Translation glossary: quisiera

Showing entries 1-50 of 78
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The Dog of the Townle chien du village 
English to French
... was accessedse accedió a... 
English to Spanish
a loud thud and huge yawnun bruit sourd et un grand bâillement 
English to French
apports croisésa cross-section of sources 
French to English
Art SurgeryCirugía artística/cirugía plástica reparadora 
English to Spanish
baba de cameloBaba de camelo 
Portuguese to German
baba de cameloBaba de camelo 
Portuguese to English
Basic Powering Torque Patternpatrón basico del par de torsión 
English to Spanish
bungood / kind... 
Romanian to English
chiefjefe (de la tribu/ del poblado) 
English to Spanish
computer graphic imageimagen gráfica 
English to Spanish
coordinación de evaluación y control de estudiosAcademic assesment management and education monitoring 
Spanish to English
cordon de seguridadpolice cordon 
Spanish to English
cost/timecost-time relation 
cross-cultural surveysestudios interculturales (de Murdock) 
English to Spanish
Director ventas masivasBulk Sales Manager 
Spanish to English
en regard des économies sur la facturein relation to bottom-line savings on the bill 
French to English
ensaimadas, palo, licor de hierbasensaimadas, Palo liqueur, herb liqueur 
Spanish to English
fais toi une toile!Watch a movie! 
French to English
feu de cuvettefire in a container/basin/bowl ... 
French to English
flash qualitéposting of flash reports on quality 
French to English
folkbildningvulgarisation / general level of education 
Swedish to English
gain offensiveganar la ofensiva 
English to Spanish
gatopardismoa situation where change is more apparent than real / gatopardism 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
English to Chinese
if you are into first-person shooterssi te gustan los "shooters" en primera persona / los juegos de acción en primera persona 
English to Spanish
English to Chinese
image import图像导入 
English to Chinese
in brecciain breccia 
Italian to English
juntas de aclaracionesclarifications meetings 
Spanish to English
kicking coilbobina de reacción 
English to Spanish
leadingprincipal, mayor; delantero, destacado, puntero, líder; dirigente; relevante.... 
English to Spanish
leerlingpupil / student 
Dutch to English
lo naturalwhat's natural 
Spanish to English
load imagecarregar imagem 
English to Portuguese
load image加载图像 
English to Chinese
Loaded imageimagem carregada 
English to Portuguese
look as good as you feelluce tan bien como te sientes 
English to Spanish
English to Turkish
Medicaid consent form initiated(è stata) iniziata la procedura per il consenso sulla copertura sanitaria Medicaid 
English to Italian
minimum fixed penny ratetasa/tarifa mínima fija en peniques (MFPR por sus siglas en inglés) 
English to Spanish
near missbijna-schadegeval / near miss 
English to Dutch
organize eventsorganizar eventos (cenas, fiestas, comidas, exposiciones, etc.) 
English to Spanish
Patient is a Medicaid beneficiaryil paziente è coperto da assistenza sanitaria Medicaid 
English to Italian
Patient is not a Medicaid beneficiaryil paziente non è un coperto da assistenza sanitaria 
English to Italian
plastic stiffenerKunststoffversteifung 
English to German
plastic stiffenerпластмасов усилващ елемент/елемент за придаване на коравина 
English to Bulgarian
plastic stiffenerプラスチック(製)芯 
English to Japanese
plastic stiffenerעם שלדת פלסטיק 
English to Hebrew
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