Translation glossary: Science

Showing entries 1-22 of 22
French to English
arbeitetis reacting 
German to English
Atembereich, Atemluftstromrespiration zone/breathing zone - breath airflow 
German to English
Auflichtincident light / reflection light 
German to English
ÜberlieferungsgeschichteHistory of tradition 
German to English
bed volumesvolume du lit (poreux) 
English to French
beruhigt verlassen können..the steadied (fluid) can exit through 
German to English
bigeneric spacer moleculemolecule bigénérique espaceur 
English to French
ceiling of starsPlafond (astronomie) - coupole (construction) 
English to French
cellule souchestem cell 
French to English
condensation cureAushärtung durch Kondensation 
English to German
robotic skinKunsthaut 
English to German
séquence d\'effacementerasure pulses 
French to English
skin moldHautbildende Formen 
English to German
slit to agarSTA (TM like trademark) (Slit-to-Agar) 
English to German
Strangfurcheligature furrow / rope furrow 
German to English
the mean plusla moyenne plus 
English to French
toolingBearbeitung / Nachbearbeitung / Bestückung / Werkzeugbau 
English to German
Verdrängung (vs Deplacement)displacement 
German to English
well plategodet 
English to French
wet chemical benchesbanc d'essai chimique humide 
English to French
Wuergemalestrangulation marks 
German to English
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