Translation glossary: UN Glossary

Showing entries 1-50 of 443
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Accepts the financial reportacepta el informe financiero 
English to Spanish
Accepts with appreciation the offeracepta con reconocimiento el ofrecimiento 
English to Spanish
Accepts with deep appreciation the invitation 
English to Spanish
Accepts with gratitude the generous offersacepta con agradecimiento el generoso ofrecimiento 
English to Spanish
Accordingly recommends that the Security Council should reconsiderrecomienda en consecuencia al Consejo de Seguridad que reconsidere 
English to Spanish
Acknowledges that the formulation and implementation 
English to Spanish
Acknowledges with appreciation the assistanceagradece la ayuda 
English to Spanish
Acknowledging the role 
English to Spanish
Acting in accordance with the recommendation 
English to Spanish
Addresses a solemn appeal to all Stateshace un solemne llamamiento a todos los Estados 
English to Spanish
Adhering to the recommendations 
English to Spanish
Adopts and proclaims the International Declaration 
English to Spanish
Affirming its belief thatafirmando su creeancia de que 
English to Spanish
Affirming the importanceafirmando la importancia 
English to Spanish
Affirms once again its recognition 
English to Spanish
Affirms the rightafirma el derecho 
English to Spanish
Again appeals for generous direct contributionshace nuevamente un llamamiento para que se aporten generosas contribuciones 
English to Spanish
Again calls upon the racist regime 
English to Spanish
Again draws the attention of the Security Council 
English to Spanish
Again pledges its solidarityreafirma nuevamente su solidaridad 
English to Spanish
Again reiterates the firm intention 
English to Spanish
Again requests all Statespide nuevamente a todos los Estados 
English to Spanish
Agreeing with the observationsestando de acuerdo con las observaciones 
English to Spanish
Agrees further that 
English to Spanish
Agrees to the arrangementsacepta los arreglos 
English to Spanish
Alarmed at the frantic efforts 
English to Spanish
Alarmed by the threatalarmada por la amenaza 
English to Spanish
Also decides that the election of officers 
English to Spanish
Also endorses the observationshace suyas asimismo las observaciones 
English to Spanish
Also invites the Economic and Social Council 
English to Spanish
Also notes with appreciation the Secretary-General's intention 
English to Spanish
Also taking into consideration the relevant part 
English to Spanish
Also welcomes the progress 
English to Spanish
Amends the Staff Regulationsenmienda el Estatuto del Personal 
English to Spanish
Anxious thatdeseosa de que 
English to Spanish
Anxious to expedite and facilitate the convening of the political conferencedeseosa de acelerar y facilitar la celebración de la conferencia política 
English to Spanish
Appeals once again to all Stateshace un llamamiento a todos los Estados Miembros 
English to Spanish
Appeals to all Member States 
English to Spanish
Appeals with a sense of urgency to Governmentshace un llamamiento urgente a los gobiernos 
English to Spanish
Applauds the award 
English to Spanish
Appoints Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-Generalnombra al Sr. X Secretario General 
English to Spanish
Appreciating thatreconociendo que 
English to Spanish
Appreciating the effortsreconociendo los esfuerzos 
English to Spanish
Approves in principle the Secretary-General's proposalaprueba en principio la propuesta del Secretario General 
English to Spanish
Approves the first reportaprueba el primer informe 
English to Spanish
Asserting thatafirmando que 
English to Spanish
Asserts the fundamental importanceafirma la importancia fundamental 
English to Spanish
Assures the peopleasegura al pueblo 
English to Spanish
Attaching great importance to the training 
English to Spanish
Attaching particular importance to the question 
English to Spanish
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