial ownerbénéficiaire effectif 
English to French
Beneficial ownerbénéficiaire effectif 
English to French
BFR (Besoin en Fonds Roulant)WCR (Working Capital Requirement) 
French to English
bilan socialhuman resources report 
French to English
cession d'un fonds de commercetransfer of a business as a going concern 
French to English
clé RIBbank details 
French to English
code monétaire et financiermonetary and financial code 
French to English
Compte à vuecurrent account 
French to English
Compte à vuecurrent account 
French to English
compte de résultatincome statement or profit and loss statement 
French to English
comptes de régularisationaccruals 
French to English
comptes de régularisationaccrual accounts 
French to English
comptes de régularisationaccrual accounts 
French to English
comptes de régularisation et assimilésaccruals and related accounts 
French to English
comptes de regularisationadjustment account 
French to English
concessionairecessionnaire > assignee 
French to English
contrat d'émission d'obligations remboursables en actionscontract for bonds redeemable as [preferred] shares 
French to English
contribution économique territorialeregional economic contribution 
French to English
convention RAFAssigned Revenue Agreement 
French to English
Déficits Reportables Fiscalement(Tax-) allowable loss carry-forwards 
French to English
Dettes sur immobilisations et comptes rattachésamount due on fixed assets and related accounts 
French to English
Dotations nettes aux amortissements des écarts d’acquisitionNet allocation to goodwill amortization 
French to English
droits de gardesafe custody charge 
French to English
engagements de garantie reçussurety bonds received 
French to English
expert-comptablechartered accountant 
French to English
Fonds de commercegoodwill/ business 
French to English
fonds de commercebusiness 
French to English
grève ses actifs immobiliersencumbers its fixed assets 
French to English
holding periodpériode de conservation des titres 
English to French
immobilisations corporelles en cours MYFixed assets under construction for MY (Malaysia) 
French to English
impôt différé passifdeferred tax debit 
French to English
impôts et taxestaxes and duties 
French to English
instruments financiers à termefinancial futures 
French to English
la masse des obligatairesbody of debenture-holders/bondholders 
French to English
la valeur d’utilité comme alternative à la juste valeurvalue in use as an alternative to fair value 
French to English
le compte de prime d'émissionshare premium account 
French to English
marché obligataire sur les courbes américaine et européenne(further) invest in the US and European bond markets 
French to English
Plan General de Contabilidad(Standard/General) Chart of Accounts 
Spanish to English
PNB or Produit Net Bancairenet banking income / NBI 
French to English
primes d'émission, de fusion, d'apportissue, merger and acquisition premiums 
French to English
Production immobiliséefixed asset production 
French to English
Production immobiliséeself-constructed assets 
French to English
régime réel normalnon-presumptive (real) tax regime 
French to English
résultat socialcompany "result" (profit or loss) 
French to English
report a nouveauLosses brought forward from previous year 
French to English
reprises sur provisions et transferts de chargeswrite-backs of provisions and transfers of expenditure 
French to English
retours d'arrhesreturn of deposit receipts issued 
French to English
retrait DABATM cash withdrawal 
French to English
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