Translation glossary: Business

Showing entries 1-31 of 31
a cobrarreceivable 
English to Spanish
a créditoon credit 
English to Spanish
a cuentachargeable -or- on account 
English to Spanish
a cuenta nuevacarried forward 
English to Spanish
a favor depayable to 
English to Spanish
a la parat par 
English to Spanish
a la vistaat sight -or- on demand 
English to Spanish
a pagarpayable -or- to be paid 
English to Spanish
at arm's lengthen condiciones de igualdad 
English to Spanish
balanced scorecardscuadro de mando integral 
English to Spanish
C.S.MConsejo Superior de Magistratura 
Portuguese to Spanish
capital suscritosubscribed share capital 
Spanish to English
Consejería de Economía o HaciendaDepartment of Economy and Finance 
Spanish to English
consolida por puesta en equivalenciaconsolidated by equity 
Spanish to English
datos del beneficiariopayee/beneficiary details 
Spanish to English
de-lever (the company)desapalancar 
English to Spanish
Eigengesellschaftmunicipal company 
German to English
En queda exclòs tot ànim de lucreany intention of making a profit is ruled out (OR any intention of making a profit is rejected) 
Catalan to English
entidad acreedoracreditor (entity) 
Spanish to English
generada por la porpia instituciónproduced by the financial institution itself 
Spanish to English
girar contradraw on 
Spanish to English
Instrumento Financiero del Espacio Económico EuropeoEEA Financial Instrument 
Spanish to English
limited liability partnershipsociedad de responsabilidad limitada 
English to Spanish
Paid Time Offausencia con permiso con goce de salario 
English to Spanish
penalidadhigher insurance premiums 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
premarket notification submissionpresentación de la notificación previa a la comercialización 
English to Spanish
respondent bankbanca corresponsal 
English to Spanish
resultados de las explotaciones económicas que se desarrollenincome from economic activities carried out 
Spanish to English
Senior debts to EBITDAdeuda principal 
English to Spanish
third party payerslos terceros que pagan dichos servicios 
English to Spanish
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